#miles edgeworth ace attorney

 → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a → matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright a

→ matching t4t PHOENIX WRIGHT & MILES EDGEWORTH icons.

[ID: 4 circular icons of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series. Phoenix is an adult man with spiky black hair, who wears a blue suit with a red tie and a defence attorney badge. Miles is an adult man with jaw-length silver hair, who wears a red suit with a white jabot and a prosecutor badge. Behind them in all 4 icons is arco-pluris’ trans4trans pride flag.

The first icon shows Phoenix turned side-on, looking into the camera with a determined look on his face. His mouth is open as if he’s yelling, and his hands are positioned as if he’s performing a Kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z.

The second icon shows Miles turned side-on, as if standing back-to-back with Phoenix. He’s touching the side of his face with his left hand, and looking over his shoulder at Phoenix, a concerned expression on his face. He’s sweating nervously.

The next 2 images are blank, in order to help format the post.

The third icon shows Miles standing with his back turned to the camera, looking over his shoulder with a small smile. His arms are crossed over his chest, and a few flakes of confetti are visible in the foreground.

The fourth icon shows Phoenix turned diagonally towards the camera, pointing towards it with his right arm. He’s smiling determinedly. /End ID]

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