#mha hawks


#MHA302 #MHA303

*typing furiously in Japanese

Right hand isn’t even his dominant hand how did this birdie type that fast with right hand lollllll

And long lives Jeanist’s long ass neck

Happy birthday, Hawks! you deserve all the blessings you have right now✨

A fan:May I take a photo of you?

Kissing is not easy because of their height difference.

super self-indulgent Hawks doodle that completely and utterly got away from me

i’m so disappointed because they skipped the dabihawks one armed hug panel. yes, maybe it was an unnecessary detail for most people, but the theories and analyzes that emerged after this panel were truly incredible, but now animeonlys won’t even think about it.

like some of the people start thinking about dabihawks childhood friends theory from there and after dabi called hawks by his first name in the war arc people started to connect the dots,

and don’t forget that it’s the first time dabi has been this close with/to someone, because we all know dabi don’t physical contact with anyone.

no but imagine hawks trying to find where’s deku and walking around and some kid sees him and they look each other and hawks decides to say a hi to kid but then kid points at him and yells, “MURDERER!” and run away and hawks just stays still, completely frozen

Happy Meal

Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader

-As a young mother YN didn’t know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.

Chapter 11: He Saw

Hawks knew something was coming. He shouldn’t have gone with the other villains.

Why had he come along with them instead of staying with the leader. He was stupid.

But luckily Twice, one of the villain he was with, was stupider.

He was sent to retrieve something ‘important’ from a close doctor friend of Tomura. But he wasn’t aware that Tomura was going to attack.

What makes things worse is it was the city where you lived. He was worried, why had they chosen Hosu to attack?

Did they find out….?

Hawks was definitely putting too much on his wings. His speed was probably the top he’s gone before.

He needed to get to Hose. He needed to get to you

But unfortunately, when he got Hosu in his eye of vision… he was too late. He could see three large figures getting ready to launch towards the city, one of which was flying.

“Shit.” He muttered.

They were nomus. Ones that are planning on attacking the city.

He had to help the people… but his worry about you was too much. He wanted to see you more.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!”

Could he even handle the nomus?

His debate with himself was cut when he heard an explosion not far ahead. The nomus had gotten to the city and began their rampage.

Heroes were evacuating the civilians. The few ranked heroes present fought the nomus.

He could see Endeavour at the area fighting against one Nomu. The other one was being held back by fatgum and his recruits.

One. Two. Where was the third one…?

The flying one. Not that many heroes can handle that one. What if that thing flew to your direction?

He frantically searched looking for the third nomu. He left feathers around to save the civilians. His feathers were decreasing and so was his speed.

He was getting slower and slower. As much as he needed speed to get to you, he also needed to save civilians.

The daycare was empty and smashes. When he got close. And to make things worse, the nomu came out from the broken wall.

When it started scheeching, he figured you must’ve escaped already. Your car wasn’t anywhere close so he felt more relieved.

He was about to land so he could take care of the nomu until he saw Tsunagu. Tsunagu immediately restrained the nomu with best he could.

“Hawks? You fucking bastard where the fuck were you?”

“Why aren’t you with Y/N???” He panicked.

He was sure he told you to call Tsunagu.

“Why the hell would I be if the city is under attack???”

“Fucking idiot!” Not giving even the slightest explanation to the other hero. He flew.

With so little feathers left he could barely do so. They were taking too long to get to him.

He was lucky he knew where you lived. He just hoped you were there.

He looked at every side in hopes of seeing you anywhere at all.

And when a powerful force sent him aback a few inches followed by a scream he knew things weren’t well.

After all the scream he had heard said, “Don’t touch him!!”

He was either close or you were panicking so much you screamed so loud.

He saw you. Looking above in panic. Four men sprawled on the ground.

“Come on baby, please…”

To Hawks’ shock. He saw Sato floating two meter or three above you. He was crying and clenching his fists as if he would fall if he hadn’t.

“Baby please, mommy will get you. Come on, please…”

Sato was about to ease until one of the men tackled you.

“Mama!!!” Sato reached out.

Like he thought he began falling. Hawks zoomed towards him just in time to catch him, and using his feather as a sword, he attacked the villain attacking you.

When he got the two of you safe, he finally calmed down. Releasing a sigh of relief.

“Haws….” Sato cried holding unto Hawks’ shirt. He was trembling with his tears staining the shirt.

“Oh my god!” You finally came around and ran to Hawks and Sato hugging them as if they were your life line. Your cries broke Hawks’ heart.

He gave you back rubs to comfort you burying your face on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry.” Finally he gave you and Sato’s head a kiss. “I’m here now.”

To Hawks’ luck, he saw two figures. Both of which was staring at you three only to vanish after some kind of warpy thing enveloped one, but not before the sight finally became clear.

It was Tomura.

He saw you three.

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Happy Meal

Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader

-As a young mother YN didn’t know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.

Chapter 10: SOS

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Happy Meal

Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader

-As a young mother YN didn’t know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.

Chapter 9: Trouble Happened

Finally getting in touch with Rumi, Keigo had absolutely regretted it.

Whilst roaming the sky he continued his patrol. He pulled out his phone remebering Rumi had needed him.

“Guess what you bastard?”

With a yawn while scratching his ear he replied, “I don’t know. Did someone die?”

“We might as well fucking had! President came since you were unavailable. What the fuck were you doing?”

“Come on, so what if you got scolded or something. It’s okay, she just really missed me and had to take it out on someone.”

“Get the fuck off your cloud because you are 100% getting fired you ass. She was attacked!”

The shock of the even took Keigo aback and he lost his focus making himself free fall until he was an inch from the ground.


“What the fuck happened?”

He put the title of ‘Fastest Hero’ to good use and zoomed to where the HPSC is.

“She didn’t say. She said it was really important. She had called Endeavour to meet with her too.”

“You have no clue?”

“Tsunagu was pissed you three are in cahoots. What the hell is it?”

“Yeah, maybe next time. I have to be there.”

Of course he had to be there. There could only be one reason as to why he’d be called to the hq that way.

Dropping the call he went faster and pocketed his phone.

He was scared. Scared of what it would do to his mission. To the people he had grown too fond of.

He had to get there fast. He had to know what the hell happened. He forgot all his plans as his nerves panicked. Thinking the worst case scenarios, he hated everything that was happening.

As expected upon reaching the buikding, just as any sane person would do after they get attacked, there were guards surrounding the place.

He flew and every level he could see a bunch of people stationed to guard. Every corner was covered.

Keigo was always extra, he always visits his boss after his flight so the president was nice enough to make an entrace for him.

There was someone stationed there as well of course so after his knock, the door was opened.

There he saw papers scattered on the floor, on the table there was one single bond paper.

A clearly nervous president sat in front of it and a serious Enji across her.

“This is trouble Hawks. A huge one.”

Then a ping on his phone made him jump. It was you, he just then remembered his plans.


Im sorry its so short >○< i just didn’t want to put too much details and i felt the n3ed to write this part I’ll try to make the others longer

I hope you still enjoyed it ;P



