#michelangelo x reader


Sit Down Beside Me (And Stay a While) [Mikey x reader]

*me making everything unnecessarily deep*

Listen to “Sit Down Beside Me” by Patrick Watson as you read for full effect, that’s what inspired this ^_^

When you’d first gotten to know the turtles, it had seemed like everyone was on edge. Except for one orange light among all of them, who welcomed you with open arms like he’d known you forever. 

When he wasn’t rambunctious, bouncing off the walls or pulling tricks on everyone, in his most content, Mikey was the warmest person. It seemed like he had an abject love of living, and radiated that onto anyone who would receive it. And Mikey was big-hearted. Spending time around him would soften anyone. God knew Raphael wouldn’t be the same if the goofball weren’t there with him. 

Despite how his attention seemed like it was being pulled in ten different directions at once, feelings and people were never lost on Mikey. You could come in slightly different and somewhere in the back of his mind, he’s already taken a note by the time you’re through the door. 

This day, you trudged into the Lair and Mikey was just…there. 

“Hey, Angel!” he chirped, bouncing up from the sofa. 

You didn’t want to drag him down with your mood, so you collected yourself and tried a smile. “Hey, I’m late, sorry,” you said. “You’re up early." 

"Early bird, ya know,” he replied with a slick shrug. He noticed at your dry chuckle that something was off. Nothing a little shine couldn’t fix, he thought. “What’s with the long face, babe? Bad day getting you down?" 

"Long, bad day,” you answered with a sigh. 

Normally, he’d combat any gloom with his usual energy, but he knew today was not it. So he just smiled and took your coat for you, letting you get comfortable in their home for the night. “Sit with me, then,” he said simply, taking your forearm and guiding you over to the lounge. He sat you down on the big bean bag, and settled cross-legged on the rug next to. He flicked through the channels on the TV until he found something he knew you liked. You felt his dry hand gently plant on top of yours and give it a squeeze, as if a physical touch could transmit his good feelings straight into you. Looking at you in his peripherals, his thumb rubbed the back of your hand, and he grinned, “You can always stay as long as you want, [y/n].”

A/N: this is so random and pointless but I love this song

mikey fucking fortnite dances all the goddamn time. he default dances literally as SOON as you’re done hooking up. he is insufferable

y’all really sleep on the fact that the turtles grew up in an all male household. these fuckers leave the toilet seat up in YOUR OWN HOUSE and will argue with you that there’s nothing wrong with it. yes this includes YOUR turtle. only feminine ridicule can stop him


Bad dreams were nothing new to Mikey, but they’d never sent him running like this before, stumbling and panting over the rooftops to her apartment. Y/N’s apartment. Y/N had to be okay, he needed to know she was okay.

His hands were shaking as he slid open her apartment window, tripping as he climbed through into the dark bedroom. Even in the darkness it was clear her bed was empty, made and unslept in.

Where was she? Was she okay? Had she gone some where? Was she taken somewhere? Where was Y/N?

Heart racing, Mikey went through the apartment like a whirlwind, checking the couch, the kitchen, throwing open closets and cabinets, any place Y/N could possibly fit. Maybe something had scared her and she hid? Just… where was she?

There was a sudden burst of light that sent Mikey blinking and stumbling back out of the hall closet. Something caught his foot, and he went down on his rear.

“Mikey? Are you okay?” There, as his eyes adjusted to the light was Y/N crouched in front of him, her gentle touch on his shoulder. Tears threatened to spill over as he looked up at her, taking in her soft hair and concerned eyes. She was okay, she was alright, nothing bad had happened to her. 

Mikey said nothing just pulled her into a hug, burying his face in her shoulder, breathing in deep the smell of vanilla that always seemed to hang around her.

“Mikey, baby, what’s wrong?” Y/N hugged him right back.

“A nightmare..” he whispered,, mostly into the indigo cloth of her dress. “I needed to make sure you were okay.”

“Ok,” Was her only answer. He didn’t know how long they lingered there, wrapped in each other’s arms among the scattered items he’d tossed from the closet, but it was enough-no, she was enough to calm his heart and soothe the shaking.

“Hey,” Y/N pulled away. “I’m going to go change into something more comfortable, and then we can snuggle on the couch.” Mikey nodded, looking around at the mess he’d made. She just chuckled as she stood. “We’ll take care of that later.”

With Y/N tucked against his chest, a blanket falling over them, Mikey let out a soft sigh, threading his fingers into her soft hair. This was better, this was so much better. She was okay, she was safe, and she was here. But perhaps most of all, she was his. She chose him. And he loved her all the more for it.

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