


A perspective on “signs;” internal rather than external.

Things that many people consider to be signs, [ie animal sightings, bugs, feathers, weather changes, head/stomach aches, patterns, numbers etc.] are all constantly naturally occurring around you. Externally, these things are existing at all times. So as they say, if you’re constantly looking for “signs”, you’ll find them.

This is why I do not consider signs to be physical/external. A deity is most likely not putting something physical in your path to communicate with you. Instead, your deity is in your head, calling your attention to something that is already around you. Its not the external object that is the sign, but what happens in your head when you notice it.

You could see 50 birds in a day and hardly notice them, then suddenly see a bird and feel something. It’s not because your deity is controlling that specific bird. It’s because your deity is highlighting that bird for you from within, likely because it’s something that will make sense to you. If you don’t understand a “sign,” it’s probably not actually a sign. Your deity has no use for trying to communicate via something you don’t understand.

In addition, here are some questions to ask yourself about signs:

1. Did I ask for a sign? (not all signs are solicited, but if you haven’t asked you don’t need to be on the lookout; or you’ll drive yourself mad trying to decipher normal patterns in nature)

2. Is there a specific question I need answered or problem I’m seeking help on? Does this “sign” give me any insight or answers?

3. Does this sign mean anything to me? Do I have personal associations with it?

4. Is this happening in it’s normal pattern, or out of the ordinary? (Normal such as, seeing a certain time on a clock, a species that is native to your area, feathers near a bird nest, foretasted weather, etc. or abnormal such as a wild animal in town, a large gust of wind in an otherwise calm day, a creature not normally seen in your area, a glitch in technology, etc.) Normal things on their own are not often signs, but can be depending on the other questions!

5. Did this spark an emotion, thought, feeling/vibe, etc? Did it cause an urge to do something, go somewhere? Remind you of a person? Did an answer pop into your head?

Ultimately, signs are a form of communication, to help point you in the right direction. So if you are not feeling any sort of message or answer, and there is not a personal meaning to you, it might not be a sign. Likewise, if you see something, no matter how ordinary, and feel a message from your deity, you have your sign, and should feel confident in that!








would ya look at that, ive made a quiz. to find out which greek goddess you channel, click here! then, reblog with your moon sign & resullt

Hecate // Capricorn

Themis // Gemini

Aphrodite // Scorpio

Also aphrodite // scorpio

Persephone// virgo

Persephone // Taurus

Athena // Libra

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBCK5pSgS2YThis weeks video was on the Vonindod, the mighty w

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBCK5pSgS2Y

This weeks video was on the Vonindod, the mighty weapon of the giants. I planned this video a while ago and coincidentally Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance released some more lore for this weapon so I was happy.

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The highest ranking modrons of the hierarch modrons. Second in their society only to Primus itself. The highest ranking modrons of the hierarch modrons. Second in their society only to Primus itself.

The highest ranking modrons of the hierarch modrons. Second in their society only to Primus itself. Check out my channel for videos on the modorns, their society and soon, on Primus itself.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcFsxfrenLv_Nx0oxSmBhA

Post link

Plugging my Witchytok here !! It’s been slow since thinking of what new content to do, while I do have some ideas I am


I’ll be posting more about my work with my deities and channelings, spells, tarot readings and so forth!!


ANGERONA Goddess of secrecy. Angerone is portrayed with her mouth bound
and sealed, her finger raised to her mouth in a gesture of warning. The
ancients thought names powerful; the commonly known name of an
individual or a community was often not the real name at all, the real
name being a closely guard secret. Very probably the cult of Angerona
guarded the secret name of the city of Rome. Little else is known of

ATTIS A god of vegetation, similar to Tammuz and Adonis. Imported
together with his mother Cybele from Persia. Driven mad by the deranged
love of his mother, Attis castrated himself under a pine tree. Attis’
priests were eunuchs.

