#mention trey


SSR Deuce Spade Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 3

“Happy Birthday”

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3

[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]

Idia: Mmkay, next question.

Idia: “If you were to join any dorm other than Heartslabyul, which dorm would you choose?”

Deuce: Somewhere other than Heartslabyul, huh…Then, I’d choose Scarabia!

Idia: Eh? Scarabia’s got all those extroverts that just throw parties whenever they want… What’s so great about them?

Deuce: I believe that in order for me to improve on my number one weakness, Scarabia would be the best place for me.

Deuce: My upperclassmen often point out that I tend to move before I think…

Deuce: Like the other day, I heard Clover-senpai talking about how he needed to buy some cheese…

Deuce: So I grabbed my wallet and said, “I’ll go get it for you!” and ran towards the school store.

Deuce: And I didn’t really think much of it and just bought some regular cheese snacks and brought them back to the dorm, but…

Deuce: What Clover-senpai really wanted was some cream cheese to bake sweets with.

Idia: Who goes through a comedic episode like that at this age!? Why are you even in that much of a rush…?

Deuce: I had heard the day before that he was going to bake some cheese tarts for the Unbirthday Party, so…

Deuce: If I had just stopped to think about it, I think I would have realized that what he needed was cream cheese instead of regular cheese.

Deuce: There were so many opportunities for me to double-check… Like, I could have called Clover-senpai from the school store.

Deuce: But because I just ran off with my own assumption, I ended up having to go buy it twice.

Deuce: Man, I really felt bad and useless…

Idia: Ah… Yeah, I also can’t help but feel bad for you… Hang in there, Deuce-shi. It’ll pass.

Deuce: Thank you. Clover-senpai also told me to not worry about it, but…

Deuce: It’s not just this time that this has happened. And it’s not like I’m not usually calm or anything, but it’s more like I just start moving without thinking.

Deuce: Yeah, there are times where that does end up being a good thing, but when I think about my future, I feel like I need to fix this habit.

Deuce: That’s why if I can ingrain the spirit of deliberation into myself from Scarabia, the number of mistakes that I’d make like this would decrease… I think!

Idia: Yeah, well… It’s not like anything is actually going to be fixed here from this little exercise, so… Good luck, Deuce-shi.

Deuce: Is the interview over now?

Idia: Yup. So next is time for the presentation of the ever-so-popular “gift of good fortune"~

Deuce: It’s the main event of the day! I’m completely prepared! Please don’t go easy on me!!!

Idia: You got it! …Is what I’d like to say, but I don’t know how much throwing power I’d have…

Idia: If anything, I’m feeling apprehensive.

Deuce: Don’t worry! Even if you throw it in the opposite direction…

Deuce: I’ll absolutely make sure to catch it right smack dab in the middle of my face!!

Idia: H-H-How would you do that? I mean, I guess that’s a little reassuring, though…

Idia: …Okay, then I’ll throw this full force.

Idia: Deuce-shi, happy birthday!

(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
