#power rangers turbo


Did you stop watching Power Rangers at Mighty Morphin and wondered whatever happened to the original Green Ranger/White Ranger after the series ended? Here’s my video letting you know the other appearances Tommy has made on the franchise beyond the first 3 seasons.

Here’s how I’d envision it.

Part 1

- Divatox returns and adopts the leaderless Org tribe unto her own, allowing her to have her own army. The MMPR team is also worried that the villains they got rid of through the Z-Wave are now returning for some reason.

- Inspired by the Replacement Rangers morphing into the Thunder Power Rangers, Tommy Oliver gathers the OG Turbo Rangers and the Replacement Turbo Rangers to experiment on getting a new power and new zords from between the two teams, which worries the Omega Rangers (Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Naomi Taylor, and Yale the Alien Cat). Such actions has shades of what Lord Drakkon was doing with the Morphin Grid.

- It’s the original Zeo team of Tommy Oliver, Rocky DeSantos (standing in for Justin Stewart), Adam Park, Tanya Sloan, and Katherine Hillard versus the team of T.J. Johnson, Justin Stewart, Carlos Vallerte, Ashley Hammond, and Cassie Chan. The Phantom Ranger also appears to help in the transition to new powers.

- Although Tommy has forgotten about Lord Drakkon, Jason hasn’t, so he starts acting strange around Tommy the same way Kiya, the Blue Omega Ranger traitor, did.

- This makes Tommy confront Jason about what Kiya said to him regarding Drakkon and the Shattered Grid. This results in the Red Omega Ranger and the Red Turbo Ranger getting into a tussle. After Jason forces Tommy to morph into the White Ranger, he stops the fight, saying he hopes Tommy someday remembers what he remembers of Drakkon.

- They start accessing the Super Turbo Form, but with Green Turbo Ranger he turns into the Black Super Turbo Ranger for some reason. Divatox then appears and has Lord Zedd’s second set of Dark Rangers steal the Super Turbo powers from the Power Rangers Turbo under her command.

- They have Farai Jukwa (Zimbabwe Assaulter), Osamu Tezuka (Japan Looter), Stanford Winner (U.S. Con Man), Nelida Valensis (Colombian Gang Member), and Marie Claire le Monde (France Pickpocket) become the Red/Black/Blue/Yellow/Pink Super Turbo Rangers.

- For good measure, Divatox then summons Astronema’s Psycho Rangers to deal with the halved power of two Turbo Ranger teams, beating them like a drum. Team Johnson has flashbacks of the Command Center blowing up. They’re still traumatized by Divatox winning in the end.

Part 2

- Team Oliver de-transforms and allows Team Johnson to face off against the Super Turbo Rangers at full Turbo Ranger power. They then transform into Zeo Power Rangers to face off against the Psycho Rangers.

- T.J. considers tranforming into Space Rangers but Cassie warns they can’t because Andros is off-world somewhere else so they can’t fight as a team. Justin also laments that the MMPR are busy themselves dealing with Master Vile’s monsters, so no Aisha and no Thunder Power Rangers.

- Turbo and Super Turbo prove to be a match against each other in every way possible, but then the Blue Senturion arrives to give the Turbo Rangers the edge. This forces Super Turbo to escalate and summon their respective zords. They have to defeat the Super Turbo Rangers or else Lord Zedd will have access to the Super Turbo Megazord.

- The Super Turbo Megazord can combine with another zord known as the Nitro Zord to form the Super Nitro Megazord that wrecks shop against the Super Turbo Megazord. Their Megazord lacks a carrier zord to make it more powerful. Just when all hope seems lost, Blue Senturion and Phantom Ranger arrive to attack the Super Nitro Megazord from within.

- Meanwhile, the Zeo Rangers held off the six Psycho Rangers themselves with the help of Tommy’s Master Morpher. Just as Divatox was about to intervene, the Omega Rangers and their zords play interference, but they’re then faced against Kiya and Lord Zedd riding a rebuilt Serpentera.

- The Super Turbo Rangers are ejected from the cockpit and they face off against the Turbo Rangers once more. Learning from their mistakes, each Replacement Turbo Ranger defeats their counterpart color (except Turbo Green faces off against Super Turbo Black this time) and gets the Super Turbo power away from Lord Zedd’s criminal rangers.

- The Zeo Rangers then transform into Turbo Rangers in order to combine Megazord forces with the Super Turbo Rangers and their Megazord (was well as the Omega Zords) in order to damage Divatox’s ship and Serpentera, driving them to retreat. Montage of the Super Turbo Rangers defeating the rest of the Org Tribe.

26 years ago, the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered on the Fox Kids Network an

26 years ago, the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered on the Fox Kids Network and the Power Rangers franchise was created. The franchise is still alive and well after 26 different seasons, 3 theatrical films with the most recent being Saban’s Power Rangers from 2017, 2 very successful comic books from Boom! Studios and a multitude of toy lines from Bandai of America and now Hasbro, it’s very hard to believe that the Power Rangers franchise has lasted as long as it has.

A very huge thanks to Haim Saban for the concept of Power Rangers as well as all of the cast and crew through the years for making this franchise what it is today and a huge very special thanks to Toei Company Ltd. for supplying the Japanese footage from the Super Sentai Series.

And a very special thanks to Stan Lee, the creator of many popular characters in the Marvel Comics universe for trying to bring Super Sentai to America. https://www.inverse.com/article/50806-stan-lee-and-marvel-almost-produced-power-rangers-toei-super-sentai

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Following the events of “Second Chances”, Astronema and the Space Rangers must seek allies to fight the combined forces of Dark Spectre and the United Alliance of Evil with the fate of Earth and the entire universe at stake.

Chapter 1: Rage of Ecliptor

Synopsis: Astronema’s loyal android general Ecliptor seeks vengeance against the treacherous Darkonda with the future of Earth’s invasion by the United Alliance of Evil at stake…

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Chapter 2: Reunions and Introductions

Synopsis: Karone, the former Astronema, must prepare to unite the Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Aquitian, and Space Power Rangers against her former allies, The United Alliance of Evil…

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Chapter 3: Preparing for Battle

Synopsis: United, the Rangers formulate a plan to combat the growing threat of the United Alliance of Evil.

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Chapter 4: It’s Morphin Time!

Synopsis: The Zeo Rangers and the former Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reunite with Billy Cranston on Aquitar to restore the Mighty Morphin power morphers.

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Chapter 5: Invasion

Synopsis: The battle for Earth begins now…

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Chapter 6: Down to Earth

Synopsis: While the fate of the Space Rangers remains uncertain, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers defend Angel Grove from incoming Velocifighters and Quantrons

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Chapter 7: Chaos in Space

Synopsis: As the battle between the KO-35 Rebels and the invading Velocifighters rages on in Earth’s orbit, Zhane the Silver Ranger searches desperately for the rest of the Space Rangers

Chapter 8: Darkonda’s Deception

Synopsis: Darkonda’s vile plan for galactic domination is revealed

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Chapter 9: War of the Worlds pt. 1

Synopsis: As the battle for Earth rages on, the battles for Triforia and Aquitar begin

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Chapter 10: War of the Worlds pt. 2

Synopsis: War comes to Earth, Triforia, and Aquitar as the Unified Power Rangers fight to save their planets from the United Alliance of Evil

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Chapter 11: War of the Worlds pt 3

Synopsis: The Battles of Angel Grove, Aquitropolis, and Triforia conclude, and not without loss…

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Chapter 12: Darkonda’s Desperation

Synopsis: With Darkonda’s plan for galactic domination in jeopardy by the efforts of the Power Rangers, the mad beast becomes ever more unhinged and dangerous…

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Chapter 13: White Light

Synopsis: Darkonda reaps what he sown as the Space Rangers bombard the Dark Fortress with their Megazords

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Chapter 14: Countdown to Destruction

Synopsis: The Space Rangers aim to destroy the Dark Fortress once and for all

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Chapter 15: Bittersweet Victory

Synopsis: The battle for the galaxy concludes

Chapter 16: Epilogue

Synopsis: The battle may be over, but that doesn’t mean evil doesn’t still linger…

Complete! Likes ❤ and Reblogs are much appreciated!















Following the events of “Second Chances”, Astronema and the Space Rangers must seek allies to fight the combined forces of Dark Spectre and the United Alliance of Evil with the fate of Earth and the entire universe at stake.

Chapter 1: Rage of Ecliptor

Synopsis: Astronema’s loyal android general Ecliptor seeks vengeance against the treacherous Darkonda with the future of Earth’s invasion by the United Alliance of Evil at stake…

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Chapter 2: Reunions and Introductions

Synopsis: Karone, the former Astronema, must prepare to unite the Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Aquitian, and Space Power Rangers against her former allies, The United Alliance of Evil…

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Chapter 3: Preparing for Battle

Synopsis: United, the Rangers formulate a plan to combat the growing threat of the United Alliance of Evil.

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Chapter 4: It’s Morphin Time!

Synopsis: The Zeo Rangers and the former Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reunite with Billy Cranston on Aquitar to restore the Mighty Morphin power morphers.

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Chapter 5: Invasion

Synopsis: The battle for Earth begins now…

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Chapter 6: Down to Earth

Synopsis: While the fate of the Space Rangers remains uncertain, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers defend Angel Grove from incoming Velocifighters and Quantrons

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Chapter 7: Chaos in Space

Synopsis: As the battle between the KO-35 Rebels and the invading Velocifighters rages on in Earth’s orbit, Zhane the Silver Ranger searches desperately for the rest of the Space Rangers

Chapter 8: Darkonda’s Deception

Synopsis: Darkonda’s vile plan for galactic domination is revealed

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Chapter 9: War of the Worlds pt. 1

Synopsis: As the battle for Earth rages on, the battles for Triforia and Aquitar begin

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Chapter 10: War of the Worlds pt. 2

Synopsis: War comes to Earth, Triforia, and Aquitar as the Unified Power Rangers fight to save their planets from the United Alliance of Evil

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Chapter 11: War of the Worlds pt 3

Synopsis: The Battles of Angel Grove, Aquitropolis, and Triforia conclude, and not without loss…

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Chapter 12: Darkonda’s Desperation

Synopsis: With Darkonda’s plan for galactic domination in jeopardy by the efforts of the Power Rangers, the mad beast becomes ever more unhinged and dangerous…

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Chapter 13: White Light

Synopsis: Darkonda reaps what he sown as the Space Rangers bombard the Dark Fortress with their Megazords

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Chapter 14: Countdown to Destruction

Synopsis: The Space Rangers aim to destroy the Dark Fortress once and for all

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Chapter 15: Bittersweet Victory

Synopsis: The battle for the galaxy concludes

Chapter 16: Epilogue

Synopsis: The battle may be over, but that doesn’t mean evil doesn’t still linger…

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