BELLONA War goddess. Bellona’s priests were recruited from the
gladiators, and emissaries were received at her temple

CYBELE An Asian goddess adopted by the Greeks and Romans. A healer,
mistress of fertility and untamed nature, a protector in war. Cybele is
always accompanied by two lions. Cybele granted immortality to those who
worshipped her. Cybele’s priests danced wildly and mutilated themselves.
Her festivals, held at the beginning of spring, were occasions for wild

FAUNA Goddess of fertility. Fauna’s festival, which seems to have been
quite an orgy, was open only to women, being strictly forbidden to men.

FAUNUS God of crops and herds. An oracle. Faunus’ temple, the Lupercal,
was supposed to have been the site where the she-wolf suckled Romulus
and Remus. Goats and dogs were sacrificed at his festival, the
Lupercalia, and priests dressed in newly skinned goat hides whipped
women who wished to become pregnant with whips made of goatskin.

FEBRUUS The Etruscan god of the underworld, later associated with Dis
Pater, the Latin equivalent of Hades. The month of the dead, February,
is named after him.

FIDES God of faithfulness.

FLORA Goddess of flowers and blooming plants. Usually shown with a
wreath of flowers in her hair. A favorite deity of courtesans, Flora’s
festivals were held in April and May.

FORTUNA Goddess of fate and chance. Fortuna’s statue was kept veiled,
because she was ashamed of the capriciousness of her favors. Fortuna is
represented by the sphere, the ship’s rudder, the cornucopia, and the
wheel. To this day, wheels of fortune can be found in casinos, and the
wheel on the tenth card of the Major Arcana is Fortuna.

GENIUS A guardian who protects both individuals and homes.

JANUS Guardian of entrances and exits, the opener of all things who
looks inward as well as outward, custodian of the universe. Janus’
two-faced image was usually displayed over doorways and gates. Janus
signifies both past and future wisdom. Janus is the god of beginnings,
so the first month of each year, the first day of each month, and the
first hour of each day are dedicated to him. Janus was the first god to
be mentioned in prayers, even before Jupiter.

LAR God of the house, a cheerful and beautiful youth.

MARS God of farming, war and springtime. Like the typical Roman citizen,
Mars was first a farmer and then a soldier. The wolf, the oak and the
woodpecker are sacred to Mars. Often identified with the Greek god Ares,
but the differences are more important than the similarities. For one
thing, the Romans liked Mars.

MITHRAS The god who dies and rises again, god of vegetation, the sun
god, the Savior who who redeems mankind from evil. A Roman version of a
Persian god. Especially popular among soldiers, Mithras was widely
worshipped throughout the Roman empire and gave Christianity a run for
its money. Mithras’ cult served a number of purposes and its
organization was highly complex. A temple of Mithras served as a social
club, a place of worship, a dramatic society, a magical society, an
officers’ club, and much more. The worshippers of Mithras conducted
elaborate ceremonies to which no woman was admitted. The worship of
Mithras emphasized correct behavior in this world, which was the only
way to win the favor of the god in the next. There were different
degrees of initiation into the cult, each degree having its own name:
the Crow, the Secret, the Soldier, the Lion, the Fathers and many more
on up to the King of Kings, which was open only to those of royal blood.
Initiates were placed under a grating upon which a bull had been
slaughtered and were drenched in its blood, signifying the emergence
from death to rebirth. Ceremonies generally took place in caverns or
rooms made up to look like caverns, and involved the wild beating of
drums, anointings with honey, the unveiling of hidden statues, and the
use of hallucenogenic drugs.

OPS Goddess of the harvest. Identified with the Greek goddess RHEA.

QUIRINIAS A mystery. Originally a war god of the Sabines, later a state
god of the Romans. One of the highest gods of ancient Rome, every bit as
important as Mars or Jupiter, yet almost nothing is known today of
Quirinias or his worship.

TELLUS MATER An ancient earth goddess. Pregnant cows were sacrificed on
her festival, April 15. Tellus is one of the very oldest gods, dating
back to the time before the Roman religion was formalized.

