#mha natsuo


Hiyaa my laptop is currently broken so I won’t be posting as much!. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Well fuck.

That was pretty much how Natsuo would describe this mess. Why. Why was it always him or Shouto that found himself in dangerous situations? karma? Most definitely, but c'mon, he’d just been on the home from university!

Granted, it might’ve been a bad idea to take the back alleys as a shortcut…but what were the odds?!

Noe faced against what he assumed were three low-tier criminals, Natsuo tried to not let a single one of them out of his eyes as he stood with his back against a, already cracking, wall of a building, trying to shield himself, or rather his head, with his arm.

,,The fuck d'ya want? If it’s money, you can take it for all I care!“

He growled, taking in a fighting stand as the three criminals kept closing in on him. One of them seemed to have a plant based Quirk, probably based on poisonous ones, seeing as a rotten smell was coming off of the guys flowers that bloomed all over his arms.

,,Oh-ho, a feisty one aren’t'cha eh? Well, what did I expect from one of the precious sons of the number one hero, like father like son or so they say….”

The said criminal grinned, and Natsuo tried hard not to just off and go and snap the bastards spine in half for that comparison.

,,That so? But my father ain’t All Might tho, so I’d say ya got the wrong one here. So, how ‘bout yer get ya stupid, rotten, flower-ass and go get yourself a life, huh?- ARCKH-!“

Damn him and his stupid mouth.

Before he could’ve had even so much as blinked, he found himself crashed harshly into the wall he had been standing before, and feeling something dangerously tightening around his throat, lifting him up as he desperately clutched at the tendril that was about to throttle him.

The men laughed as Natsuo desperately tried to free himself, kicking aimlessly in midair when he felt the panic kicking in.

,,Noisy brat, I’m gonna teach you some manners!”

Shit. Fuck. God how he wished he’d have a quirk right now. Anything to free him from….this! He’d even accept a fire Quirk god dammit!

He felt the tendrils tightening in on him, making him gasp and gag for air while the edges of his vision started getting darker and darker, his strength starting to leave his finger and hands as he choked on his own salvia- causing him to caugg violently, or at least that was what he tried to do.


