#twst birthday


24th Happy Birthday Azul Ashengrotto

Finally finished a rush commission in time, Azul patches for attaching on his BD union jacket.

Plz wait until 9th April

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 3

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Mmkay, next question.

Idia: “If you were to join any dorm other than Heartslabyul, which dorm would you choose?”

Deuce: Somewhere other than Heartslabyul, huh…Then, I’d choose Scarabia!

Idia: Eh? Scarabia’s got all those extroverts that just throw parties whenever they want… What’s so great about them?

Deuce: I believe that in order for me to improve on my number one weakness, Scarabia would be the best place for me.

Deuce: My upperclassmen often point out that I tend to move before I think…

Deuce: Like the other day, I heard Clover-senpai talking about how he needed to buy some cheese…

Deuce: So I grabbed my wallet and said, “I’ll go get it for you!” and ran towards the school store.

Deuce: And I didn’t really think much of it and just bought some regular cheese snacks and brought them back to the dorm, but…

Deuce: What Clover-senpai really wanted was some cream cheese to bake sweets with.

Idia: Who goes through a comedic episode like that at this age!? Why are you even in that much of a rush…?

Deuce: I had heard the day before that he was going to bake some cheese tarts for the Unbirthday Party, so…

Deuce: If I had just stopped to think about it, I think I would have realized that what he needed was cream cheese instead of regular cheese.

Deuce: There were so many opportunities for me to double-check… Like, I could have called Clover-senpai from the school store.

Deuce: But because I just ran off with my own assumption, I ended up having to go buy it twice.

Deuce: Man, I really felt bad and useless…

Idia: Ah… Yeah, I also can’t help but feel bad for you… Hang in there, Deuce-shi. It’ll pass.

Deuce: Thank you. Clover-senpai also told me to not worry about it, but…

Deuce: It’s not just this time that this has happened. And it’s not like I’m not usually calm or anything, but it’s more like I just start moving without thinking.

Deuce: Yeah, there are times where that does end up being a good thing, but when I think about my future, I feel like I need to fix this habit.

Deuce: That’s why if I can ingrain the spirit of deliberation into myself from Scarabia, the number of mistakes that I’d make like this would decrease… I think!

Idia: Yeah, well… It’s not like anything is actually going to be fixed here from this little exercise, so… Good luck, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: Is the interview over now?

Idia: Yup. So next is time for the presentation of the ever-so-popular “gift of good fortune"~

Deuce: It’s the main event of the day! I’m completely prepared! Please don’t go easy on me!!!

Idia: You got it! …Is what I’d like to say, but I don’t know how much throwing power I’d have…

Idia: If anything, I’m feeling apprehensive.

Deuce: Don’t worry! Even if you throw it in the opposite direction…

Deuce: I’ll absolutely make sure to catch it right smack dab in the middle of my face!!

Idia: H-H-How would you do that? I mean, I guess that’s a little reassuring, though…

Idia: …Okay, then I’ll throw this full force.

Idia: Deuce-shi, happy birthday!

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 2

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Th-Then… I’ll start the interview…

Idia: “If you could have one person with you on a deserted island, who would you choose?”

Idia: Except that you can’t pick someone from the same dorm…

Deuce: A deserted island, huh… That’s a place where you could go explore caves, or search for legendary treasure!

Idia: Ahh, yeah, you’d see that sort of thing in anime a lot… Stuff like that seems easy when you’re just watching the screen, but it definitely wouldn’t be irl.

Deuce: The things you’d need to have for an adventure like that would be wisdom, stamina, and courage!

Deuce: If that’s the case, I think Jack or Epel might be someone I can best count on, but… AH!

Idia: Eh, what!?

Deuce: As soon as you arrive on an uninhabited island, you really need to find sources of water and food, right?

Deuce: In the movies, they gather clams and fish from the ocean, but I’m not that confident in my cooking skills… Oh, I know!

Deuce: If I were to go to a deserted island, I’d like Bucchi-senpai to come with me! ‘Cause I remember hearing somewhere that he’s really good at fishing.