VESTA “The Shining One.” Goddess of domestic life and the hearth.
Worshipped privately in the home and publicly in Vesta’s temple. In the
home, Vesta lived near the hearth and was offered food and drink at
every meal. The Vestal Virgins served her, and (apart from mothers who
were allowed to bring offerings during festivals) were the only ones
allowed to enter her temple. The Vestal Virgins, chosen only from the
nobility, tended a sacred fire which was the symbol of the hearth of the
nation. A strict vow of chastity was imposed on the Virgins, and a
Virgin caught breaking the vow was walled up alive. In more than a
thousand years, only twenty women were so punished.

Posted by, Phynxrizng


laeta Vestalia!

today we begin to celebrate Vestalia (7th-15th June). it is the celebration of the goddess Vesta, goddess of ritual fire, hearth-fire and home. she is also associated with chastity and purity.

the festival, in history, was the only time in which women other than Vestal Virgins could enter the Temple of Vesta. they would offer and pray to the goddess in hopes of receiving her blessing on their home.

today, you can light a ritual fire, pray and offer bread to Vesta for her blessing, as well as cleaning your house on the 15th, as the Vestal Virgins did in the temple.

clerical-error:An emissary of Nefertem reminds you that at every sunrise, the world is created anew.


An emissary of Nefertem reminds you that at every sunrise, the world is created anew. A new beginning awaits you.

Nefertem is an Ancient Egyptian god associated with perfume and flowers (especially the blue lotus), healing, and the newborn sun. Though He was most frequently depicted as a human with a lotus over His head, He could also be shown as a lion as the son of Sekhmet or Bast. Lotus flowers rise up from the muddy waters to bloom at sunrise, just as the sun rises from the dark every morning to illuminate the world once again. In some creation stories, Nefertem is the child-god born from the first lotus emerging from the primeval waters.

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is it possible to worship the Moon as the Maiden, Mother and Crone ?? what are some of yalls experiences ??

Thisis not an attack I’m using this as a chance to talk about the concept.

(aw man i accidentally clicked off the reblog I had)

Maiden-Mother-Crone (MMC for my own sanity) is it’s own theological framework. Created entirely in the early 20th century and has evolved and gained more meanings, associations, and worship over the past 100 years. It is not ancient and no ancient Goddess truly fits this framework.

It shouldn’t be placed on any Goddess unless that Goddess appears as a maiden, mother, and ‘crone’ within their own mythology and historical religion. That mythology and history coming from vetted, peer reviewed, academic consensus— by people actually in the ancient history fields. This includes any female moon deities: Selene, Artemis, Hekate (Greek) Diana, Luna (Roman) Šelardi (Urartian), Ilargi (Basque). [Most moon dieties are male in my knowledge]

The associations and meanings behind each MMC aspect were created by the neo-pagan movement; thus they don’t match up to the maidenhood, motherhood, or crone(hood?) of the cultures and cultus of any ancient deities. For example, the maidenhood of a Theos [Greek], a Dingir [Mesopotamian], and a Netjer [Egyptian] are all going to be different. Therefore cannot fit into the box the neo-pagan community has defined as maiden Goddesses i.e what you will read about the MMC aspects in books and websites.

Triple MMC Goddess Framework

As an example here it is explained on one website: https://wiccaliving.com/wiccan-triple-goddess/

The concept of a triple deity can be traced back to ancient civilizations […] example is the goddess Hera, who has three different roles in Greek mythology: Girl, Woman, and Widow.

No, she can’t. This is a watered down view of Hera. She is girl [Pais], bethrothed [Nympheuomenê], adult woman [Teleia], widow [Khêra] among many other epithets. Her epithets do not correspond to the MMC aspects. These four epithets have no connection to the moon’s cycle or the cycle of seasons which are both often connected to MMC framework in neo-paganism. The explanations and associations of Maidenhood in the MMC framework are dissimilar to the “girl” stage of ancient Greek life. The explanations and associations of Motherhood in the MMC framework are dissimilar to the “Adult Woman” stage that Hera represents. I also don’t think Widow and Crone should be synonymous does a crone have to lose her spouse?

