


from a classicist perspective i know that the true forms of the gods are humongous but from a person who has good opinions about greek mythology perspective i know in my heart that hermes is 5'2

aHHHHH not me being given the urge to clean my semi-cluttered car (and ignoring it) and then a ROACH appearing hgjdjfhh

hermes if you sent that IM SORRY


Muses, tell me about the bright-eyed trickster, whose poker face is an unceasing grin while he counts cards and only ever “loses” for his own entertainment.

Tell me about the lover who falls into bed with laughter that tastes like sunlight on strawberries.

Tell me about the mysterious man who keeps an eye on kids searching for identity through spray paint on concrete, who keeps the cops away.

Muses, speak to me of the gentle guide in the dark cloak, who takes souls by the hand, ushering them away from their still bodies, and soothes them all the way to their next destination.



ahjfjfhf i was writing something and ended up slipping a small prayer to Athena in it and I liked it so I’m sharing it here! quick and easy, and it rhymes so that really helps me remember it lol

“Lady Athena, guide my hand;

Beside me always may you stand.

Entrust to me the victor’s share;

Grey-eyed goddess, hear my prayer.”

ok I also wrote one for Apollo but forgot to post it:

“Lord Apollo, Phoebus bright,

Shelter me in healing light.

With silver bow and unshorn hair,

Protect me always; hear my prayer.”

hermes addition!

“Hermes, guide my steady path,

Shelter me from needless wrath;

Messenger of gods, O guide,

Be with me always at my side.”

caemidraws:fast delivery…


fast delivery…

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As many people, I have a lot of difficulties to meditate. But there’s a meditation called mental japa that can be done in multiples ways and is very efficient.


You can spoke your mantra or the name of your divinity loud or softer while you contemplating your god or goddess. But you can also do it by writing, which is very efficient too.

Vaikhari Japa is spoken loud enough so that, although this is not why it is so loud (unless it is a group japa session), nearby people can hear it recited. It may be useful when there are other sounds nearby (though some consider this to be a mistake)[16] or when concentration is difficult and is thus considered most suitable for beginners. (wikipedia)

Personally, I would love to say “Hermes” very loud during a session, but it’s impossible, because the walls of my apartment are thin like paper. My next door neighbours got a rabbit and I sometime hear him tapping vigorously his paw on the floor…(I nicknamed him Cap’tain Pan-Pan)

Upamshu Japa is said quietly, at a whisper. It is said to be one hundred times more effective than vaikhari japa. During upamshu japa the practitioner’s lips should barely move so it is difficult for an observer to see that anything is being said. (wikipedia)

I often practise it, just whispering the name of Hermes on each expiration is the best for me. It’s a silent prayer to the name of the divinity conveyed by the breath and the feelings of your relation with the divine.

Manasika Japa is recited in the mind. It is said to be one thousand times more effective than upamshu japa and thus 100 000 times more effective than vaikhari japa. It is also said to be difficult or   impossible to practice for those who are not already grounded in vaikhari japa practice.(wikipedia)

I’m not experimented enough to try this one, my mind is like a bunch of cats after a laser pointer…

Likhita japa is the writing of a mantra while, usually, reciting it aloud at the same time. Proponents say it is more effective than simply reciting the mantra aloud. Likhita japa is often written in a book dedicated to the purpose. Books intended for shorter mantras have a grid of rectangular cells with each cell holding one instance of the mantra. Practitioners may use different coloured ink to write in certain cells in order to make a decorative or symbolic pattern (wikipedia)

My favourite meditation method to stop the enraged cats in my mind…Write very slowly and carefully the name of your divinity and once it’s done, whisper the name.

As I write, I contemplate the name with an intention to honour and love my god.Write the name slowly and gently, the pen is caressing the paper and convey your feelings in the name of the divinity. Whisper the name…

Don’t force yourself to write pages and pages, I keep a notebook exclusively for this practise and often write just half of the page, very slowly. In a world where things are faster and faster, this meditation is a real quality time with your deity :)

 I just told Hermes that I was happy to hear Zeus Thunder even if it was short…I live on the

I just told Hermes that I was happy to hear Zeus Thunder even if it was short…I live on the French Riviera, so Zeus rarely come here. In fact, the French Riviera is permanently blessed by Apollo, who increases the temperature and also the price per square meter  :) The photo come from my Flickr gallery, Nice, my town, was named originally Nike from the Greek goddess of victory, but due to the weather, Apollo is the protector of the town.

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I didn’t post anything since two months because in July, I was so busy learning my new job that I hardly had time or energy and August was sad because one of my cousin lost her battle to cancer.It took her very quickly,there was nothing to do any more :,(… I really hate summer, because in my family, people always die in summer, even pets.

