#deku x yn



Being Midoriya Izuku’s imaginary friend.


This was inspired by the fantastic game (imho) Finding Paradise, an installment of the To The Moon series. If you’d like, you should check it out!

  • Bakugou’s relentless bullying resulted in many children avoiding young Midoriya out of fear he’d target them next. Others would instead partake IN the bullying, in hopes of evading the blonde’s ire or perhaps joining his little gang.
  • Not too long after that, you appeared! A gentle (sometimes) hand to keep him company. Speak with him, play with him, share with him. That was your duty.
  • Thanks to you, he wasn’t lonely or scared, or afraid. Everytime you were around, you helped ease him out of those feelings.
  • Sometimes, you’d tease him about his hero obsession til’ he blushed like a red tomato. You’d even call him “Red Might!” As a nickname, much to his dismay.
  • Sometimes on harsher days, he’d practically cling to you and want nothing but your presence. When that happened, you’d grab him by the hand and drag him off to your “special place” (another section of the park) and play around together. That really helped
  • One time, you’d threaten to beat up his bullies for him. But he declined the offer, because it wasn’t the right thing to do. That and… You weren’t real.
  • You had each other in the end. And so long as you existed, you promised to protect him.
  • What should of been a simple childhood phase sort of stuck with him. He matured, and grew, but some things stayed. And one of them, was you.
  • Of course, you weren’t in child form anymore, but rather appearing like a young teenager like Midoriya. Yet, your personality didn’t falter! You were still yourself, looking out for him and being there by his side. Which he appreciated.
  • Midoriya had grown so use to having your presence around him, he more or less forgot you weren’t even real nowadays. He had a whole story thought out for you: a random kid who lived out of town from where he was, but still managed to hang out with him. And for the most part, people believed it.
  • In his eyes, you WERE real. You were there for him through everything, from the day he was a young boy to him training to become a hero.
  • Whenever people asked about his life, one of the special individuals he’d bring up first would be… His mother… And you. Sometimes though, he’d get a bit reluctant whenever people started prying for more information about his “never before seen friend”, only giving the background and an excuse for why you weren’t around.
  • Although you meant the world to him, Midoriya slowly paid less and less attention to you. He began spending his hours into training, studying, mentoring under All Might, and hanging out with his squad.
  • It didn’t bother you much, because you loved Midoriya. If he was happy, you were happy. One time you teased him about how distant you two had gotten recently, which caused him to slightly choke for a minute before apologizing about it. You could tell he regretted the little time he had for you now, but you reassured him that it didn’t matter. You were fine!
  • Watching Midoriya’s transformation really was something. He went from a raining sprinkler to an occasional rain cloud.
  • After so long, he was finally growing up! And you couldn’t have been more proud of him!
  • Of course… Growing up means things change. It was time, you figured..
  • Staying any longer would be pointless, he needed to place his utmost attention on real life rather then the fantasy world you represented.
  • He needed to move on.. from you.
  • So, late on his birthday when his friends had disappeared from the celebration. You told Midoriya to follow you somewhere speical.. well, you more like demanded him too, because he wouldn’t move from his bed which felt unusually comfortable right now.
  • With a small displeased groan from Mr. Broccoli, you guided him out of the house. As you went, Midoriya began falling back, speed growing progressively slower. If it weren’t for you dragging him, he probably would of halted right in his steps.
  • After perhaps an hour, you two wound up in a familiar place.
  • The park.
  • He wondered why you brought him here, but you simply smiled and continued holding his hand. Traversing through the area in a slow manner while enjoying the gentle rays of moonlight that glowed the ground underneath you two.
  • Finding a place under a tree, you sat down and enjoyed the crisp moonlit air, while Midoriya tried sitting next to you in spite of how uncomfortable the spot was.
  • Although it was dark, the moon’s illumination helped brighten up the place. It was peaceful, perfect for your farewell.
  • You always admired Midoriya and his dedication to make you feel real. Even now, he pretended like he could actually feel your hand in his. Like yours really held warmth.
  • Midoriya knew why you had brought him here, he always did. But he didn’t want to say his goodbyes to you, which is why he tried stopping himself from coming here.
  • He didn’t want you to go, he didn’t want this to be his final moments with you. You tried telling him how silly this whole thing was, that people would laugh at him if they knew.
  • He didn’t care. Why should he? You were there for him since day one. you helped make him who he is today, you taught him how to be stronger! To be brave! To never give up!
  • You laughed, saying you taught him nothing but what he already knew. All he ever wanted was a friend, and you stepped in to take that role. Now that he had real friends, he didn’t need you anymore.
  • Midoriya refused to believe that. He told you he’d always need you as he looked up to the stars that glittered the sky above him.
  • Midoriya had to learn that, staying with you meant he was still staying in his head. He needed to focus on the things that mattered, so he’d be able to appreciate life. Appreciate the time he has and to enjoy his future ahead.
  • You reassured him that, one day you’d come back, and on that day he’d tell you everything that happened in his life. even when you were gone, you were gonna protect him in your own way.
  • …to your suprise, he wasn’t balling his eyes out. He was quiet though, and his eyes held sadness in them.
  • Getting up from your spot, you stood tall and stretched your limbs. A small yawn leaving your lips. As you were about to walk off, Midoriya stopped you.
  • “Hey, I haven’t even…said goodbye yet..”
  • You smiled, bringing him to his feet. Wrapping your arms around him for one final embrace, you said in the softest voice:
  • “you already did, Midoriya… A long time ago”
  • And like that, you were gone.
  • Midoriya stood there for awhile. Alone and cold. He knew moving on was what you wanted, but it didn’t mean he had to like it at first.
  • Midoriya went on as normal eventually, but when people would bring you up he’d only ever say that you moved somewhere far away, and spoke with fondness of your memory.
  • He held onto the hope that, one day, you’d come back. And when you would, he’d tell you everything that happened in his life.
  • Until then, he’ll keep you close to his heart and memory.