These major goddesses were likely at least part of the inspiration for an important book in the history of Wicca’s development: The White Goddess: a Historical Grammar of Poetic MythbyRobert Graves. Graves was a British poet and scholar, writing around the time that Gerald Gardner and others were first practicing their form of Witchcraft which eventually became known as Wicca. The White Goddess made the case that cultures throughout pre-Christian Europe and the ancient Middle East worshipped a White Goddess of Birth, Love, and Death, and that she had different names in different regions.

Robert Graves book is rejected by scholars; it is a work of modern poetic ideas and speculation.

Other, earlier writers also described a Triple Goddess, including Aleister CrowleyandSigmund Freud. Gardner himself did not worship the Triple Goddess in his tradition, but other Witches of the time were drawn to her, including Robert Cochrane, who is often credited with bringing her into the modern Witchcraft movement.

Crowley has no credentials to claim facts about ancient cultus without actual historical academic sources. His own religion Thelema makes use of Egyptian deities in an ahistorical fashion. Robert Cochrane also has no credentials to speak on ancient cultus without actual historical academic sources. He even lied about being a hereditary witch for awhile, not exactly trustworthy. Freud speaking accurately on ancient cultus is legitimately laughable. I had no idea he did commentary about this.

However, it was during the 1970s that the Triple Goddess as we know her today—Maiden, Mother and Crone—became firmly rooted in many forms of Wicca. But rather than being a single identity taking different forms, the Wiccan Triple Goddess is typically represented by three separate deities, each an aspect of the Goddess in her own right. These may be borrowed from one or more ancient cultures. For example, many worship Diana (Roman) as the Maiden, Isis (Egyptian) as the Mother, and Kali (Hindu) as the Crone. These designations are rooted in the individual deities’ roles within the cultures they are borrowed from. Isis, for instance, was a mother goddess in ancient Egypt. Each aspect within the Triple Goddess is associated with particular seasons and other natural phenomena, as well as human characteristics and elements of life on Earth. These associations can be used to call on the appropriate aspect of the Goddess during magical work, ritual worship, and prayer.

This is not true for many of the Wiccan & neo-pagan materials I have read. Many see her as one deity. Additionally, even if you designate three different deities for these aspects it is still inaccurate in regards to the ancient deity’s actual theological traits and meaning, as I mentioned about Hera.

Labeling Isis as “Mother” within the MMC framework adds meaning onto her. Meaning developed by the Wiccan/Witch/Neo-Pagan movement including: what it means to be a mother outside the concept in ancient Egypt, a moon phase, a modern life stage, a season, personality traits, energy traits, magic traits, divination meanings, and/or the western element system. Which is further illustrated in the next link. None of it has anything to do with Isis.

Yes,we can modernize our view of Goddesses, after we take the time to understand the accurate historical view. I absolutely have done this—my view of Hera Teleia, “adult woman,” is extremely modernized in my practice. But in the MMC framwork a LOT of associations and meanings are added by default for each aspect.

Another website: https://witchcraft101.com/blogs/wicca/maiden-mother-and-crone-the-meaning-of-triple-goddess-symbols

According to a lot of Wiccan traditions, the Goddess takes a three-fold form, known as the Triple Goddess. Her aspects, known as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, are aligned with the phases of the Moon’s cycle as it orbits the Earth-the waxing crescent, the Full Moon, and the waning crescent. These aspects are also the three phases of a woman’s life in terms of physical reproduction which is before, during, and after the body’s ability to have a child.

