#might continue this later












Friendly reminder that I believe in transandrophobia / transmascphobia / treiphobia

Meaning I believe transmascs experience oppression specifically for being transmasc

I legitimately don’t understand how that’s a controversial take but I just saw yet another “if you believe in transandrophobia you deserve to die” post so :|

literally none of that exists. transandrophobia is a term coined by a man who fantasizes about raping lesbians and trans women. all those terms are transmisogynistic in nature because they were created by butthurt transmisogynistic transmascs who believe in misandry. there is literally 0 use for the term as there is nothing that affects transmascs but not transfems/other trans people, it is literally just an attempt to steal from trans women’s specific terminology. but transmisogyny has a reason to exist as it is the intersection between transphobia and misogyny. misandry however does not exist and androphobia is the legit fear of men that people who have been abused/traumatized by men experience. and thats not even getting into all the details on how fucking rotten the transandrophobia community is. theres a reason why no one can stand u lmao

literally shut the fuck up and eat shit

woah thats pretty transmascphobic of u :/ what do u have against trans men speaking their minds??? huhh??

good to see youre exactly the kind of garbage person i was talking about

yeah im such a garbage man who thinks raping women and being a misogynist is bad :((( thats sooo evil and unmasculine of me

hiii sorry to barge in but there are things that effect transmascs specifically, particularly in healthcare a la being forced to detransition in the event of pregnancy, but that is not transmisandry because it isn’t an intersection of transphobia and misandry (bc misandry isn’t a thing, these things don’t happen specifically because we are men but rather specifically because we are trans men). everything else from loewsvillage tracks i think, we should not be using terminology coined by someone who publicly fantasizes about assaulting women especially when that terminology refers to an intersection of an oppression that does not exist (misandry)

Once again transandrophobia is not supposed to be “an intersection of transphobia and misandry”

exactly, misandry doesn’t exist, the oppression transmascs face is just transphobia because its happening because we’re trans, not because we’re men

transmascs face a combination of transphobia and misogyny that is different from transmisogyny. one of the words coined for that is transandrophobia. trans men are actually oppressed for living as their true gender, which is to say, being men.

“i dont want this on my blog anymore. anyhow. did you just say transmascs experience misogyny (ie oppression for being women)… also, transmascs experience oppression for being their true gender, but so do all trans people. thats literally what transphobia is. what is the reason behind relying on a term made by a horrible person to distance yourself from other trans people having the same sorts of experiences as you?? i seriously dont get it”

I need you to understand that experiencing misogyny =/= being a woman, and whether you experience a type of oppression is much more dependent on how bigots perceive you than your actual identity.
