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A/N: Thanks to @thebiggestnaturaldisasterfor suggesting this! I love the concept and did my best, though I’m not sure about the ending. Let me know what you think!

Jack Frost x Fem! Reader

If there was anything Y/N had learned in her nineteen years of life it was this; even the best people will make stupid decisions, all the while believing they were right. She’d done it more than once, was it so hard to think that Jack would do the same? But then again, this was extreme.

“Okay North,” Y/N sighed, rubbing at her temples. “Go over this one more time. What happened?”

North shook his head, leaning back in his chair across the table from her. “You don’t believe me, little one?”

“Pitch attacking the pole, getting Jack alone in a sphere of black sand for three minutes then Jack helping Pitch after they came out of it, is kinda hard to believe.” Y/N claimed, waving away the elf that offered her a cookie. “I’m just trying to figure out what’s missing here. What was said or done in those three minutes?”

“I do not know what was said.” North shook his head before pointing to his bandaged feet. “I know I have frostbite.”

What was there to say to that? It just seemed so impossible that Jack Frost, guardian of fun, the cheerful winter spirit and her best friend of three years would turn on the guardians like that. How could three years be undone in three minutes? What could Pitch have possibly said or done to get Jack to join forces with him? Threaten him? No, they’d beat Pitch before, threats would be useless. Bribe him? With what? Jack had his memories and believers. Mind control? That was outlandish and way beyond Pitch’s skill set? So what had happened? Some combination of the three? And what were they going to do about it?

A chill slipped down her spine. Jack had switched sides. He was one of the bad guys now if the worst really had happened. The Guardians would fight against him and she had no control over that. She was just a girl, they wouldn’t listen to her. And how far would they go? How far would Jack go? Or Pitch? How far? Death? No…she needed to stop this before it started.

“What can I do to get Jack back?” Y/N asked, and North cracked half a smile.

“Talk to him, Little One.” He sighed, picking up a snow globe that had been resting on the desk. “Bring back Jack Frost. You might be the only one who can.”

The world she stepped into was one of snow and wind that knocked her off her feet into a snowbank. A blizzard? Jack had created a blizzard? She’d known he could do it, but she’d never thought it would be this powerful, with snow flying so fast it bit into her skin and created a whiteness so thick she couldn’t see her hands as she staggered to her feet. Why would he make it this strong? Why would he create it in the first place? Unless he really had turned to the dark side?

“Jack!” She screamed it into the fury of the storm, getting only a mouthful of icy snow in return. Where was he in this mess? How was she supposed to find him when she couldn’t even see anything but white?

Y/N jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, capturing her in a familiar embrace. Jack. He was the only one who ever hugged her like this, from behind, arms crossing over her so that one hand rested on her shoulder and the other on her waist. She sighed, leaning back into him as the wind slowed and the snow subsided into a few fluttering flakes, bringing the bare forest into view. Nothing but snow, trees, and sky for miles.

“What are you doing here?” Jack’s voice was soft with worry, his breath a chill on her ear.

“I’m here because you are, Jack.” She tried to look over her shoulder at him, to see more than the frost blue sleeves of his hoodie. Wait…that was wrong, his hood wasn’t blue, it was black, a deep black in a violent contrast to the frost that fringed it. This really wasn’t right, just how far was he going with this? He loved the blue, it was his favorite color. Would he really change it? Why was he changing allies and clothes? What had Pitch said or done?

“What happened at the Pole?” Y/N kept her voice soft, but it was like she’d shouted with how he pulled away. The snow crunched under her sneakers as she turned to look at him. It wasn’t just the hoodie that changed color, there was black sand caught up in his hair, turning it a pale gray, almost the same grey as a corpse’s skin. He wasn’t smiling, and his eyes were…guarded, untrusting, hard. He was so many things at once, standing there in the aftermath of the snow storm; powerful, dark, and…afraid. She could see it in the way he gripped his staff until the tendons in his hands showed, the way he shifted on his feet, and the way his gaze flickered from one spot to another. It almost broke her. How could she help him? How was she supposed to fix this? What had happened to him? This wasn’t the Jack Frost she knew, the one she -secretly- loved. That Jack Frost was open, happy, and brave, and lost somewhere inside of whoever this was standing before her.

