#midoriya x you


study date ft. midoriya izuku

notes — heart been owned by this cinnamon roll nowadays and it shows <33

you know you’re not supposed to mess around while your green haired boyfriend diligently reviews his notes from the earlier lessons in class. you know you shouldn’t even start planning on grabbing his attention away from it when you were the one that suggested to study the topic in your room earlier in the first place.

boredom manifested inside you quicker than you thought it would be which is why you’re now sprawled at your bed staring at izuku’s broad back, having the urge to ruffle his mop of broccoli hair. you debated on just browsing on your phone or messaging some friends to annoy them, but then decided observing the aspiring hero albeit creepily, was better. he must’ve sensed your heated gaze directed at him because you notice he stopped his self rambling and became a bit tense as he then slowly looked at you.

with a timid voice he hesitantly asks if there’s something wrong, which you answered with a little shake of your head. he raises an eyebrow at that as if telling you he knows there’s something else you want to say. you don’t reply and just kept your eyes on the freckles on his face, wanting to count them again. it’s a simple past time you find yourself doing — admiring the patches that are littered on different parts of his skin — only when he’s asleep. though sometimes he’s awake on those instances and pretends he isn’t. midoriya doesn’t know that you know of this, and you don’t have the heart to tell him anytime soon, because you realize he likes it a lot when you touch him so lovingly but is just too shy to tell you.

for a moment you’re so lost in thought, you fail to recognize the hand that cradles your cheek. it snapped you back to the present when you feel it apply the slightest pressure. you end up staring at izuku who was now hovering slightly above you, curiosity in his expression with a hint of concern, his notes completely forgotten.

when your name leaves his lips in a whisper, you knew you were done for.

nothing else mattered except him and his goddamn shy smile and that endearing blush that formed when he sees the way you visibly brightened at his full attentiveness finally directed at you.

with the exams coming up as well as other more pressing things to boot that comes with being a hero in training, it’s not a surprise that izuku and you haven’t been able to get some time alone together for quite awhile. the last nice uninterrupted date you remembered you two shared happened a few weeks ago.

so it’s not your fault that you’ve been missing him — very much, to be exact.

you totally didn’t pretend to invite him to study just to gawk at him stupidly. also definitely didn’t plan to watch a new all might documentary film as you snuggle under your blanket and catch up with each other. you didn’t anticipate the situation in which your boyfriend would have believed your idea so easily (like you don’t even study that diligently why doesn’t he think it’s suspicious you would start now), which then resulted to you absently staring at your book for half an hour until you gave up on it.

not bothering to hide the longing laced in your tone as you say his name back, you give him a pout and invite him with open arms that makes his heart flutter. he gives you the chance to wrap your arms around his neck as he positions himself to lay on your chest, careful not to put all his weight on you. you feel rather than hear him sigh with contentment and it makes you happy to know that he shares your unsaid sentiments.

you stay like this for some time, just basking on each other’s company and listening to each other’s breathing. he gives an appreciative hum when you place a chaste kiss on his green curls. you want him to know what you’re feeling right now and how hard you hoped for a sweet moment like this again with the love of your life. however, before you could get a chance to speak, he tightens his hold on your waist and stares at you again.

the look he gives you tells you enough — izuku’s figured everything out. he’s one of the smartest people you know so it wouldn’t be hard for him to connect two and two together.

when he sees you try to speak up for the second time, he lowers himself to give you a peck on the lips. you’re in disbelief yet also extremely flustered at what he’d done that it ultimately shuts you down. if you hadn’t caught his reddening ears, you’d have thought izuku had improved with initiating physical intimacy between you two.

“i miss you.” he murmurs gently in your ear, placing another innocent peck underneath it. you laugh wholeheartedly at his darling confession — ‘so he wanted to be the first one to say that line huh?’

with a grin and newly found energy, you squish his cheeks and gave him an eskimo kiss which in turn makes both of you giggle like lovesick idiots (which you both are).

izuku and you ended up doing what you planned, the green haired boy pointed out the fact you could’ve just asked him because he would’ve agreed in a heartbeat instead of putting an act to actually do school-related activities. you chose to ignore his comments so you could leave fleeting kisses on the scars of his fingers in peace.

everything else outside this secluded room of yours could wait for a moment.

right now, you’re pretty much enjoying the time you have with izuku as he once again starts his rambling of opinions for you to hear on the new all might documentary film he had already watched a couple of times alone.