Idia: I-I see… Well, I guess I can understand that choice.

Deuce: Also, from what I heard from Jack and Epel, Bucchi-senpai is always picking bushels of grass.

Idia: Eh? Grass? Instead of just letting them grow freely? What for?

Deuce: It sounds like he uses them as food. So that means he would be able to tell which plants are edible, right?

Deuce: If I had Bucchi-senpai there, I feel like I would at least not have any worried about food.

Idia: I think I get what you’re saying… But you don’t really think that that Ruggie-shi would willingly share his food, do you?

Deuce: Urgh, you’re not wrong…

Idia: And besides, if he can do so much by himself, then don’t you think he’d just leave you behind and quickly escape the island~?

Deuce: N-No, he… wouldn't… Wait no, but there’d definitely be situations where he’d need the extra hands, right!?

Deuce: Besides, I know how to do simple maintenance on a magical wheel, so I could come in handy if we need to build something… probably.

Deuce: Like an escape boat! …Well, okay, that might be more or less impossible, but I think I could at least make a raft…

Deuce: Anyway, besides building whatever we’d need, I also would have full confidence in my ability to carry heavy things, like logs!

Deuce: If I work hard, then Bucchi-senpai will definitely also lend me a hand… Is what I’d like to believe.Idia: I really don’t know about that… But, eh, that’s a good enough answer for the interview, at least.

(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 1

“Happy Birthday”

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Deuce: So, it’s time for the customary birthday interview. Whenever I’m somewhere formal like this, I get a bit nervous…

Deuce: Since this is a traditional event, I’ll have to make sure I answer properly and not make any mistakes.

Deuce: Anyway, the presenter chosen by the “Magical Birthday Dice” should be coming soon…

???:Haaaah… I mean, I’ll do it because I was chosen for it, but come on. This mandatory event is super annoying. Excuuuse me…


Idia: Hiee! There’s that stupid loud jock voice…!

Idia: Deu-Deu-Deuce-shi, you were waiting, huh… Already…

Deuce: So you were the one chosen to be my presenter. I’m honored to have you!

Idia:It’s not like I came because I wanted to… Eh, whatever. Anyway… Here’s your present…

Deuce: Thank you very much! Wow, it’s a very large bag. I wonder what’s inside…

Deuce: Oh, this is…!

Idia: My selection of 20 types of cup ramen. It has an array of choices, from local specialties, to some low-sugar varieties that are currently all the rage.

Idia: I bet it’s perfect for a growing highschooler with a huge appetite like you, though, right? I don’t really know anything about that, though.

Idia: These are the flavors I usually eat, but there’s a bunch here, so I’m sure at least one of them will suit your tastes, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: When you say “usually,” does that mean you like cup ramen too?

Idia:Oho, “too,” he says… Fuheehee, looks like I made the right choice.

Idia: I mean, I wouldn’t really say I like them, they’re just convenient to eat. It doesn’t take any time to cook, it’s ready in just a couple minutes.

Deuce: Yeah, yeah! You can easily make some just by pouring some hot water on it, it fills up your stomach, and is super tasty.

Deuce: On days that I have club activities… Especially when we’re practicing more in preparation for a meet, I tend to get too hungry and won’t last until dinner time.

Deuce: It’d dig into my wallet to buy food every day, and even then, there’s only so much I can do to stave off the hunger.

Idia: Ahh… I get you. When I’m concentrating hard on something, it’s fine, but the moment I remember I’m hungry, it’s game over…

Deuce: Yes. Once, Jack told me that boxers drink a ton of water in order to keep from getting hungry…

Deuce: I thought it was a good idea, and tried to imitate them, but honestly, I didn’t really have much luck with that.

Idia: Well, yeah, it’s just water.

Deuce: But, thanks to you, Shroud-senpai, I shouldn’t have to worry about finding something to eat after my club. Thank you!