Now if eventually someone read this, I must apologise in advance, because now,I have a loooot of posts to make, on the gods, on upg, but a lot on Hermes and trust me, he’s not boring like I am. I will continue too the posts on my personal witchy fails because I think it’s also important (and sometimes funny) and general witchcraft.

You’re warned, boredom in view.

1/ In French, I always call him “Filou”, a cute slang word for “trickster”. This morning, I enter the word “Filou” in google translate to learn if the translation is really correct and to my surprise, google translation identified “Filou” as a Greek word…I gave a try, “Filou” is similar to “Friend” in Greek”… I picked up my jaw on the floor and left my house for an errand but he didn’t stopped here…

2/ After my errand, he insisted that I should take a walk…I was not happy, because :     

                    A/ I have a low budget for myself this month and I should be careful with temptations.

                    B/ My town, in a red zone for Covid, with mandatory mask everywhere, decided to welcome “LE TOUR DE FRANCE”(Search for the error…). Even by walk, it’s not a good day because of multiples deviation.

I finally say “Yes, let’s go, Hermes, I always enjoy a walk with you”

3/ The only shop I entered,in one hour, contains only French regional products. I knew that they had “The Tarot de Marseilles “ Grimaud editions, but I got it since a long time, so no problem…Except that this tarot edited in 1980 will not be produced any more, replaced by an edition of a Tarot from 1761… I took the demonstration copy in my hands and in no time I was at the cash register, because just by touching, I sometimes have a flash or intuitions.

4/ The last part of this long post…Once at home, I opened the booklet inside the Tarot and the first line I read was : “YOU WILL BE THE VICTIM OF A TRICKSTER (swindler) !”

The tarot was cheap, luckily, but Hermes is A GOLDEN FILOU !

A little spell and prayer for Hermes

Since must of us known the spell consisting to stir a hot beverage clockwise for attracting something, I created a version specially for Hermes.

While stirring :

“ O Hermes ( Insert your favourite trickster epithet)

Grant me joy,

Grant me luck,

May your happy heart enchant me,

Enrich me even more with your presence.

I praise you,

I honour you,

I thank you for your blessings and I love you”

Tap slightly the rim of the cup with the spoon four times (his number).

I do this daily since five months and it’s a great way to create a bond with him with a simple morning cup of coffee.

Guess who greeted us in Paris, with an innocent look on his face ? It was just at the start of our t

Guess who greeted us in Paris, with an innocent look on his face ? It was just at the start of our travel :D

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-For three years, I tried to change for a new work, in vain, until this year, the fourth

-After the interview, I was supposed to start on 01/04/20…On April’s fools…But it was cancelled due to covid.

-I was called again in june, the fourth day of the month, to start as a librarian on the 1 July 2020…Wednesday.

-Hermes kept the best for yesterday… The database for all the municipal libraries in my town is called …Ermes, no H, but still…

Hermes is incredible, truly…

Two days after this post, I took some books on my individual card for the last time before the professional card…The date for returning the books is … 4 September.

So if I ever had a doubt that the number 4 is sacred for Hermes, it’s definitively gone.


In a precedent post, I shared a pun from Hermes on the French store “Carrefour” which is the term for Crossroad. It doesn’t stop here.

I sometimes hear the voice of a god at the last expected moment and Hermes seems to enjoy giving me food for thought during the groceries (My pun is involuntary, I’m not so good in English, but I suspect strongly my handsome trickster again…)

Two weeks ago, I was in Carrefour and he suddenly stated “Why don’t you start searching for a cat ? Do you think that you don’t deserve to have another one ?”

My heart ached, I admitted that Hermes touched a sore spot… That despite my desire to adopt a cat, I couldn’t start any researches without knowing exactly why…Later, at home, he returned on the subject and I realised that I was still mourning my last cat who passed away one year ago. I’m someone who can bury things very deep inside me.

Yesterday, Hermes pointed the fact that each time one of my gods want something for offering, I never hesitated the shadow of a second to buy it….But I never treat myself, I always have an excuse.”You should love yourself more !”

I promised him to work on self love, but it will take time…

A last word about offerings, none of my gods or goddesses asked for something expensive, never. But they highly value the joy, with which I prepare their offerings, the fact that I ask them often what would please them.

It’s my UPG, but sometimes, they surprise me asking an unusual offering leaving me speechless :)

don’t mind me!!! i’m just thinking about how hermes is there for every transition in our lives to make sure its the smoothest it can be and how he’s there to offer  stability in the instability……………… i love hermes so much thank you for all that you do hermes, i am so lucky to have you by my side!