Like I said above, all of these aspects would have to be superimposed onto a Goddess as a modern ahistorical theology. Not only that but the focus on biology takes away from the deity’s divinity. In addition it is completely inaccurate physically for plenty of ciswoman who literally cannot go through those life phases or who choose not to. (I didn’t mentioning NB & Transwoman specifically to emphasize that the terf-y argument about how the Tripled Goddess “represents "real” women’s life phases uwu" is still bullshit. MMC doesn’t represent any woman’s life phases cis or trans)


Also…..that website claims some real bullshit about how it existed before Graves with the example of Hekate. Then a few others with absolutely no proof and it even sounds like made up BS from the get go.

Hekate being a Triple MMC Goddess or the MMC Crone aspect is completely modern from the early 20th century. She is a triple Goddess in a sense but not MMC. Here is a great article about her various forms through history: https://baringtheaegis.tumblr.com/post/95746844271/hello-a-friend-recommended-you-is-there-anything

Here are some more info on Hekate: https://michi-izkur-ereshkigal.tumblr.com/post/188158487998/hey-michi-so-im-super-glad-that-i-found-your

Final Thoughts/Answer to Post

Trying to fit any of the Theoi[Greek],Dei[Roman],Dingirene[Mesopotamia],Netjeru[Egyptian],'Iluma[Canannite],'Ālihat[Arabian],Siwannies[Hittite],Enna[Hurrian],*Deywóes [PIE], into the Triple Goddes Maiden-Mother-Crone theological framework is an inaccurate ahistorical view of those deities, plain and simple. “Triple MMC Goddess” label should not be slapped onto any Goddess with the claim its who she was in ancient cultus. Like Wolkstein did in her book about Inana.

If you can find a deity worshipped in such a way in their historic cultus then go for it, otherwise if you want to be accurate to the deities identity then don’t. I highly suggest looking into the actual cultures (which I put in brackets) and theology of those pantheons.

I realize this isn’t going to change anyone’s practice because many many people worship MMC with ancient Goddess names. Thats okay imo IF you can say “[Insert Goddess] wasn’t an MMC Goddess or aspect in her ancient religion but I see her and worship her in this concept today,” and aren’t worshipping them in Recon-Revive practice. It’s really really not that hard to say it and I don’t understand why witches/neo-pagans/polytheists are hyper-allergicto admitting something is modern.

Or you could also just worship MMC on her own as a Goddess not with an ancient name. I have seen a moon MMC goddess worshiped that way; as “The Maiden,” “The Mother.” and “The Crone,” with no name. Worship the moon as literally just the Moon and in this framework. I’ve worshipped the Sun, no name or anything.





Long Mu [龍母] or Mother of Dragons was a Chinese woman who was deified as a goddess after raising five infant dragons.

Wen Shi frequently went to the Xi River to fish and wash clothes for her family. On one such errand, she found a large smooth white stone along the banks of the river. She took the beautiful stone home, but later discovered that the stone was actually an egg, from which hatched five baby snakes. Wen Shi’s family was poor, but Wen Shi saved the best food she had for her baby snakes and fed them by hand.

As the snakes grew, they helped Wen Shi catch fish at the Xi River. The snakes were natural swimmers and became very good at catching fish. The snakes eventually matured into five powerful dragons. In Chinese culture, dragons are considered spirits of water, and have the power to control the weather; during a drought, therefore, Wen Shi asked her dragon children to summon the rain for her village. When rain came and ended the drought, the grateful villagers gave Wen Shi the name “Mother of Dragons.”

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oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing oylmpians: moodboard: brigid ↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing


moodboard: brigid

irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing

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The traditional associations of casting circles are pretty simple: call the spirits of the elements at each of the cardinal directions, invoke whatever deity or deities with whom you work, “brush” or push the negative forces out from within the circle to without it, and then seal it with your own magick and Will. 

The problem is, though, that this was created by people living in the United Kingdom, and as such it was created with the UK’s cardinal directions in mind. These are not always appropriate for where you live, though! Traditionally, you would invoke

Earth in the East
Fire in the South
Water in the West
Air in the North

But here in Australia that makes no sense. In Britain, the further south (towards the equator) you move, the hotter it gets… but in Australia you move NORTH to approach the equator. Fire spirits would be found more towards the North of Australia where the heat is greater and the days are more equal.

