#midlife crisis


What is that one thing in life that you regret the most?

Well, for me that would be the course that I took for college. I am currently a 4th year irregular student of my Degree Course BS Entrepreneurship. I took my first 3 years in this COLLEGE that was TOO expensive, stopped and worked for 2 years as a Call Center Agent due to financial problems, and went back to continue my course IN a really cheap school but the quality of education, I’d say honestly, wasn’t the best. I ended up forgetting what I’ve learned for the past years and just pursuing my education for me to acquire a diploma which is a really big deal for my parents. I’ve insisted them on letting me transfer to a better school with a different kind of course but yet again, we are not the FORTUNATE ones and they have adviced me to finish my course since I only have probably about 2 years more to go.

me crying for life (what a face #FailureDrama)

I know that this course isn’t the best for me.

After studying for years I still don’t get the process of building up a business, taxes, accounting, business strategies, finding suppliers, etc. I don’t even know what to kind of business do I want to put up?! I also thought that if I wanted to make a business I knew I didn’t need this course and instead use the money I pay for college as my CAPITAL in case I found the business I wanted. I’m just too afraid to finish college and have a hard time finding a job because I know I don’t have the specific skills unlike those courses that have a specific work such as Nursing, Engineering, IT, etc.

As an Entrepreneur you should create jobs and not find them. That’s my problem. Since I’m not really into business nor do I have the finance to build my dream business, I prefer finding a nice-paying job and hopefully earning enough money to build a business of my own with the confidence I have acquired from my job. Other courses like Nursing, Tourism, HRM, etc. All of those have career paths but what do I have? Just HOPE. The Hope to have an idea and the money to put it into a reality which, unfortunately, I don’t acquire.

There will be those nights where I will wake up out of nowhere and think about how my life will be for me. I know for myself that everything will turn out the way I want but I’m just having a hard time finding that bridge that will help me get there. –  maybe I’m just being too negative. We’ll see what this year brings for me. i just had to PURGE my negative thought in this post but still,m I remain Positive. :)

Manchmal, das Leben nimmt überraschende Wendungen. In meinem Job, es gibt viele Leute die etwas gegen mich haben. Manche Männer, weil sie selbstbewusste Frauen als Vorgesetzte nicht ertragen. Manche Frauen, aus genau demselben Grund. Und manche Frauen, weil sie graue Mäuse sind und nicht ertragen, dass Frauen sexy und erotisch sein können und gegen alle ihre Vorurteile nicht dumm sondern clever…

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