“Jack, you’re my best friend,” Y/N tried to keep her words from sounding like the plea they were. “What happened? Why are you working with Pitch Black?”

He wouldn’t look at her, glancing down at his feet instead. “He showed me some things.”

“What things?” She shook her head slightly, trying to clear the disbelief. “What could he possibly show you that would make you turn on everything you believe and stand for?”

He didn’t answer, the silence filling the space between them, the tension almost screaming at them in those moments.

“I showed him you.” Pitch materialized, stepping out of the shadows behind Jack, a smile on his face that had a chill slipping down her back. “I showed him all the terrible things that could happen to you, things he’d be powerless to stop unless the world believes in, and fears him.”

Oh. Wait, Jack was so concerned about her that he turned on the Guardians? Did he really care about her that much? Was it possible he loved her as she loved him? Was there really a chance of that? No, this wasn’t the time to think about that, to face that the love she had for him from the very moment they met could be returned. From the very moment they met…

“Jack,” His eyes met hers, rich with so many emotions it was heartbreaking. “Do you remember how we met?”

A smile flickered on his face. “Yeah, you were watching Jamie and Sophie, you took them to the pond to go ice skating.”

Y/N nodded. “I slipped on the ice, but you caught me. You’ve always caught me, Jack. Nothing can hurt me when you’re around.” For a moment, the really Jack shone through, a flicker of happiness in the storm.

Then Pitch spoke. “But he can’t be everywhere at once can he? Can’t be at your side every moment of every day.” The happiness vanished as more words poured out of Pitch’s mouth. “But if the world feared him, the storms and cold he could bring, nobody would dare to touch you, nobody would ever hurt you. You’d both be untouchable, and I can make that happen. Can the Guardians?”

“I’m…” Jack paused, seeming to search for words even as Pitch laid a hand on his shoulder in a grip that even she could see was tight. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

Tears pricked at her eyes, blurring her vision. That was so incredibly sweet, and so wrapped up in delusion. How was she supposed to counter that? How was she supposed to explain to him that enveloping the world in darkness and ice wouldn’t keep her safe? He’d gone this far to do it, what would it take to make him see this wasn’t going to work?

“This isn’t the way to do that.” She shook her head and swiped at an escaped tear. “You’re going up against the Guardians, and even if you win, you know you’d never forgive yourself.” She wiped away another tear, they were coming faster now. “I don’t know if Iwould. I would try, but I don’t know if I’d be able to.” She sucked in a shake breath and held his gaze. “Please Jack, I love you, don’t do this.”

Jack didn’t move, didn’t say a word, as if he’d been -ironically- frozen. Not even Pitch moved, just the soft fluttering snowflakes that drifted down from the sky and caught in their hair. The whole world was holding its breath, waiting for Jack to decide. How would he choose? A week ago, she’d thought she’d known, but now, after this, what would his answer be?

Finally, after an infinite moment, he smiled and held out his arms, shaking off Pitch’s hand. Oh thank the moon. It was as if every weight had lifted off her shoulders as she ran the short distance to him, right into his embrace as his staff fell to the wayside. A relieved laugh escaped her lips as she clung to him, burying her face in his hoodie, feeling his heart beating rapidly in time with hers, his arms around her, and his fingers tangling in her hair. He was back, Jack Frost was back.

“I am so sorry Y/N,” His words were a soft murmur in her ear, but he could have yelled it for all she cared. He was back. “I just want to keep you safe.”

“Then you shouldn’t have chosen as you did.” Pitch’s voice answered before she could. Before they could even respond pain exploded in her side. Sharp piercing pain mixing with a deep screaming agony that turned her legs to jelly beneath her. It was only Jack’s arms that kept her from collapsing as the world came into a strange sort of focus, like a camera bringing one thing at a time into a sharp contrast and blurring the rest. The warmth of the blood seeping from around the knife blade. The panic in Jack’s voice as he said her name. The coldness of the snow and his hands pushing her hair back out of her face as he looked down at her. The rolling clouds above.