In Britain, with the Arctic to the North, Air is placed in the far North as Air spirits love the cold and winds of tundra plains. However, being a Southern hemisphere country, Australia’s cold region is the Antarctic to the South, and so it makes more sense to listen to the Air spirits there, where you’ll actually find them. 

Here on the East Coast of Australia the beautiful Great Dividing Range - a vast mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles and divides our beautiful nation in twain - and the bulk of the Australian continent stretch out towards the West. Meanwhile, to our East, the south Pacific ocean flows with vast Ocean spirits that bring cyclones and thunderstorms to our fair continent. So it makes sense to not place Earth in the East like in the UK (where Europe is all eastwards) but instead in the West, and likewise place Water in the East where the largest ocean on Earth sits, placidly, waiting to devour us all.

But, of course, this is not the same for all! Japan might choose to have the Air of Hokkaido and the Arctic in the North, equatorial Fire in the South, Pacific Water in the East, and Asian Earth in the West; Kenya might have Fire in the East to represent the great Sahara Desert, Water in the West, Earth in the North and Air in the South. The world s full of diversity, and adhering rigidly to the rules of a bunch of 1920s British Wiccans who’d barely even left England in their entire lives and had never seen a non-white person probably isn’t the best idea in our modern world of inexpensive plane tickets and cultural diversity. 

Live on, my bright Wiccans and Witches of the wider world, and let the Spirits of your own lands guide you!

– Juniper Wildwalk, Wiccan of the World


Low Effort Magic

I have a hard time doing something that involves magic every day, even though I’ve been on this path for quite some time.

Practicing magic a lot is by no means mandatory but it does help (in my opinion) to get better at it and it just helps with everyday problems. So here are some low effort activities you can do everyday that will hopefully help those of you with similar problems!

  • Write words like “protection”, “healing” or whatever you want into your drink with a straw or spoon before you drink it. Or draw sigils in it.
  • If you feel super exhausted for no apparent reason, open a window and scream or, if you like it, put on some angry punk or metal music to banish whatever is feeding on your energy. While you’re doing that, keep in mind that you want to banish. Otherwise you’re just playing angry music. Yelling “Fuck off” also does the trick.
  • When you eat or drink something, try to pinpoint at least one magical property of each ingredient in your drink/food. It can also be one that has no historical evidence but is personal to you. That will help keep you in the magic mindset and also helps you to get all if that info into your long-term memory.
  • Open the window, stand in front of it and breathe in the air deeply with your eyes closed while you remind yourself that tge wind is part of nature and that you’re connected to it. It doesn’t have to be a half hour meditation, 5 seconds get the job done as well.
  • Offer everyday activities to your deities. For example: cooking for Hestia, standing up for yourself for Loki, practicing magic or **self care time** for Freyja, disposing of trash the correct way to your local nature spirits, etc
  • Take a shower or a bath, or just wash your face or brush your teeth with the intent of cleansing yourself from all that negative energy that has built up over the day.

That’s all for this time. If you like it I’ll do another one. :)


What can we work on with our deities?

Regardless of the type of relationship you share with your deities, there’s a good chance you spend some time learning new things for them or with them.

For me, I don’t wait, I actively ask for lessons. Those are some of those lessons’ topics:

Hades: intense shadow work, trauma processing, grief processing, empath work, some ancestry work

Hermes: philosophy, quantum physics, energy work, some divination techniques ideas, physical activity

Aphrodite: some love related shadow work, self acceptance work, affirmations

Rhea: coping with endometriosis, Coping with breastfeeding, self acceptance

Ares: anger management, gentle parenting, Coping with breastfeeding, motivation

Leto and Artemis: parenting, labor pain (and pregnancy in general)

Apollo: anxiety, physical pain, first aid for others

Hestia: home making, cooking, cleaning, sharing abundance

Demeter: gathering wild plants, herbalism

Dionysos: bartending, how to relax

Each of them is a wonderful tutor, we have so much to learn and so little time to do so. What better way to enjoy our time here than to learn lessons from the Gods?