(check this song out. But spoilers!!)

Deku headcannon

You and Deku are huge bibliophiles. Your favorite dates are when you go to book stores and get stuck there for hours picking out new books. Deku loves knowledge. He loves to study but he had a love for fantasy and adventure books.

For your anniversary he built you both a study in your house where you can both share your love of books. Now your free time is spent reading books together.

Dekus favorite time in the study is cuddling up to you on the round love seat. He loves carrying you in his lap while he rests his book on your thighs. It’s the perfect position to kiss your forehead and play with your hair. You’re both there for hours, him holding you to him and you being held.

Your favorite reading position is when you drapp your legs over his and he lays a hand on your legs caressing them sweetly. Ever so often you look at each other and he smiles at you with the sweetest smile, eyes glowing with love.

Getting caught listening to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album

Anon asked: I hope we are on the same page and agree on that SOUR IS PAINFUL and I can’t stop laughing at the concept of the bnha boys reacting to yn singing something from there. Like they think it’s all cute and precious how beautifully you sing and then you almost sob at the lyrics lmao.

Characters: timeskip! Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou

authors.note: I’ve been listening to her album non stop and it’s getting out of hand, the worst part is I’ve never been in love XD. This is a different format I hope you like it. Enjoy <3

SHOTO walks through the door of your shared apartment, his tie in one hand and suit jacket in the other. Music blared from the kitchen, a soft melodic tune ringing through the house as both yours and the singer’s voices blended into one harmonizing. He always loved coming home to you because in reality, this house wasn’t his home you were; you with your weird habits and spontaneous ice cream trips at 2 am. You and your smile that lit up his life, you and your voice that always managed to calm him even when both of you were in the middle of a villain attack fighting for your lives and those of others. He loved every piece of you and he was always thanking the universe for allowing him to love you. Closing his eyes he focused on your voice, easily distinguishing it from the singer’s. With your soft words going straight to his heart he completely ignored the lyrics until he was rudely brought back to earth by the song. “But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face….” Baffled, he entered the kitchen rushing over to you to wrap his arms around your waist, a pout evident on his lips. You kissed his temple, placing your hands over his and swaying from left to right. Shoto just held you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck and refusing to let go for the rest of the night.

KATSUKI sighed as he heard the loud sounds of your music coming from behind the apartment door. He loved you with all his heart, he truly did but if he had to listen to Doja Cat one more time… Evenings like these were always his favorites though, loud music and all. Weekend evenings when he comes home early, always finding you curled up on the couch, TV playing steadily on the news channel as you read your book. He knew you worried, you always did and you always will, he finds it endearing and cute, teasing you about it when he gets home each night. As much as he finds it cute it also brings guilt. He wants to give you the world, the sun and the stars, anything and everything you desire but he knows that no matter what his safety will always dominate your mind and he will always find you watching the news channel waiting to confirm his safety. You both fall in love hard. As he stepped into the living room he witnessed the small show you had going on; pjs consisting of his shirt and shorts, her wet with a comb in your hand as you sang along to this week’s favorite. “I’m so sick of 17 where’s my fucking teenage dream?” He laughed at that, grabbing your hips making you yelp in surprise as he steadied you on the couch. “You’re 22 you brat! Now get down before you hit the ceiling.”