“Y/N, stay with me.” Jack’s voice again, quick and fear filled. “Please, stay awake, stay with me.” The focus adjusted again, this time on the tears that were filling his gemstone blue eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He was crying, it wasn’t that bad was it? The pain was already numbing…or maybe that was just her body shutting down. Was this what it was like to die? What would come after? Would it be like sleeping? Would she see Heaven? Would her family know what happened? Would they be okay? What about Jamie and Sophie? They were such sweet kids, would their new babysitter know that they loved to go to the pond or that Sophie liked to have her hair braided and shouldn’t be trusted with scissors? Would Jack be okay? He looked so scared, his hands pressing against her side, covered in blood. Would he know just how much she really loved him? How much she wish she had the chance to do more than say it? That she wanted the chance to live it? To show him that she loved him with more than she could even put into words? That all of it, his laugh, his jokes, his voice, bravery, creativity, and even just the way he moved, was her favorite thing about him.

She tried to form the words, to tell him it was okay, to say that she loved him one more time as she reached up and wiped away the tears, but her mouth wouldn’t form the words as her eyes slipped shut.

“Y/N! No! Stay awake! Please!” Jack’s voice echoed in her ears as the darkness swallowed her, so still and quiet. Silent like she’d never imagined, but this wasn’t it, she was moving. Up, she was moving up towards a light. Huh, apparently the cliches were right. But nobody had ever mentioned the voice that whispered out of the darkness.

“You’re not done yet. Somebody would miss you.”

It all came back at once. The cold, the sobs, and the faint light from the sky above. The shock left her breathless for a moment, and then gasping for air. What had just happened? Had she really died only to get sent back? That was not what she expected. But Jack…he was the one sobbing, the most broken and shattered sound she could imagine. It crushed her heart, shattering it into broken, grating pieces.

“Jack?” Her voice came out softer than she expected, as if her body wasn’t used to having her in it again, letting alone speaking. Maybe that was why it was so hard to get her eyes open before Jack was gathering her up into a hug so tight it bordered on painful. It was if that was what it took to wake her limbs up to return the hug, for her to hide her face in his shoulder. Holy cow, she was alive! Pitch Black had stabbed her and she died but she was alive! Wait he’d stabbed her…she wasn’t bleeding! There was no pain! It was like nothing had happened.

“I’m okay Jack!” She wasn’t sure if she was laughing or crying, the relief was overwhelming. “I’m okay!” Jack pulled back slightly, his eyes wide, looking her over before he laughed.

“You’re okay!” He exclaimed, the biggest smile she’d ever seen on his face. Then his hands were on her face and his lips on hers. Y/N melted into the kiss, into the sweet moment. It was so gentle, so tender, and so much better than she would have dreamed. She never wanted it to end, never wanted him to pull away, even if he did rest his forehead against hers, noses bumping, as he let out a breathy laugh.

“I shouldn’t have waited so long to do that.” His gaze held hers, so overwhelmingly loving. “I love you, Y/N. I am way too lucky to get a chance to say that.”

“We both are,” Y/N said, “Just please, don’t ever do something like that again.”

“I won’t, I promise. It was stupid of me…” Jack pulled back, shaking his head. “I don’t know why helping Pitch Black would ever work…” He paused and his smile vanished. “Pitch! We need to stop him!” He scrambled to his feet, pulling her up with him. “He’s going to go after the Guardians again, after what I did at the Pole, I don’t know how long they’ll be able to hold out.” He snatched up his staff, looking up at the sky, then back to her. “Did North give you a way to get home?”
She nodded, “You go save the world, I’ll be fine.” He grinned at her as he caught her around the waist, pulling her close into another kiss. It was almost better than the first. But this time, as she pulled away, she reached up and ruffled his hair, shaking out the black sand. “There, that’s better.”