arjuna-vallabha: Saraswati, Kerala, photo by Iyer Boy


Saraswati, Kerala, photo by Iyer Boy

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acturianacademy: Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? D


Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? Do you want to share your knowledge with others and help them on their path? Would you enjoy working with an engaged and dedicated team of mentors and magic practitioners? Then you should consider becoming a mentor with Acturian Academy!
What is Acturian Academy?
Acturian Academy is an online witchcraft and magic academy dedicated to supplying free guidance and information on a wide variety of occult and magical topics. We are not affiliated with any religion or form of practice and accept students and mentors from all paths and belief systems. Our semesters last 10 weeks at a time and are hosted on Google Classroom. Our next semester will begin in early February. We have a community set up on Discord as well to allow students, staff, and faculty to engage with and learn from one another.
Requirements for Mentors
Prospective Mentors should have two or more years experience in their field of study, be 16 years of age or older, and must undergo training and pass with an 80% or higher. Once a mentor has signed on with Acturian Academy, the contract being signed holds them to a standard of teaching which states that they must have a semester or more of their class ready before their class will be listed as available to take.
Areas of Interest
We are currently looking for mentors to teach classes in the areas of
-Self Love Witchcraft
-Energy Work
-Weather Witchcraft
-Glamours/Glamour Magic
-Death Magic/Death Witchcraft/Ancestral Magic
-Grimoire Design/BoS Design
-Spoonie Witchcraft
-Sea Magic
-Sex Magic (18+ applicants only please)
While these are our most sought after needs at the moment, we also welcome you to teach your interests! Mentors may teach multiple classes at once as well, as long as they can complete lessons on time.
If you are interested in joining us at Acturian Academy, please fill out our application at https://acturianacademy.typeform.com/to/tew3VQ
If you have any questions, please feel free to message us, send an ask, or email us at [email protected].
Hope to be speaking with you soon!
~Mentor Sydney, Head of Student Affairs

Post link
Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? Do you want to sha

Are you a witch, wizard, or other practitioner of magic or scholar of the occult? Do you want to share your knowledge with others and help them on their path? Would you enjoy working with an engaged and dedicated team of mentors and magic practitioners? Then you should consider becoming a mentor with Acturian Academy!

What is Acturian Academy?

Acturian Academy is an online witchcraft and magic academy dedicated to supplying free guidance and information on a wide variety of occult and magical topics. We are not affiliated with any religion or form of practice and accept students and mentors from all paths and belief systems. Our semesters last 10 weeks at a time and are hosted on Google Classroom. Our next semester will begin in early February. We have a community set up on Discord as well to allow students, staff, and faculty to engage with and learn from one another. 

Requirements for Mentors

Prospective Mentors should have two or more years experience in their field of study, be 16 years of age or older, and must undergo training and pass with an 80% or higher. Once a mentor has signed on with Acturian Academy, the contract being signed holds them to a standard of teaching which states that they must have a semester or more of their class ready before their class will be listed as available to take.

Areas of Interest

We are currently looking for mentors to teach classes in the areas of


     -Self Love Witchcraft

     -Energy Work
-Weather Witchcraft


     -Glamours/Glamour Magic

     -Death Magic/Death Witchcraft/Ancestral Magic

     -Grimoire Design/BoS Design

     -Spoonie Witchcraft

     -Sea Magic

     -Sex Magic (18+ applicants only please)

While these are our most sought after needs at the moment, we also welcome you to teach your interests! Mentors may teach multiple classes at once as well, as long as they can complete lessons on time.

If you are interested in joining us at Acturian Academy, please DM @starlight-and-coffee or email [email protected]. Please feel free to message us, send an ask, or email us at [email protected] as well!

Hope to be speaking with you soon!
~Mentor Sydney, Head of Student Affairs

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maybe if you sat down and let god guide your broken hands you’d feel better.