IZUKU most of the time enters your home through the bedroom window like a burglar. He has no reason to do so apart from being able to. So, naturally, he usually scares you half to death when he suddenly appears seemingly out of nowhere. He loved doing that. He especially loved the process afterwards of how he will try to coax the pout off your face with kisses and hugs. It never lasts long, you give in too early but he enjoys the process. Making you smile is his one priority and he will step down as n.1 if he ever stopped. Music flooded the apartment, it wasn’t too loud just loud enough to hide his footsteps. You were swaying softly in the middle of the living room, eyes closed while you sang along. The song was sad, really sad and the singer’s voice made it 10x worse. Before he even realized he too had closed his eyes, back leaning on the wall behind him as he let your voice soothe him. He doesn’t know how long he had his eyes closed, all he knew was that the song was over and something more upbeat was playing and as he opened his eyes he came face to face with you, your own eyes a little glossy. Your nose was touching his and you sniffled a bit as you stared at him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek before wiping the unshed tears from your eyes. He had so many questions and he must’ve looked very confused because suddenly you burst out laughing. “This album is super sad, okay? I can’t help it!” Took a pic as blackmail.

EIJIROU had been listening to the same album all day long and tears had been shed. Bakugou had yelled at him during lunch break for tearing up at one of the songs. Now, Eijirou has never experienced heartbreak and he never wants to. You are his everything and if that day came when things between you had to end he doesn’t know what he’ll do. Hell, he doesn’t even want to remotely think about such a predicament. Now he is standing in your shared home’s entrance hall, keys still in hand as he can clearly hear you sob-singing along to the song that had made him cry this morning. At that moment, Eijirou was certain you two were soulmates. He always had a feeling but now he is certain. Taking off his shoes hastily and throwing his jacket on the hanger he sprinted into the living room just as the best part of the song started playing. “Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?” Both of you sang at the top of your lungs tears rolling down your cheeks as you feel into each other’s arms, the breakup song continuing its course. Olivia Rodrigo 1 Perfectly happy couple 0.

TAG LIST:@the-arcana-fan-fic@angelwritings@axerrri@reinyrei@dnarez@storage11037@ezoyscorner@letscheereachotheron@wolfkid22@dark-thoughts-and-red-roses@threeamwriting@ysatrap@yashinosakura@belladonna-coven@gwynsapphire@idontlikeyourjobIF YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED OR IF I HAVEN’T TAGGED YOU PLZ DM ME

Todoroki Clan Reader dating Deku

This was inspired by @i-cant-sing and her take on the platonic relationship between the Reader and the Todoroki clan. I just put my own take on it as I was wondering what would happen if Todoroki Reader was dating Deku. It’s probably not as good as I thought that it was going to be, but I hope that it’s enough.

It’s something that no one saw coming.

When Shoto found out that Midoriya had developed an interest in his baby sister, everything had changed. Although he was thankful that his classmate and friend helped open his eyes to his quirk, helped support him during their time at UA, he cannot accept that Midoriya is courting his sister.

It’s even worse when the rest of the family find out.

Enji is miffed off. The boy that hurt himself in his fight with Shoto is trying to date his little one under his nose? No way. Not happening. Will more than likely call a family meeting that nobody really wants to attend but they suck it up if it’s a matter concerning you.

Rei is wondering why you need a boyfriend in the first place. Was your family not enough that you felt the need to enjoy someone else’s company? She will then take it upon herself to treat you to Mother-Daughter dates with Fuyumi. Purposefully makes sure that almost all of your time is spent with herself or her family members.

Touya/Dabi likes to pretend that he doesn’t really give a damn in regards to you, but will definitely corner poor Izuku on his way home in an abandoned alleyway to intimidate him into breaking up with you. For a while he thinks it works until he sees them kissing under the stars on a bench by the beach. (Totally didn’t threaten him with bodily harm on the poor boy’s way home, don’t worry baby sis he is still alive. Mostly.)

Natsuo is upset. Why do you feel the need to hang out with a little boy when your big brother is here to give you all the affection and attention you need? Will purposefully crash the girls date despite Fuyumi’s protests and proudly partakes in a couple of the girlie activites. Acts as a buffer for when Rei and Fuyumi become a little too much, lets them turn the attention to him while he holds you in his lap, swatting their hands away.

