
I’ve reached the end! Ahhhh! What am I going to do with my life now??? No but really, I do havI’ve reached the end! Ahhhh! What am I going to do with my life now??? No but really, I do hav

I’ve reached the end! Ahhhh! What am I going to do with my life now???

No but really, I do have a surprise coming up next week so I will still be updating. Stay tuned! :)


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mama and baby

mama and baby

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Decided to delve deep into my brain and draw my Mewtwo OC from when I was 12 (*cough* over 20 years ago *cough) “Mewthree.”

Yeah it was angst just to be angst.



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Today is a national holiday!  On this day, Mewtwo was born. Happy birthday Mewtwo!

Me playing Let’s Go Eevee

When Blue says “smell ya later.”

He did the t h i n g

When Blue does the two finger wave.

He did the t h i n g

When Blue mentions Team rocket and how brave I am for facing them.

I’m doing the t h i n g

When Trace mentions Blue becoming champion and being beaten by (Red) another trainer.

I will do the t h i n g

I was commissioned to make a big banner  for an upcoming youtube channel, displaying a group of vide

I was commissioned to make a big banner  for an upcoming youtube channel, displaying a group of videogame characters around the portrait of my client, that is portrayed in the pokemon trainer outfit.
It was an amazing experience working on this. I had never worked on a single illustration with that number of characters! and the fact that every character had a very different style made this commission a big workout for me!
Hope you like it! I will talk about the upcoming channel soon! stay tuned!

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I was just rewatching movie 16 and was reminded how much Newtwo liked to fly and randomly thought of her attempts to fly into space, it would definitely be something her mentor would have told her to do XD

strikes back

strikes back

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Mewtwo : Invitation to Intimacy V2

Another illustration that’s been sitting around unfinished for awhile. Bad habit of mine lately, but special dates like today tend to motivate me to hustle myself to finish something from my hoard pile, that being Mewtwo’s Birthday (February 6th) and what better than a sexy pinup?

I wanted to start showing off some of the more sexy content related to @h-falcon​​ ‘s fanfic story, since it is a lemon after all. I also have a WIP companion pinup piece of Nurse Joy that I hope to have finished in time for Valentine’s Day this year, too.

And even though this one is being posted for M2’s bday, it was more specifically done as a gift for Falcon.

I admit I feel rather curious sharing this one considering that, even though I do art like this quite a lot, especially of female characters, I rarely get around to finishing/sharing my male pinups, which I would definitely like to change as there are some sweet bois I love dearly who deserve some attention.

For those of you who do enjoy it, and have been very supportive towards Falcon and myself in regards to his story and my artwork for it, I am very grateful!

Thank you for your continued interest and encouraging words! There is plenty more to come, and if you enjoy seeing sketches, WIPs, and teasers, you can see more under the Mewtwo tag for my tumblr here: https://lady-owl.tumblr.com/tagged/Mewtwo or alternatively I also share my WIPs at my “bird app” account.

PS: This is V2. I’m sure you know where to find V1. ;)  

Ask by a very kind individual who wished to remain anonymous, but gave permission to share the ask f

Ask by a very kind individual who wished to remain anonymous, but gave permission to share the ask for others who may be interested:


I’m glad you asked this question because yes, I have indeed drawn Joy with her hair down a few times, I just haven’t finished any of those illustrations yet. n_n;

I have a pinup I started working on of her with her hair down late last year that I’d like to try and finish in time for Valentine’s day this year, if energy/time permits me to do so. WIP teaser shared below:


The WIP you linked to is a different pinup sketch, but I could certainly show a bit more of it. I even have two variants with her hair in the pigtails and down spread across the pillow, heh.


I should mention though that when I do have her hair down I still keep her pin curled bangs since I feel they’re such a signature part of her appearance, and I love the 1930’s/40’s aesthetic, which she certainly seems to portray in her design - I enjoy playing round with that era when dressing her in casual clothing, too.


And of course this post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t include the cropped teaser WIP of the solo pinup Mewtwo drawing I hope to finish in time for his birthday this year - February 6th:


All of the above drawings will be posted in full color when completed.

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 Next up, a cropped WIP concept I sketched out a little while ago of Mewtwo protecting Nurse Joy fro

Next up, a cropped WIP concept I sketched out a little while ago of Mewtwo protecting Nurse Joy from an attack.. from who? Hmm. Definitely has nothing to do with HFalcon’s story.

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