#mental japa


As many people, I have a lot of difficulties to meditate. But there’s a meditation called mental japa that can be done in multiples ways and is very efficient.


You can spoke your mantra or the name of your divinity loud or softer while you contemplating your god or goddess. But you can also do it by writing, which is very efficient too.

Vaikhari Japa is spoken loud enough so that, although this is not why it is so loud (unless it is a group japa session), nearby people can hear it recited. It may be useful when there are other sounds nearby (though some consider this to be a mistake)[16] or when concentration is difficult and is thus considered most suitable for beginners. (wikipedia)

Personally, I would love to say “Hermes” very loud during a session, but it’s impossible, because the walls of my apartment are thin like paper. My next door neighbours got a rabbit and I sometime hear him tapping vigorously his paw on the floor…(I nicknamed him Cap’tain Pan-Pan)

Upamshu Japa is said quietly, at a whisper. It is said to be one hundred times more effective than vaikhari japa. During upamshu japa the practitioner’s lips should barely move so it is difficult for an observer to see that anything is being said. (wikipedia)

I often practise it, just whispering the name of Hermes on each expiration is the best for me. It’s a silent prayer to the name of the divinity conveyed by the breath and the feelings of your relation with the divine.

Manasika Japa is recited in the mind. It is said to be one thousand times more effective than upamshu japa and thus 100 000 times more effective than vaikhari japa. It is also said to be difficult or   impossible to practice for those who are not already grounded in vaikhari japa practice.(wikipedia)

I’m not experimented enough to try this one, my mind is like a bunch of cats after a laser pointer…

Likhita japa is the writing of a mantra while, usually, reciting it aloud at the same time. Proponents say it is more effective than simply reciting the mantra aloud. Likhita japa is often written in a book dedicated to the purpose. Books intended for shorter mantras have a grid of rectangular cells with each cell holding one instance of the mantra. Practitioners may use different coloured ink to write in certain cells in order to make a decorative or symbolic pattern (wikipedia)

My favourite meditation method to stop the enraged cats in my mind…Write very slowly and carefully the name of your divinity and once it’s done, whisper the name.

As I write, I contemplate the name with an intention to honour and love my god.Write the name slowly and gently, the pen is caressing the paper and convey your feelings in the name of the divinity. Whisper the name…

Don’t force yourself to write pages and pages, I keep a notebook exclusively for this practise and often write just half of the page, very slowly. In a world where things are faster and faster, this meditation is a real quality time with your deity :)