“I’ll see you soon.” Jack smiled at her one last time and then he was gone. Y/N lingered though, not touching the snow globe that was in her pocket. How had so much happened in so little time? Talking Jack down, dying and then coming back, and finally knowing that Jack loved her? Had it really all happened in less than a day?

Sighing she looked up to the sky feeling the snowflakes fall on her face and melt. Yeah, a lot had happened, meaning she had a lot to be grateful for, she had a chance to be grateful for. She got to tell Jack she loved him, got to see him make the right choice, and find out that he loved her right back. She might not have gotten the chance to say or do any of that. It could have all been opportunities lost with her life. She should have done and said it sooner. Huh, there was another lesson: don’t hesitate because it could all end in a second and the chance to do or say that thing would be gone.

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Bad dreams were nothing new to Mikey, but they’d never sent him running like this before, stumbling and panting over the rooftops to her apartment. Y/N’s apartment. Y/N had to be okay, he needed to know she was okay.

His hands were shaking as he slid open her apartment window, tripping as he climbed through into the dark bedroom. Even in the darkness it was clear her bed was empty, made and unslept in.

Where was she? Was she okay? Had she gone some where? Was she taken somewhere? Where was Y/N?

Heart racing, Mikey went through the apartment like a whirlwind, checking the couch, the kitchen, throwing open closets and cabinets, any place Y/N could possibly fit. Maybe something had scared her and she hid? Just… where was she?

There was a sudden burst of light that sent Mikey blinking and stumbling back out of the hall closet. Something caught his foot, and he went down on his rear.

“Mikey? Are you okay?” There, as his eyes adjusted to the light was Y/N crouched in front of him, her gentle touch on his shoulder. Tears threatened to spill over as he looked up at her, taking in her soft hair and concerned eyes. She was okay, she was alright, nothing bad had happened to her. 

Mikey said nothing just pulled her into a hug, burying his face in her shoulder, breathing in deep the smell of vanilla that always seemed to hang around her.

“Mikey, baby, what’s wrong?” Y/N hugged him right back.

“A nightmare..” he whispered,, mostly into the indigo cloth of her dress. “I needed to make sure you were okay.”

“Ok,” Was her only answer. He didn’t know how long they lingered there, wrapped in each other’s arms among the scattered items he’d tossed from the closet, but it was enough-no, she was enough to calm his heart and soothe the shaking.

“Hey,” Y/N pulled away. “I’m going to go change into something more comfortable, and then we can snuggle on the couch.” Mikey nodded, looking around at the mess he’d made. She just chuckled as she stood. “We’ll take care of that later.”

With Y/N tucked against his chest, a blanket falling over them, Mikey let out a soft sigh, threading his fingers into her soft hair. This was better, this was so much better. She was okay, she was safe, and she was here. But perhaps most of all, she was his. She chose him. And he loved her all the more for it.

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Raph didn’t do fear. It just wasn’t his style, or not admitting it was. Course there was that one time with the Shredder and the tower but… that was it.

At least until Y/N came onto the scene.

She was Vern’s niece though Raph would swear up and down that she was a fairy in disguise. Tiny? Check. Colorful hair that always had a braid, flower, ribbon, or all three tucked into it somewhere? Check. A smile that shone like the stars? Absolutely. And somehow, the room always felt…brighter when she was in it. Even when she had just left, there was something lighter in it.

She terrified him.

She was so tiny and magical and happy and he was…him. A brute, a monster, and a hothead. He could snap her like a twig without even trying and that was exactly what worried him. So much so, that it haunted him even in his sleep.

The dreams would always start out simple, a normal day and then he’d start bickering with one of his brothers and lash out and she’d get caught in the middle. She’d get hit, kicked, or something and…just wouldn’t move. 

The nightmares always left him unable to sleep afterwards, laying in bed in a cold sweat trying to decide what terrified him more-him accidentally hurting her or just the idea of her dying. He always ended up in a tie. 