Getting caught listening to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album

Anon asked: I hope we are on the same page and agree on that SOUR IS PAINFUL and I can’t stop laughing at the concept of the bnha boys reacting to yn singing something from there. Like they think it’s all cute and precious how beautifully you sing and then you almost sob at the lyrics lmao.

Characters: timeskip! Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou

authors.note: I’ve been listening to her album non stop and it’s getting out of hand, the worst part is I’ve never been in love XD. This is a different format I hope you like it. Enjoy <3

SHOTO walks through the door of your shared apartment, his tie in one hand and suit jacket in the other. Music blared from the kitchen, a soft melodic tune ringing through the house as both yours and the singer’s voices blended into one harmonizing. He always loved coming home to you because in reality, this house wasn’t his home you were; you with your weird habits and spontaneous ice cream trips at 2 am. You and your smile that lit up his life, you and your voice that always managed to calm him even when both of you were in the middle of a villain attack fighting for your lives and those of others. He loved every piece of you and he was always thanking the universe for allowing him to love you. Closing his eyes he focused on your voice, easily distinguishing it from the singer’s. With your soft words going straight to his heart he completely ignored the lyrics until he was rudely brought back to earth by the song. “But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face….” Baffled, he entered the kitchen rushing over to you to wrap his arms around your waist, a pout evident on his lips. You kissed his temple, placing your hands over his and swaying from left to right. Shoto just held you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck and refusing to let go for the rest of the night.

KATSUKI sighed as he heard the loud sounds of your music coming from behind the apartment door. He loved you with all his heart, he truly did but if he had to listen to Doja Cat one more time… Evenings like these were always his favorites though, loud music and all. Weekend evenings when he comes home early, always finding you curled up on the couch, TV playing steadily on the news channel as you read your book. He knew you worried, you always did and you always will, he finds it endearing and cute, teasing you about it when he gets home each night. As much as he finds it cute it also brings guilt. He wants to give you the world, the sun and the stars, anything and everything you desire but he knows that no matter what his safety will always dominate your mind and he will always find you watching the news channel waiting to confirm his safety. You both fall in love hard. As he stepped into the living room he witnessed the small show you had going on; pjs consisting of his shirt and shorts, her wet with a comb in your hand as you sang along to this week’s favorite. “I’m so sick of 17 where’s my fucking teenage dream?” He laughed at that, grabbing your hips making you yelp in surprise as he steadied you on the couch. “You’re 22 you brat! Now get down before you hit the ceiling.”

IZUKU most of the time enters your home through the bedroom window like a burglar. He has no reason to do so apart from being able to. So, naturally, he usually scares you half to death when he suddenly appears seemingly out of nowhere. He loved doing that. He especially loved the process afterwards of how he will try to coax the pout off your face with kisses and hugs. It never lasts long, you give in too early but he enjoys the process. Making you smile is his one priority and he will step down as n.1 if he ever stopped. Music flooded the apartment, it wasn’t too loud just loud enough to hide his footsteps. You were swaying softly in the middle of the living room, eyes closed while you sang along. The song was sad, really sad and the singer’s voice made it 10x worse. Before he even realized he too had closed his eyes, back leaning on the wall behind him as he let your voice soothe him. He doesn’t know how long he had his eyes closed, all he knew was that the song was over and something more upbeat was playing and as he opened his eyes he came face to face with you, your own eyes a little glossy. Your nose was touching his and you sniffled a bit as you stared at him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek before wiping the unshed tears from your eyes. He had so many questions and he must’ve looked very confused because suddenly you burst out laughing. “This album is super sad, okay? I can’t help it!” Took a pic as blackmail.

EIJIROU had been listening to the same album all day long and tears had been shed. Bakugou had yelled at him during lunch break for tearing up at one of the songs. Now, Eijirou has never experienced heartbreak and he never wants to. You are his everything and if that day came when things between you had to end he doesn’t know what he’ll do. Hell, he doesn’t even want to remotely think about such a predicament. Now he is standing in your shared home’s entrance hall, keys still in hand as he can clearly hear you sob-singing along to the song that had made him cry this morning. At that moment, Eijirou was certain you two were soulmates. He always had a feeling but now he is certain. Taking off his shoes hastily and throwing his jacket on the hanger he sprinted into the living room just as the best part of the song started playing. “Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?” Both of you sang at the top of your lungs tears rolling down your cheeks as you feel into each other’s arms, the breakup song continuing its course. Olivia Rodrigo 1 Perfectly happy couple 0.

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