Fuyumi will go over the top on the Mother-Daughter dates that she has with you. Fancy spas, shopping for things that you see in the windows, going out to nail salons to get your nails done professionally. Basically anything that she can think of to make you feel like the princess you are in hopes that you will forget all about the green haired boy.

Shoto is unrelenting and instigates fights whether they be verbal or physical with Midoriya that it’s starting to make their classmates uncomfortable and beginning to piss Bakugou off. Shoto doesn’t even hesitate to cut into Midoriya’s self-esteem, telling him that he is not good enough to date his sister, that his sister is probably only dating him because she’s a good person that doesn’t know how to say no, that he constantly hurts and damages himself how can he trust his baby sister with someone like him? Shoto cuts deep into Midoriya, but clearly it’s not enough because the broccoli haired bastard keeps coming back to you.

You are none the wiser to what your family is doing. You have no idea that your poor boyfriend is being threatened and bullied by most of the males in your family. You just think that it’s cute as to how hesitant he is around you. You don’t know that when Rei and Fuyumi take you, with Natsuo tagging along, for extended times so that you will have less time with your boyfriend. Nor do you know that more often than not they steal you away on the days the both of you are supposed to have dates.

Joke’s on them when you start inviting him over every single day because you want to spend more time with him.

Deku knows that as soon as he steps foot into your house that it’s a war zone, and that the only thing he can do is hold your hand tightly while you walk him through hell.


taking care

izuku midoriya x reader

r18 (mdni)

word count: 1,700

sometimes his work takes izuku away for long periods of time. but he’s more than willing (eager, hungry) to make it up to you when he’s home

[pro-hero deku, dom/sub undertones, “good girl”, overstim, smut & fluff, possessive and loving <3]


Izuku dotes on you. It honestly gets ridiculous sometimes. He’s so willing to do anything to make your life easier, insisting on grabbing whatever you need from the other room so you don’t have to get up, opening doors, jars, coats, making sure everything you want is stocked in his apartment. He learned how to style hair so he could take care of it for you on the mornings after he fucked you silly wore you out. Once when you were out walking together he noticed your shoelace came untied and dropped to his haunches to redo it for you. The paparazzi had a field day with that one.

Keep reading

They discover that his girlfriend is a cosplayer


Part 1: Bakugo and Dabi

Izuku Midoriya

❖ He found out from Mineta …

Aizawa hadn’t come to the classroom yet so you were talking to Izuku about the new series you were watching when Mineta spoke:

“Hey Y / n, the Black Widow cosplay was hot,” she said getting everyone’s attention.

“I thought I had blocked your account” you replied with a frown.

“Do you cosplay?” the green-haired boy asked in surprise.

“I thought you already knew,” you said just as surprised.

❖ Weeks ago you had sent photos to Izuku with different All Might wigs. He thought you were just playing around, not that you bought the wigs to cosplay.

❖ After the revelation Izuku started stalking your Tik Tok account, he liked and left nice comments … he also reported every new account that Mineta became.

❖Do you want to cosplay Mystique or Starfire? Don’t worry, your precious boyfriend has no problem helping you with the painting.

❖ Don’t you know what cosplay to do? It’s okay! Izuku can tell you hundreds of hero names.

❖ Izuku has no problem helping you record although he sometimes can’t help but utter a “cute” or “cute” in the middle of the recording causing the two of you to blush.

❖ Your followers already know of the existence of your boyfriend thanks to that.

❖ You noticed that Izuku looked a lot at your All Might costumes and wigs so you suggested that they do a cosplay together.

❖ And that’s how they ended an All Might and Sir Nighteye cosplay… Because of you people began to ship the two heroes.

“Next time we can be Eraserhead and Present Mic,” you said already starting to look for their costumes online.

On the other hand, Izuku was panicking thinking how this could have angered his mentors. He was still safe because All Might nor Nighteye texted him.

“Are you crazy? Do you want Aizawa sensei to kick us out of class?”

“It’s just a cosplay” you pouted but still couldn’t get away with it.

Shoto Todoroki

❖ He found out from you, you told him … Of course, Shoto had no idea what cosplay was so you had to tell him to explain everything.

“Why do you do it?” asked your boyfriend “You don’t earn anything”

You didn’t take it the wrong way, you knew he was just curious.

