#mention jack


SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 2

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Th-Then… I’ll start the interview…

Idia: “If you could have one person with you on a deserted island, who would you choose?”

Idia: Except that you can’t pick someone from the same dorm…

Deuce: A deserted island, huh… That’s a place where you could go explore caves, or search for legendary treasure!

Idia: Ahh, yeah, you’d see that sort of thing in anime a lot… Stuff like that seems easy when you’re just watching the screen, but it definitely wouldn’t be irl.

Deuce: The things you’d need to have for an adventure like that would be wisdom, stamina, and courage!

Deuce: If that’s the case, I think Jack or Epel might be someone I can best count on, but… AH!

Idia: Eh, what!?

Deuce: As soon as you arrive on an uninhabited island, you really need to find sources of water and food, right?

Deuce: In the movies, they gather clams and fish from the ocean, but I’m not that confident in my cooking skills… Oh, I know!

Deuce: If I were to go to a deserted island, I’d like Bucchi-senpai to come with me! ‘Cause I remember hearing somewhere that he’s really good at fishing.

Idia: I-I see… Well, I guess I can understand that choice.

Deuce: Also, from what I heard from Jack and Epel, Bucchi-senpai is always picking bushels of grass.

Idia: Eh? Grass? Instead of just letting them grow freely? What for?

Deuce: It sounds like he uses them as food. So that means he would be able to tell which plants are edible, right?

Deuce: If I had Bucchi-senpai there, I feel like I would at least not have any worried about food.

Idia: I think I get what you’re saying… But you don’t really think that that Ruggie-shi would willingly share his food, do you?

Deuce: Urgh, you’re not wrong…

Idia: And besides, if he can do so much by himself, then don’t you think he’d just leave you behind and quickly escape the island~?

Deuce: N-No, he… wouldn't… Wait no, but there’d definitely be situations where he’d need the extra hands, right!?

Deuce: Besides, I know how to do simple maintenance on a magical wheel, so I could come in handy if we need to build something… probably.

Deuce: Like an escape boat! …Well, okay, that might be more or less impossible, but I think I could at least make a raft…

Deuce: Anyway, besides building whatever we’d need, I also would have full confidence in my ability to carry heavy things, like logs!

Deuce: If I work hard, then Bucchi-senpai will definitely also lend me a hand… Is what I’d like to believe.Idia: I really don’t know about that… But, eh, that’s a good enough answer for the interview, at least.

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 1

“Happy Birthday”

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Deuce: So, it’s time for the customary birthday interview. Whenever I’m somewhere formal like this, I get a bit nervous…

Deuce: Since this is a traditional event, I’ll have to make sure I answer properly and not make any mistakes.

Deuce: Anyway, the presenter chosen by the “Magical Birthday Dice” should be coming soon…

???:Haaaah… I mean, I’ll do it because I was chosen for it, but come on. This mandatory event is super annoying. Excuuuse me…


Idia: Hiee! There’s that stupid loud jock voice…!

Idia: Deu-Deu-Deuce-shi, you were waiting, huh… Already…

Deuce: So you were the one chosen to be my presenter. I’m honored to have you!

Idia:It’s not like I came because I wanted to… Eh, whatever. Anyway… Here’s your present…

Deuce: Thank you very much! Wow, it’s a very large bag. I wonder what’s inside…

Deuce: Oh, this is…!

Idia: My selection of 20 types of cup ramen. It has an array of choices, from local specialties, to some low-sugar varieties that are currently all the rage.

Idia: I bet it’s perfect for a growing highschooler with a huge appetite like you, though, right? I don’t really know anything about that, though.

Idia: These are the flavors I usually eat, but there’s a bunch here, so I’m sure at least one of them will suit your tastes, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: When you say “usually,” does that mean you like cup ramen too?

Idia:Oho, “too,” he says… Fuheehee, looks like I made the right choice.

Idia: I mean, I wouldn’t really say I like them, they’re just convenient to eat. It doesn’t take any time to cook, it’s ready in just a couple minutes.

Deuce: Yeah, yeah! You can easily make some just by pouring some hot water on it, it fills up your stomach, and is super tasty.

