#mighty morphin power rangers the movie


Here’s how I would’ve envisioned it.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie - Ivan Ooze Returns

Part 1

- Because in this timeline, Rita Repulsa has been turned into Mystic Mother, Lord Zedd finds a way to get another Rita from another dimension with the help of Kiya the former Omega Blue Ranger and Trinity the former MM Yellow Ranger. Zedd had previously tried to do the same thing during the MMPR vs. Zyuranger crossover.

- They bring out a Rita from the movie dimension who also knows of a great villain they could use to destroy the rangers with. They combine powers to revive Ivan Ooze. Ivan was previously locked in a hyperlock chamber 6,000 years ago when Zordon was the Red Ranger.


- Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Billy explains that their ninja powers and zords were developed by the Aquitar Rangers as thanks for Zordon for giving them Ranger powers to defend Planet Aquitar. This also allows the Aquitar Rangers to pilot the Ninja Megazord themselves on top of their individual zords.

- In light of Tengu Warriors appearing from out of the blue, Ninjor contacts the MMPR to drive them back from Angel Grove, fearing that something is amiss and a great evil will soon invade their dimension. The 1995 Roster of MMPR… Tommy Oliver, Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, Billy Cranston, Aisha Campbell, and Kimberly Ann Hart… end up summoning their ninja powers to presumably deal with a ninja-themed opponent.

- Past Zordon also has the Omega Rangers… Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Naomi Taylor, and Yale the Alien Cat… in the background in case the Ninja MMPR require backup.

- Movie Rita Repulsa has a jar full of what remains of Ivan Ooze after he was blasted to smithereens by a traveling comet/meteorite. Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and Master Vile combine their powers to revive the evil wizard as Goldar and company as well as Kiya and Trinity watch in the background.

- Learning from his past mistakes, Ivan Ooze combines with Master Vile then turns Zedd, Rita, Rito, and Goldar into more fearsome versions of themselves with his wizard powers.


Part 2

- The Ninja MMPR fight against Tengu and the Z-Putties then soon face off against more powerful versions of Zedd, Rita, Rito, Scorpina, and Goldar on top of monsters galore. The Omega Rangers attempt to help but they’re headed off the pass by the Evil Yellow MMPR Ranger and Evil Blue Omega Ranger, who’ve reestablished their connections to the Morphin Grid care of Ivan the Vile.

- They’re then overrun by Oozemen that combine with each other, the Tengu, and Z-Putties to form more powerful versions of themselves. Ivan the Vile is proving to be more powerful and hard to beat than his previouse self.

- Billy’s distress call to Aquitar is answered and the Aquitar Rangers come and help, dealing with the army of Putties, Tengu, and Oozemen.

- Dulcea crosses the dimensions upon being summoned by Ninjor to discuss bringing out the power of the Ninja Zords. She saves the rangers from Ivan Ooze then distributes to them new power morphers. Billy recognizes them as same set of morphers as the one he gave to Rocky in order to transform into his movie version.

- The Ninja MMPR morph into their Movie Version selves then start turning the tides against the powered-up versions of Movie Rita and company. The Blue and Yellow Omega Ranger face off against their evil counterparts, which free Red and Black Omega Ranger to take out the space aliens.


- White MMPR and Omega Red Ranger do a double slash on Ooze, but he shrugs the attack off, healing immediately, and turning into a tentacle monster. Dulcea and Ninjor join the battle, saying it’s critical to separate Vile and Ooze from one another or else they won’t win.

Part 3

- The overpowered Ivan the Vile turns every space alien into a giant, from Rita to Zedd and Goldar and Scorpina. They then fly away to different cities of the world to divide and conquer the rangers, with a giant Ivan remaining in Angel Grove.

- The Omega Rangers have this covered with their individual zords. Ninjor can turn into a zord too, piloted by Dulcea. The Mega Ninjazord face off against the shapeshifting Ivan the Vile, who turns into multiple monsters that the Ninjazord defeats but he keeps reforming and resurrecting.

- The Aquitar Rangers call their own zords to help. They not only use their rangers they pilot the Mega Shogunzord as well. However, Ivan the Vile won’t fall, turning into a Chimera of multiple monsters. Unkillable. Unstoppable.


- In desperation, Tommy accidentally summons his Lord Drakkon powers and turns the Movie Suits into powered-up versions of themselves, with their helmets corresponding to the animal they’re supposed to represent: Red with the Gorilla, Black with the Frog, Blue with the Fox, Yellow with the Bear, Pink with the Crane, and White with the Falcon.

- After they separate Ivan from Vile and beat them both individually, the Ninja Megazord sends Ivan Ooze to the sun. With Ivan’s influence gone, the Omega and Aquitar Rangers’ zords make short work of the de-powered Movie Rita and company.

- Meanwhile, Tommy himself has visions of Drakkon, his memories of the Shattered Grid event returning and spurring him to create the Hexagon Rangers.

26 years ago, the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered on the Fox Kids Network an

26 years ago, the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered on the Fox Kids Network and the Power Rangers franchise was created. The franchise is still alive and well after 26 different seasons, 3 theatrical films with the most recent being Saban’s Power Rangers from 2017, 2 very successful comic books from Boom! Studios and a multitude of toy lines from Bandai of America and now Hasbro, it’s very hard to believe that the Power Rangers franchise has lasted as long as it has.

A very huge thanks to Haim Saban for the concept of Power Rangers as well as all of the cast and crew through the years for making this franchise what it is today and a huge very special thanks to Toei Company Ltd. for supplying the Japanese footage from the Super Sentai Series.

And a very special thanks to Stan Lee, the creator of many popular characters in the Marvel Comics universe for trying to bring Super Sentai to America. https://www.inverse.com/article/50806-stan-lee-and-marvel-almost-produced-power-rangers-toei-super-sentai

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