“I’m just having fun”

❖Shoto doesn’t really care; he just likes everything even though he has no idea what character you’re in costume.

❖ Sometimes he helps you style your wigs. At first, he did it just because he wanted to spend time with you but then he ended up liking it, for some reason relaxes him.

❖After hearing Bakugo call Shoto “copy of Zuko” you couldn’t stop thinking about your boyfriend dressed as Zuko.

❖ One day you took courage and asked him to do a cosplay with you. You wanted him to be Zuko while you would be Katara.

“Shoto, I’d like you to cosplay with me,” you said in the middle of lunch “Just if you want, I don’t want you to feel obligated” you clarified quickly while moving your hands nervously.

“Okay” he replied taking your hands making you blush “Show me”

❖ And that’s how Shoto ended up watching Avatar with you.

❖ Taking advantage of the fact that Endeavor wanted to fix their relationship, Shoto used the old man’s card to buy the best quality costumes.

❖ You thought that Shoto was only going to want to take pictures so you were surprised when he saw that he was learning the dialogues of some scenes to be able to do tik toks.

“Why do you pause it all the time?” you asked confused.

“I’m writing the dialogues so I can learn it. I also want to see the expressions well. I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“Aww, Shooo!” you took his face in your hands and began to spread kisses everywhere “You are the best, I would never be ashamed of you” you smiled “Besides just taking pictures of us I’m fine”

❖In the end, they did both. And you two ended up trending on Tik Tok, you managed to increase your followers.

❖ Shoto ended up liking it so they made more videos of different scenes. Even some of the incorrect quotes and Q&A.


Y / n: Momo, do you know that you are the person I love the most in the world?

Momo: What do you want?

Y / n: Can you create this costume for me? * you show him an Alice in Wonderland costume * Please!

Momo: Y / n, three days ago I made you a Belle costume.

Y / n: It’s not my fault I’m poor! * you pout *

I made a kofi so if you want you can help me by giving me a tip or asking for a commission: https://ko-fi.com/mai_dragoste

I would greatly appreciate it

Deku x Fem!Reader 18+

Warnings: rough sex, a tiny bit of angst at the beginning, minor hair pulling, dom/sub, daddy kink, pet names, use of OFA, breaking of furniture, fingering, oral (Female receiving).

enjoy my lovelies~!


Izuku’s day had been rough. First off, he was late to get to his agency because of some minor villain holding him up, putting him on a goose chase for a supposed bomb. Next, he ended up spilling coffee all over his paperwork, meaning he had to print them all again. Which he then found out he had no printer ink left. The rest of the day was slow till he went to go on patrol, which resulted in him being bombarded by his fans and having another villain get away. He eventually got him, but it was exhausting. Now he was home and he couldn’t get the stupid wifi router to work. It had been buggy for the last few days and he’d been meaning to look into it, but he was so busy he didn’t have time. Now it’s crapped out completely and he could only watch the router blink uselessly. It was minor compared to the other shitty events of today, but it was basically his tipping point.

“Zuzu, come on, let’s just settle down and put in a DVD. We can just relax,” you murmured as you wrapped your arms around him from behind. “There’s one I’ve been wanting to watch since we dug them up.” you chirped as you took his hand and dragged him into the living room. He couldn’t stop the small smile from slipping onto his face, easily following you as you pulled him to the couch and sat him down. He watched in amusement as you fluttered around setting up the old DVD player and one of the many movies the both of you had stored away. He knew you much preferred physical copies than what they had in these futuristic days. He adored the fact that you cherished the machine and took great care of it, so it was still in pristine condition. 

“What are we watching?” he asked curiously as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and tilting his head. 

“I was thinking we could watch an older Disney movie. So I’m putting in Brother Bear.” you giggled as you stood and trotted back over to him. “I hope that’s okay?” you huffed with a pout as you sat beside him. 

“Of course it is.” he snorted before settling into the couch, smiling a bit when you threw a blanket over both of your laps. 

Izuku couldn’t remember when he had stopped paying attention to the movie, but his mind had become quite preoccupied with how bad his day went. He was still fuming despite your easygoing nature calming him, a permanent scowl on his face as he glared blankly at the tv. He was not happy, especially because he knew there was so much to do tomorrow as well. All in all, he was stressed. 