Two weeks after the nightmares started, he’d had enough. Tossing the blankets aside, he climbed out of bed, grabbing his sais and gear as he left the room. Maybe, just maybe checking on Y/N, seeing her with his own eyes would let him go back to sleep and finally get some rest. He didn’t need to talk to her, she didn’t even know that he was outside of her window, he just needed to know that she was fine.

He tucked the bulk of his frame against the wall, peering around the window frame into the living room of her appointment and let out a soft sigh of relief. There she was, settled on the couch with a blanket in the light of the TV. Huh, was that the blanket he’d made her for her birthday? She actually used it?

“You know, I didn’t take you for a peeping tom.” She didn’t even look away from the TV as she spoke loud enough for him to hear through the half open window. 

He chuckled as he slid it open all the way and climbed through. “Ya should close yer window.”

“You’re the one whose supposed to be a ninja.” She claimed as she stretched her arms above her head. “Let me guess, couldn’t sleep?”

He nodded as he eased down onto the couch next to her. As usual she didn’t waste any time turning to lean her back against the arm rest and stretch her legs over his lap.

She smiled slightly. “I’m guessing it’s nightmares keeping you awake?”

“What makes ya think that?” Raph side eyed her. Why was that her first guess? Did his brothers know and maybe tell her?

“It’s why I can’t sleep most nights either.” She sighed. “I get nightmares almost every night. There’s no shame in it. It’s not exactly something you can control.”

Raph let his words rolled over in his mind. She got nightmares? Regularly? And she was so open about it? Huh…maybe she was right, if it’s something you can’t control then there was no shame in it.

“You wanna stay here tonight?” Y/N asked after a moment. “I’m binging the Mandolorian.”

“Sure.” Raph shrugged.

It was there in the light of the TV and the stillness of the late night that something changed. Something new washed over him, a warmth that was so different than the chill that the nightmares had caused to crawl over his skin. It was a warmth that caused his heart to flutter and a smile to tug at his lips.

In a single evening he fell from the fear and into love with the girl beside him.

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Sleep was for the weak.

At least that’s how the saying went. Donnie disagreed. Sleep was for the brave and those without conscience because they had the courage to face their fears or lack of fears. They could give into their minds and the thoughts that attempted to sort themselves out in the darkness of slumber. The emotions, thoughts, events of the past and events yet to occur could run wild without restraint in sleep forming into dreams, or nightmares. 

Donnie jolted awake in a cold sweat, his hands clenched around the tools that he’d fallen asleep using. On unsteady legs he stood, pushing away the half assembled computer he’d been working on…what was it? Three? No, four hours ago. He’d only been asleep four hours and that was all it took for his mind to grab hold of his worst fears. It was no wonder psychology had yet to grasp the full extent of dreaming. It happened so quickly… so quickly had the images of the shredder come creeping out of the darkness, a battered and bloody Y/N in tow, and Donnie was helpless to stop it. All his skills with his bow, medicine, and science hadn’t been enough to save her, to keep her breathing as he held her close. 

It was just a dream, neurological synapses and pulses, so why wouldn’t his heart stop pounding until he dropped down onto her apartment balcony? Why was his hand still shaking as he rapped on the glass slider door? 

“Donnie?” Her voice was so sweet as she slid the door open, looking up at him with eyes soft with concern. “Are you okay?”

Donnie said nothing but gathered her up in a hug. How was it just holding her like this, feeling her warmth in the nippy air of the night and her heartbeat against his chest, calmed him? The calmness that rolled over him at her embrace was addicting. It was so sweet, soothing. If she was a drug, he’d never go to rehab.

“I just needed you.” He claimed as he pulled back enough to look her in the eye. 

She chuckled, shaking her head. “Okay then Romeo, what do you say we get inside where it’s warm?” Donnie nodded, following her inside, sliding the door shut behind him, all the terrors of sleep locked beyond its glass in the darkness of the night, scared off by the light that was Y/N.

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