Deuce: On days that I have club activities… Especially when we’re practicing more in preparation for a meet, I tend to get too hungry and won’t last until dinner time.

Deuce: It’d dig into my wallet to buy food every day, and even then, there’s only so much I can do to stave off the hunger.

Idia: Ahh… I get you. When I’m concentrating hard on something, it’s fine, but the moment I remember I’m hungry, it’s game over…

Deuce: Yes. Once, Jack told me that boxers drink a ton of water in order to keep from getting hungry…

Deuce: I thought it was a good idea, and tried to imitate them, but honestly, I didn’t really have much luck with that.

Idia: Well, yeah, it’s just water.

Deuce: But, thanks to you, Shroud-senpai, I shouldn’t have to worry about finding something to eat after my club. Thank you!

Deuce: Still, this is pretty amazing. I’ve eaten a ton of different kinds of cup ramen up ‘til now, but…

Deuce: There’s a ton of stuff here that I’ve never even seen before. It’s like a dream come true that I get to eat all these… Wait, huh?

Deuce: Oh, I think this… Yeah, didn’t they stop selling this one here back when I was in elementary school…?

Idia: Ah, yeah, that one is being sold again recently. On top of only being sold via the manufacturer’s official mail order service, there was only a limited quantity being sold.

Idia: The day of release, their website was overloaded with requests, and was already completely sold out in the minute after the site crashed. Now I hear it’s being scalped at premium price.

Deuce: I-Is it alright for me to be receiving something that valuable…?

Idia: Fuheehee, I was able to purchase a whole box of them no problem, so~ Take it, take it!

Deuce: Man, this is so nostalgic… I used to love eating these with eggs.

Deuce: Also, this one with the seafood base is most well-known for being made with milk, but it’s still delicious with eggs…

Idia: Deuce-shi, do you not know how to flavor them using anything but eggs?

Deuce: Well, I mean, eggs go with any kind of cup ramen! There’s no way to screw it up, so I totally recommend it.

Idia: Hmmm… I’m not really sure if I’d ever prep cup ramen like that, since they’re supposed to be hassle free. But hey, if I ever feel like it, I guess I can give it a shot.

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

Requested by Anonymous.

SSR Ortho Shroud Fairy Gear Voice Lines

When Summoned: I’m going to show you my specially-made gear now. Don’t take your eyes off of me, okay?

Summon Line: It’s kind of thrilling to be in disguise and sneak in somewhere. I’ll definitely make sure we succeed in our mission!

Groooovy!: I’ll display my very best illusions now! Here I go… 1, 2, 3!

Home: Ehe, don’t I look amazing?

Home Idle 1: They say that the key to improving one’s design sense is to get constant feedback. Hey, do you want to hang out with me sometime soon?

Home Idle 2: There isn’t that much data available when it comes to fairies. Since we’re getting this opportunity, I want to collect as much information as possible.

Home Idle 3: If you want to know more about flowers or butterflies, you can ask me. I can give you more detailed information than any regular old reference book.

Home Idle - Login: Retrofit complete. The fairy imitation attachment “Fairy Gear” will be activated.

Home Idle - Groovy: Do you like this design? I have some spares of these flower parts, so you can match with me if you want!

Home Tap 1: Riddle-san really does know all of the Queen of Hearts’ laws by heart, doesn’t he? Heh, maybe he has a memory card installed.

Home Tap 2: When I handed Grim-san a flower, he immediately ate it. All I wanted was him to say it was pretty…

Home Tap 3: This gear has a function to release fragrances. That’s because I heard from Jack-san that scent is also necessary for a perfect imitation.

Home Tap 4: It’s a nice change of pace to create a Gear outfit based on appearances rather than practicality. Ehe, maybe this is where my sense of fashion awakens!

Home Tap 5: Of course, these wings can’t actually help me fly. But, if I link my flight system to match the movements of the wings, then I can make it look like it does!

Home Tap - Groovy: All these things I’ve experienced here, like chatting with friends, or working together to accomplish a goal… Is this what the “springtime of youth” is all about?

[ORTHO]: They’re not a match for us, Silver-san!
[SILVER]: I hardly recognized you, Ortho.

Requested by @girl-in-the-tower.