He blinked out of his haze when he felt you crawl up and into his lap, your warm body cozying up against his chest as you sat sideways in his lap. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he rested one hand on your thigh, the other playing with the tag of your sweatpants that stuck out against your back. He focused back on the movie for a short while, your presence soothing his mind just enough to bring him back to the here and now. But it wasn’t long before he was back down the rabbit hole. Soft mumbles left him as he lowered his gaze to his hand on your thigh, fingers pausing in their shape tracing as his brows pulled down on his forehead. 

“Zuzu, you’re mumbling again” you giggled as you wiggled in his lap, trying to get closer to him and snuggling into his chest. Izuku doesn’t know what came over him, but the movement made something in him snap. A surprised gasp left you as his hand tangled into the hair at the nape of your neck and pulled, your back arching as he pressed his mouth to your neck, teeth lightly scraping against your skin. 

“Don’t test me, Baby…” he growled against your skin as his hand squeezed your thigh. He purred as a shudder went through you, your legs pressing together as you squirmed a bit. He could feel his cock twitching in interest, his hips shifting under you as he massaged his fingers into your scalp. “I’ve had a very stressful day. Do you really want to play games?” he murmured, feeling your pulse jump under his tongue. 

“I’m…” your voice was slightly strained at the angle he had you at, your eyes half-lidded as your peered hazily at the ceiling. “I’m not trying to play games S-Sir…” you whispered, twitching when his hand slid up your thigh and pressed against the knotted string at your naval. Slowly, he freed the knot and dipped his fingers beneath the band, his lips gently sucking at your neck. 

“Oh? Then why do you keep squirming even though I told you not to?” he hummed, smirking as he felt you struggle to keep your hips still. A desperate little whine left your lips as you tried to lower your chin, the angle making your neck ache. He allowed you to, pulling it gently to make you face him so he could press his lips to yours. He allowed himself to indulge you for a moment before pulling away, his hand releasing your hair as he reached for the remote. You watched as he switched off the movie before yelping when he grabbed you by the hips and hoisted you up. Izuku gently laid you down on the couch and crawled above you, settling between your legs. You whimpered as he pressed his hips to yours, slotting his covered cock against your pussy. Despite the clothes that separated both of you, you each could feel the heat coming off of your sexes, his cock throbbing slightly in the confined space of his pants. He could feel the slight tackiness of your sweats sticking to your pussy. 

“S-Sir please…” you begged softly, hips canting into his to try and get some sort of friction. He pinned them down quickly and leaned over you, his nose brushing against yours as he slid one hand under your (his) shirt, fingers lightly brushing the underside of your breast. 

“I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already so desperate for me. You naughty little Puppy.” he cooed as he kissed along your clavicle, feeling your chest heave with small panting breaths. “What do you want, Baby?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. He wanted to hear you say it. 

“I want you!” you whined out, hands grappling for his shoulders as you arched and tried to grind against him. He moved his hips away just enough so his cock was barely brushing against you, watching in amusement as you pouted up at him. 

“Want me to what?” he hummed, eyes going half-lidded as he slid his hand to brush against the band of your sweats again. 

“I want you to touch me!” you whimpered, fingers digging into his shoulders. He was quiet for a long time as he regarded you before sitting up, watching your hands drop uselessly by your sides. 

“But I am touching you, Baby…” he couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of him at your look of annoyance. “Use your words and tell me exactly what you want,” he said firmly, eyes darkening as he watched your pupils dilate. 

“I want you to fuck me into this couch. I want to not be able to walk tomorrow. I want to be sore and feel you for days. Damnit, I want to cum on your cock,” you met his eyes with determination, fire lighting within your gaze as your lips formed the word he’s been wanting to hear. “Daddy.” 

“Fuck…” he whispered before he gripped your shirt and ripped it down the middle, freeing your breasts. You squeaked a bit at how easily he ripped the thicker material, his show of strength making your pussy clench. He leaned down over you, pressing you into the cushions as he wrapped his lips around one of your nipples and sucked. You cried out as you tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging on it and making him growl. The vibrations went straight to your pussy, your thighs clenching around his hips as you tried to seek friction once again. One of his hands moved to pinch and tug on your other nipple, the other going down to grip your hip, holding you still. Slowly, oh so slowly, he lowered his hips back to yours, a shiver crawling up your spine as the angle caused his cock to slot right within your slit, the head of it nudging against your clit. 

“Daddy, please… I need more…” you gasped out, tugging on his hair to try and get his attention. He pulled off your nipple with a wet pop, his lips red and slick with spit as he peered at you. He set his free hand on the cushion beside your head, his gaze locking on your face as he slowly grinded himself into you, purring deep in his chest as he watched your eyes roll back into your head. 

