



when animals look back at you like they’re the girl with the pearl earring



ad-profundis:Eyes full of determination, paws full of grass.


Eyes full of determination, paws full of grass.

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the bravest writers are the ones who make granny characters in scifi and fantasy solely for the sake of having grannies i think there needs to be more old ladies who Fight and Kill

not only because i like the concept of badass oldladies and the destruction of the concept that all girl characters have to be sexually appealing to the audience bc thats fucking annoying as shit, there is literally Nothing funnier than the concept of a granny with a massive sword or death laser. she pinches ur cheek lovingly and then saws someone in half. amazing


I literally can’t stop saying <3 it’s my favorite punctuation mark








Comic by PetFoolery

Hands up if you’d also adopt that little noodle! ✋

Tags by @interstellarvagabond



The adventure continues!

Awesome dad is awesome.

Hopefully the mother will get used to it

Mom finally warmed up to Mr Noodle.

Made by PetFoolery



Whenever I take a long car ride I end up exhausted afterwards, and I’m always like “why am I so tired? I was just sitting around doing nothing all day.”

But the answer, it turns out, is I was doing something. Riding in a car jars your body in many directions and requires constant microadjustments of your muscles just to stay in place and hold your normal posture. Because you’re inside the car, inside the situation, it’s easy not to notice all the extra work you’re doing just to maintain the status quo.

There’s all sorts of type of work that we think of as “free” that require spending energy: concentrating, making decisions, managing anxiety, maintaining hypervigilance in an unfriendly environment, dealing with stereotype threat, processing a lot of sensory input, repairing skin cells damaged sun exposure, trying to stay warm in a cold room.

The next time you think you’re tired from “nothing”, consider instead that you’re probably in situation where you’re doing a lot of unnoticed extra work just to stay in place.

opening my body’s task manager to see what’s taking up all my cpu


Flowers adorn the landscape, but you my life.


that was the most sincere “oh no” at the end


one day one photo/一日一枚






I’m playing a relatively new game and it’s still a little buggy so whenever there’s a glitch or something the devs want you to email them about it. So my game crashed and deleted my save file and when I sent the devs an email about it I got this back:

As a designer who used to be a tester, I can absolutely confirm that this is one of the three basic responses to bugs:

“Hah, that’s AWESOME!” — translation: Usually an animation or physics bug whose results are so hilarious you wonder if it’s worth just leaving it in so everyone can see it. I hope you got that on video or something.

“Oh, this shit again.” — translation: I thought I fixed this fucker like five times already. Either somebody keeps breaking it, or I’m going to have to spend all week trying to find some deeper underlying cause of it all.

“Well, that’s terrifying.” — translation: that shouldn’t even be possible, but if it is, dear sweet zombie jesus, what other things might be going wrong behind the scenes? These are the nightmare bugs that could require fundamental reworks.

I know this is about game bugs, but this somehow happened and it seemed relevant

@theshitpostcalligrapher can i see some of the pigeon pictures please?

ya no prob. gonna derail the post i hope thas ok. i believe i named this one newsprint

this one’s Ginny (short for Guinevere)


I love it when dogs try to help but the task at hand requires zero dogs so they just kinda stand in front of you and look serious.


does anyone else remember 2012-2013 when everyone’s URL was like “winchesters-221b-inthetardis” and now everyone’s url is just like “truckpussy”


first of all, who let me get so emotionally invested in a book!? like its a fucking stack of paper!!


one thing i do miss about childhood is waking up early on my own before anyone else is awake, not feeling tired because wtf is chronic fatigue, and just minding my business like watching cartoons or doodling all morning. not like i can’t do those things now but the idleness of childhood is a special thing.

daily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh Atdaily-cats:10 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh At



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