#merm au


Shawn Flynn as a Copper Shark (Bronze Whaler) and Jameson as a Roughtail stingray!

HAPPY MERMAY!!! Presenting, these dumbasses.

Henrik doesn’t risk bringing his glasses underwater with him when he transforms, but he usually has a scarf he keeps on his person (I forgot it here aaa) that allows him to switch back and forth. Chase uses a similar concept, using his cap to help him switch back and forth. Without those items, they are stuck as human. That in general they don’t find bad, they were both human before being turned into mers… but without them they cannot fulfill their contracts, and the person in possession of that item has partial control over what they can do. Much like a selkie skin, but less of a desire to return to the ocean and more of a fear of what would happen if they didn’t.

In turn, Henrik can hardly see underwater and Chase has explained he should just get a pair to bring underwater, but Henrik is stubborn as ever and doesn’t want to ruin glasses every time he needs to go in the ocean. Instead, usually he brings Chase with him as his “seeing eye dolphin” (and emotional support), and Chase will lay out the land. Chase, while being new to this whole merman thing, has yet to find out how to balance himself in the water and keeps floating away when he stays still for too long,,, so I present to you: Monkey backpack leash B)

Note: No he does not actually have a vest for him with a handle that says seeing eye dolphin, that was a joke. He does however, tie rope around their waists to keep Chase from floating away!


Merperson Jax!

Here’s the second OC for this year’s mermay AU! Jax belongs to @hypotheticalandroid , my sweet partner, but I convinced them to let me draw them because I love his design :D

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Merperson Jax!

Here’s the second OC for this year’s mermay AU! Jax belongs to @hypotheticalandroid , my sweet partner, but I convinced them to let me draw them because I love his design :D

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