“That’s it Babygirl… this cock will be yours to use soon… but Daddy needs to use you right now…” he hummed softly, panting softly as his cock throbbed against you. His fingers hooked into your sweats and tugged them down a bit, smirking as you lifted your hips to help. He backed up slightly and quickly tugged them off, his eyes widening as he saw what lay beneath, or lack thereof. “No panties? Were you hoping for this?” 

“N-No Daddy… I just didn’t have any panties to wear” you lied lazily, knowing he would call your bluff. You had more than enough. He sighed softly before he bent down to kiss you, feeling you melt into him as he slid two fingers into you quite easily. You were already so wet for him, practically leaking all over the couch even though he had just pulled your sweats off. He greedily swallowed down the moan that left you, his tongue pressing past your lips and quickly tangling with yours, easily winning the battle for dominance. Not that you could really fight him considering you were preoccupied with him sliding a third finger into you. 

“Such a good girl for me… Taking my fingers so easily,” he cooed as he crooked his fingers upwards, humming as you shuddered under him as he rubbed against your g-spot. Slowly, he began to trail kisses down your body, pausing to give each nipple a delicate kiss before he stopped at your naval. He peered up at you, smirking and winking at you as he dipped his tongue into your belly button, making you shiver. Slowly he dragged his tongue down to your pubic bone, eyes fluttering as he breathed in your scent. “Fuck you smell so good…. But I know you taste even better” he growled, making you whine as your hips bucked beneath him. 

“Please Daddy…” you whispered, hands sliding down to grip his hair. He tilted his head to kiss your wrist gently before he slid his fingers out and replaced them with his tongue. Using his wet fingers, he spread your legs a little wider and used his thumbs to pull your slit apart, allowing himself to press his mouth further against you. Soft cries and pleas left your lips as he watched you, tongue moving in and out of you slowly, pressing the sweet spots he knew he could reach. His thumb moved up to your clit and rubbed it slowly, humming against you as your thighs clenched around his head, muffling his sense of hearing. He closed his eyes as he pressed his tongue deeper, his nose nudging up under his thumb against your clit. At the muffled sounds of your moans, his hips rocked into the cushions, dick throbbing within his pants, making him hiss.

“Fuck, I can’t wait. I need to be inside you,” he growled as he pulled away. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sat up, setting your legs around his hips as he worked his pants open. He sighed in relief as he pulled his cock out, not bothering to pull his pants off as he leaned over you. He shifted around before pressing his tip against you, purring softly as you canted your hips to him. “Ready baby?” he asked softly, peering at you through his lashes. 

“Yes…” you purred as you reached for him. He leaned forward, his hands sliding into yours and interlocking your fingers together. He gently pressed them into the cushion beside your head and rested his forehead against yours as he slowly pushed inside you. He watched in awe as you struggled to keep your gaze locked with his, your body tensing at the stretch. He didn’t stop until his pelvis was pressed firmly against yours, moaning deep in his chest as he relished in the feeling of your walls clenching and fluttering around his length. 

“It’s like you’re made for me babygirl… all for me…” he panted softly as he kissed you, lightly grinding into you, his breath hitching as your walls clamped down on him. 

“Please move Daddy, I can’t wait anymore” you whimpered, wrapping your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together. He smirked a bit and sat up slightly, tilting his head as he peered at you, splayed out beneath him. 

“So impatient…” he lightly clicked his tongue, looking down at you with mock disappointment before he slowly pulled out. He waited until only the tip remained inside you before snapping his hips forward, burying himself within you again, causing a loud cry to burst from your lips as your back arched. His gaze darkened in lust as he peered down at you, his hips finding a steady, slow rhythm, his cock dragging out before being shoved back in to hit the deepest spots inside you. Thanks to his quirk, he had gotten quite the growth spurt during his highschool years, and with it, grew his cock. When the two of you first had sex, you were sore for days, no matter how gentle he was with you. It was absolutely delicious. 

“D-Daddy please! I need you to go faster!” you whimpered as you tried to pull your hands from his grasp, wanting to wrap yourself around him and pull him closer. He relented to you and you immediately pulled him against your chest, burying your face in his neck as his calloused hands slid down to rest on your hips, pinning you to the couch. 

“You sure you can handle it Puppy? If I do, I’m not holding back.” he warned, nipping at your jawline as he slowed down even more, practically sitting still inside you. He winced when your teeth dug into his shoulder rather harshly, a low growl rumbling in your throat as you squeezed down on his cock with your velvety walls. 

“I don’t want you to hold back, I need you to fuck me,” you snapped, all patience leaving you, nothing but need and annoyance remaining. He smirked lightly against your skin and wrestled himself out of your grasp, sitting up and pulling your ass onto his thighs so you were angled upwards a bit for him. You stared at him in wonder as he tilted his head, the light hitting him just right to make him look ethereal. He couldn’t say anything less about you either. To him, you were glowing, your body covered in a thin layer of sweat, your chest heaving with each panting breath, your thighs twitching against his hips and he rocked into you. 

“My, my, Little Puppy, don’t you know you’re not allowed to order me around?” he clicked his tongue gently as he shook his head before he adjusted himself on the couch, leaning over you and pressing your legs towards your chest, effectively trapping you in half beneath him. He slid your calves over his shoulders to make the stretch easier on you before he reached forward and rested his hands on the armrest, his legs spreading wider to give himself more leverage. Your breath caught in your throat when red veins travelled across his body before the tell tale green lightning danced across his skin as his eyes glowed brightly. 

“I-Izuku…?” you asked a bit nervously, eyes widening as his hips pressed harder against you, pushing himself deeper. 

“Isn’t this what you wanted Baby?” he murmured, his hips pulling back before snapping forward again. This time, he didn’t stop. His hips slammed repeatedly into yours, the couch creaking beneath your bodies as he fucked you into the cushions, his brows furrowed in concentration. With the added help of One For All, he was able to thrust faster and harder than he ever has before, but not enough to hurt you. In fact, your mind was going blank. Your body jostled and jolted under him as you struggled to keep up, hips jerking sloppily to try and match his pace. When his cock head hit a spot inside you that had stars exploding across your vision, you gave up trying to reciprocate. You let him manhandle you how he wanted, you let him take what he needed, you let him use your pussy to let out all the built up frustration from today. Because in your eyes, he needed this more than anything. Being the number one hero had its toll, and sometimes, raw, angry fucking is exactly what one needs. Even sweet, gentle, kind, sexy Izuku Midoriya. 

The sound of splintering wood caught your attention and you hazily tilted your head back to see that the armrest was starting to come loose from under his grip, the structure rocking back and forth with his thrusts. Before you could warn him, it gave way beneath his hands, causing him to yelp as he toppled over you, crushing you further into the couch. Thank god you were flexible. But even then, always considerate of you, he took your legs off his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, wrapping his own arms around you and cradling you into his chest as he buried his face in your neck. The both of you clung to each other as he somehow got faster and harder. 

“F-Fuck, getting close baby…” he panted against your ear. You could only nod and whimper against his shoulder as you dragged your nails down his back, the knot within your stomach tightening at his words. 

“I-I–” before you could even warn him that you were close as well, your orgasm hit you out of nowhere. White painted across your vision as your body tensed with a cry, pleasure surging through you as you came. Izuku’s hips stuttered against yours as your walls clamped down on him in rhythmic pulses, slick gushing around his cock and dribbling down onto the cushions. He hissed softly as your teeth bit into his shoulder, your body trembling as he chased his own orgasm. With a couple more well placed thrusts, he had you slipping into a second orgasm as his own took hold, lightning crackling around his body as he spilled deep inside you. Your second orgasm wasn’t as strong but still left you breathless, hips jerking weakly against him as he slowed down. OFA fizzled out from his body as he sagged against you, exhausted but pleased. Before he crushed you fully under his weight, he twisted around so you lay on his chest, cradled in his warm arms. After a few minutes of catching your breath and basking in the afterglow of sex, he finally spoke.

“You alright? I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked, rubbing your sides gently to soothe what he knew was aching. 

“No, I’m okay. No telling of what comes tomorrow though” you snorted as you rested your chin on his chest to peer at him. He chuckled softly and gently brushed a sweaty strand of hair from your forehead, tucking it behind your ear. “That bad of a day, huh?” you asked with a snicker. He laughed gently before tugging you up his chest. 

“Yes, now come here so I can pamper you after putting up with my ass” he snorted before gently pressing his lips to yours. You purred softly against him and melted into the kiss, relishing in his taste before you finally pulled back to breathe. 

“For the record, it’s a very sexy ass.” he barked out a laugh, tilting his head back against the couch as he hugged you a little tighter. You laid in each other’s arms for a while before you huffed and glared at what once was an armrest. “You owe me a new couch.”
