#midnighter and apollo

Jenny made her dad make a hair tutorial but he was quite hopeless, luckily her other dad went to theJenny made her dad make a hair tutorial but he was quite hopeless, luckily her other dad went to theJenny made her dad make a hair tutorial but he was quite hopeless, luckily her other dad went to the

Jenny made her dad make a hair tutorial but he was quite hopeless, luckily her other dad went to the rescue 

there was supposed to be one or two frames more but honestly just look at the date I actually drew these, I dont even remember what exactly was supposed to happen

Mid kisses his head and braids his hair in a fancy way

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Midpollo greek mythology!au since one of them is already named Apollohehe, butt (Fun fact if you tra

Midpollo greek mythology!au since one of them is already named Apollo

hehe, butt

(Fun fact if you translate Midnighter into ancient greek you get Mesainihtos and isn’t that cool as shit)

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There is not enough tall people memes about Apollo

There is not enough tall people memes about Apollo

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My art for @superbatreversebang “Double Date” fic by @romiress 
#superbat    #midpollo    #superman    #apollo dc    #midnighter    #batman    #bruce wayne    #clark kent    #andrew pulaski    #lucas trent    #superhero    #midnighter and apollo    
midnighter, dickard, and apollo!i super love my patrons @dishonored-pendletwin and @thatrandombatgur

midnighter, dickard, and apollo!

i super love my patrons @dishonored-pendletwin and @thatrandombatgurl! for real, i’m super appreciative of you two!

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sorry ive been inactive bc of college! heres new midnighter and apollo 

sorry ive been inactive bc of college! heres new midnighter and apollo 

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