#midnight mass

hunterschafer:MIDNIGHT MASS + PAINTINGS“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN“Watchers inhunterschafer:MIDNIGHT MASS + PAINTINGS“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN“Watchers inhunterschafer:MIDNIGHT MASS + PAINTINGS“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN“Watchers inhunterschafer:MIDNIGHT MASS + PAINTINGS“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN“Watchers inhunterschafer:MIDNIGHT MASS + PAINTINGS“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN“Watchers in



“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” - ILYA REPIN
“Watchers in The Night” - THOMAS BLACKSHEAR
“The Creation of Adam” -MICHELANGELO
“Lucifer” - FRANZ STUCK

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antoncrane: Monsignor Pruitt - Midnight Mass. Monk Inok - Konstantin Savitsky (1897) antoncrane: Monsignor Pruitt - Midnight Mass. Monk Inok - Konstantin Savitsky (1897)


Monsignor Pruitt - Midnight Mass.
Monk Inok - Konstantin Savitsky (1897)

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kikicolors: Day 2: Suitplease watch midnight mass it’s very good (:


Day 2: Suit

please watch midnight mass it’s very good (:

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I don’t think I’ll ever get over that part during John’s confession to Millie where he suppresses a sob when he says “I didn’t want you to die.”



 ;  midnight mass.   by clicking the source link below, you will find #1,112 gifs of hamish linklaterinmidnight mass(2021). Do not edit or repost them. Like / reblog if using.

content warnings: blood, fire, flickering lights, gore, kissing, religious imagery.

information about my commissions.


Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.



Halo imagery for sinful little boys


obsessed with the wording in this article

So, still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster that is Midnight Mass, I managed to finish a little project inspired by that beautiful madness.

Here’s my Corpo/Assassin V, with the incredible take on Vampire eyes that the show came up with:

To see the process behind this piece, as well as a brief write-up and a colouring timelapse, consider checking under the read more.

Whilst this piece was pretty simple compared to many of my recent and upcoming projects, it still presented its own unique challenges; namely in the lighting/shadows and the eyes themselves. In the show, the Vampire eyes have this hypnotic reflection, and I really wanted to do my best to replicate that.

And I actually love how they turned out. I really think they look pretty good! It was super cool trying them out, and I’ll probably even use this art in my Corpo/Assassin V’s upcoming fic.

Here’s the (condensed) process:

You can see that, even though this piece is simple and has no complex background, I still put alot of effort into it all. I’m particularly pleased with V’s ear jewellery, the crucifix style buttons, and their skin textures.

Whilst alot of the details aren’t quite so bright by the end, due to the lighting, I still love how this piece turned out overall.

And here is a colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

Here you can see how this project, again being fairly simple, still took a decent amount of time. I fiddled around with the lighting and shadows more than I have on any other piece I’ve done recently; I really wanted to try and step up my game in that respect.

So whilst I still have a ways to go with the lighting and shadows, I am very happy with where I got to in this piece.

Last night I finished Midnight Mass. It was an incredible series. The blend of horror and poetic dialogue, as well as striking imagery was absolutely masterful.

But I was drawn to one aspect more than most. The eyes that you have once you’ve turned.

So I thought I’d put them on my Corpo/Assassin V (WIP)

I’m actually surprised that Tumblr doesn’t have a bigger fanbase for Midnight Mass, a show which has both a hot dad and the absolute saddest meow meow I have ever seen


could you imagine being sheriff hassan and going to your first easter vigil like surely catholics aren’t as weird as they seem on tv, and then a guy gets turned into a vampire within like 8 minutes.


I think an underrated horror trope is “insular christian cult worshipping something that slowly reveals itself to be Very Much Not God”.  I think it speaks something to the bastardized nature of american christian sects like southern baptist and others. I think in a lot of ways the way colonialism pairs with christianity in the americas really makes it demonic in ways that horror makes powerful statements about.


Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.



Me infiltrating Crockett island to get the hot vampire priest to fuck me:
