

My experience with getting lower surgery!

Second stage bottom surgery update! 

I’m (nearly) 3 months post-op lower surgery! 

I had first stage metoidioplasty on the 13th of Jan 2018

I hit 2 months post lower surgery the other day! Can’t believe it’s been 2 months alread

I hit 2 months post lower surgery the other day! Can’t believe it’s been 2 months already.
I’ll be posting a video update on healing and everything when I’m 3 months post-op
#ftm #metoidioplasty #trans

Post link

Metoidioplasty 2 weeks post-op update! 

YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPinocchio17

not read the article but the whole thing about trans bucket being name dropped is so bad :( we need safe spaces, there are down sides to visibility!

i’ve heard that they’ve since got NYT to remove the namedrop and will be checking their security before putting the website back up again, so fingers crossed all is well

I’m starting to actually look into bottom surgery, which is a little terrifying to me. My bottom dysphoria has gotten pretty bad, and a metoidioplasty may be in my future to help relieve that. It’s amazing how much better my overall quality of life has become since top surgery, and I really wish I could just stop there… but I’m starting to think that a meta might really give me some relief down the line.

 I’ve vaguely toyed with the idea of phalloplasty, but I don’t think I could handle it - the stages, the cost, and most of all the creation of a new body part and use of an erectile device… I don’t think phallo is for me, although it would be amazing to have a larger penis.

I think that the two things I need most are the ability to pee standing up without some kind of aid, and to have my penis be fully external and free. The meta appeals to me because it is less invasive and uses what I’ve already got. Additionally, I don’t want a vaginectomy, which is an option with meta.

The fact that I’m actually writing this stuff down is a big step for me - I’ve been avoiding these thoughts and this research for a long time now. I’d love to hear from any followers who have had a metoidioplasty if you want to share some advice etc.
