#ftm trans


Hey guys! I have received some very nice comments on my latest post about being FTM Trans and that just makes me so happy <3 Thank you for your support, it means a lot! I have been dealing with a lot in terms of accepting myself and honestly, I still don’t. I don’t want to be trans, I don’t want the dysphoria. I want to be a normal girl. I’ve gone through conversion self-therapy, where I’ll force myself to wear makeup, look feminine, and wear my old, feminine clothes. I try so hard, but it always just makes it worse. Not only do I do this sort of ‘therapy’ on myself, I also have a boyfriend who’s straight. Yes, I know. Many of you didn’t know I actually have a boyfriend, while also having a crush on K. My boyfriend (I’ll call him M) is straight and would probably eventually dump me if I transitioned with hormones and whatnot. 

He wants us to get married someday and possibly have a family. But, how could we, if I was a boy? I don’t think we could. I love him very much, and I love K too, but being trans has caused so many problems. It’s not like it’s a choice, but I can at least try to be more feminine, in attempt to ‘convert’ myself. It’s not very good for my health, I realize, but I feel like that’s the only way…

Transitioning costs a lot as well, and I just don’t have that kind of money. I feel like it’d be better if I just tried to be a girl. It’ll be hard, but it’ll save me money and save me heartbreak (if M were to break up with me). Anywho, I’m rambling on. I’ll most likely post sometime later. 

Hey, I need help from my fanfic fans!

I’m really REALLY stuck on how to end Little Dragon. Like bang my head against the wall stuck, so I want y'all’s input! Pick the answer you like (or write your own, I’m not gonna stop you.)


So … who’s ready for more chapters?

And some prompts?

And possibly a new fic???

hey and hello! hope you all are coping with the holiday seasons. i’ve grown away from tumblr and therefore never update here. i, fabian own both this blog and dedicatedtodysphoricpeople though. i have a twitter so if you wanna reach out or ask for advice or so go there instead @thetobyfrance twitter.com/thetobyfrance. i’m semi stealth, just fyi.

There’s zero indication that testosterone shortages are going away, so it’s important to arm yourself with information so that you know what to do when a shortage strikes. 


1. The best way to avoid a testosterone shortage is to not let yourself run out of T to begin with.
It’s a good idea to always keep a backup vial around, but this is becoming harder to do in many areas of the U.S. where 10ml and 5ml vials are no longer dispensed and only 1ml vials are available. (Seemingly all of the sudden, pharmacies are enforcingthe28-day rule that calls for multi-dose vials to be discarded 28 days after first use.) If you can, leave a spare vial in your emergency kit, and order your testosterone prescription refill BEFORE you actually run out of T!

2. Get informed about the shortage. Talk with your pharmacist and look up information about the shortage online. You may be able to find out when the shortage is expected to end. In the U.S., you can use this USA Drug Shortage Search tool. In Canada, check here.

3. Take your prescription to another pharmacy. Pharmacies don’t all run out of testosterone at the same time, so if your pharmacy can’t fill your prescription crack the phone book and start calling all the pharmacies in your area, even pharmacies in nearby cities if you have to. You’ll probably need to see your doctor to move your prescription to a different pharmacy.

4. Switch to another brand or formulation. This can be harder to do than it sounds. First, you’ll have to see your doctor for a new prescription. Don’t delay as it’s unlikely that you’ll be the first in line for the alternative brand or formulation and what often happens during a shortage is that the alternative product also becomes unavailable due to increased demand.

In Canada, there are just two brands of injectable testosterone available. They have different concentrations of testosterone requiring a different dosage, as well as different suspension oils which some people are allergic to. If you obtain an alternative brand or formulation, be sure to read the label carefully and compare it to what you normally take.

Switching between different delivery methods, ie. intramuscular vs transdermal, can also lead to difficulty in maintaining stable hormone levels and it can take months for your body to adjust to the switch.

“Switching back and forth between different products is not ideal, and many doctors do not have experience in prescribing the different forms of testosterone,” said Dr Anastacia Tomson during the recent South African shortage.

Of course, be prepared to pay more as all the alternatives to T. cypionate and T. enanthate will be more expensive.

“I noticed a difference when I switched from Reandron to Testex, but this [shortage] is much worse. It’s not just about getting my period back, which is bad enough because it means reliving everything I’ve struggled to get away from, it’s about general changes in my body. I feel more sluggish and tired. And I’ve put on weight.” —Yerai, transgender man in Spain

5. Check with your local trans health clinic. If you have access to a trans health clinic, you may find that they keep some testosterone on hand and can give you shots during a shortage (provided you have an existing prescription.)

6. Get injectable T compounded. Only certain compounding pharmacies can make injectable testosterone so you’ll need to search around. Depending on where you live in the U.S., New Era Pharmacy in Portland, OR may be able to ship to you. Some downsides are that the accuracy of testosterone concentrations in compounded T has been questioned and compounded injectable testosterone can cost twice as much as what you’re used to spending on testosterone.

7. Get T from a friend. This is illegal and would likely be frowned upon by your prescribing doctor, but when times are tough sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

8. Ration your supply of testosterone. If you can reduce your dosage or frequency of injections, you might be able to ride out the shortage, though you probably won’t feel 100%.

9. Patience. If a testosterone shortage isn’t expected to last very long, you might be able to just wait it out, although symptoms of low T will start to creep up as soon as two weeks after a shot.

10. Underground labs. This is illegal and not recommended. Buying testosterone from a rogue internet pharmacy is a dangerous way to obtain medicine, but when you’re left without options the risks can look a little less menacing. If you’re forced to resort to this, you absolutely must purchase a testosterone testing kit.

Hopefully, you’ll never feel the effects of a testosterone shortage, but if you do, at least you’ve got a game plan now.

Source:Testosterone Shortages: Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For YOU?

ICE wants Chin to believe that he’s alone. We want him to know and feel that’s not true.

ICE wants Chin to believe that he’s alone. We want him to know and feel that’s not true.

Will you write to him?

You can address the letter to:
Yuen Tsui
ID: 53906
Irwin County Detention Center
132 Cotton Dr.
Ocilla, GA 31774

Be sure to include your return address. Please drop us a message when you send your letter, so we can let him know its coming! If you have any questions, want to host a letter writing party, or just need some support, email [email protected]

- National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance

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Hi! It’s been a while! I actually have a question for you all!!

When legally changing your name, how did you go about getting money from family/friends?

For context, I have no problem asking!! I just don’t know if I should be making a gofundme or something like that!!

not read the article but the whole thing about trans bucket being name dropped is so bad :( we need safe spaces, there are down sides to visibility!

i’ve heard that they’ve since got NYT to remove the namedrop and will be checking their security before putting the website back up again, so fingers crossed all is well

Traveling whilst trans! Can you pack? What about being patted down and the body scanners? Should I shave if my paperwork isn’t updated?

I answer all these questions with a few little anecdotes too!

Hello everyone! I’ve finally got the correct name and gender on my Polish passport. It’s been a difficult journey, especially as I’ve never lived there and only have citizenship there by blood.

I remember when i first started going through the process it was practically impossible to find anything about it so if you’re going through it and have any questions then please do send them my way either here on Tumblr or on Instagram