Deuce: Still, this is pretty amazing. I’ve eaten a ton of different kinds of cup ramen up ‘til now, but…

Deuce: There’s a ton of stuff here that I’ve never even seen before. It’s like a dream come true that I get to eat all these… Wait, huh?

Deuce: Oh, I think this… Yeah, didn’t they stop selling this one here back when I was in elementary school…?

Idia: Ah, yeah, that one is being sold again recently. On top of only being sold via the manufacturer’s official mail order service, there was only a limited quantity being sold.

Idia: The day of release, their website was overloaded with requests, and was already completely sold out in the minute after the site crashed. Now I hear it’s being scalped at premium price.

Deuce: I-Is it alright for me to be receiving something that valuable…?

Idia: Fuheehee, I was able to purchase a whole box of them no problem, so~ Take it, take it!

Deuce: Man, this is so nostalgic… I used to love eating these with eggs.

Deuce: Also, this one with the seafood base is most well-known for being made with milk, but it’s still delicious with eggs…

Idia: Deuce-shi, do you not know how to flavor them using anything but eggs?

Deuce: Well, I mean, eggs go with any kind of cup ramen! There’s no way to screw it up, so I totally recommend it.

Idia: Hmmm… I’m not really sure if I’d ever prep cup ramen like that, since they’re supposed to be hassle free. But hey, if I ever feel like it, I guess I can give it a shot.

Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)

Requested by Anonymous.

SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Voice Lines

When Summoned: It’s super embarrassing to be the center of attention, but… this party’s for me. I’m going to enjoy it to the max!

Summon Line: I heard you helped out with the party prep, huh? Thanks! Make sure you enjoy yourself too, y'know!

Groooovy!!: This was a great day filled with a ton of food and laughter. So now, we all gotta work hard again starting from tomorrow!

Home: I totally look cool, right? …Nevermind.

Home Idle 1: I think Ace and Grim said they were going to show me some magic tricks. But both of them had this weird grin on their faces… I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Home Idle 2: Rosehearts-ryōchō gave me an alarm clock. A consistent routine is the foundation of being an honor student. I’ll take good care of it.

Home Idle 3: Sebek recommended this reference book to me, but… it’s obviously a book for kids! That jerk…!

Home Idle - Login: My classmates, my club mates, and the guys in my dorm… With all these people to celebrate with, I’m the luckiest guy in the world!

Home Idle - Groovy: My roommates are trying to nab the cup ramen that Shroud-senpai gave me! Let me keep them here for a little bit!

Home Tap 1: My name is on a jacket from the prestigious Night Raven College… Absolutely perfect!

Home Tap 2: You want a few words from the birthday boy?! All of a sudden! Wait, uh… I’m gonna continue to strive towards being an honors student this year! I’ll keep it up from here on out too!

Home Tap 3: When I wear this kind of jacket, it reminds me of the days I’d go and ride my magical wheel on the mountain pass… Really makes me wanna go for a ride now.

Home Tap 4: Oh man. I had so much fun at the party that I couldn’t sleep, so now… I’m crazy sleepy…

Home Tap 5: …Sorry, say that again? My ears are still ringing from that large party popper going off.

Home Tap - Groovy: Hahah! I’m completely covered in cream. Ah, don’t get any closer, okay? You’ll get dirty too.

[DEUCE]: Shroud-senpai, thanks for the birthday wishes!
[IDIA]: Deuce-shi, happy b-day.

Birthday Login Message: I can’t believe you’re here to wish me a happy birthday… Today’s such an amazing day. …Oh, shoot. I definitely have some kind of weird look on my face right now, don’t I? Sorry, I just got so happy I couldn’t help this wide grin. Anyway, thanks so much, Prefect! I’ll make sure to keep doing my best to be someone deserving of your celebrations!



The gifts!!!


For me simple things have a lot of value, so instead of making an extremely elaborate illustration, I preferred to do something different ^^

Ocs: Anthony ( @twisted-lusty ), Eclipsa ( @eclipsastuff ), Yuno ( @reinbouxsworld ) and Vane ( @squidwen​ )
