#miles kane fluff


Totally wired

Miles Kane x reader 

Not my gif, credits to the maker!
Guest appearance: Alex Turner
Summary: being a part of the team of designers for a festival and artists, might just make all your dreams come true
Warnings: Alcohol and cigarettes? Oh and quick mention of smut
Words: 2,8K.
A/N: i’m not too happy with this since i didn’t write it in one sitting and was out of the vibe

Totally wired

You were at a big festival in your home country. The Last Shadow Puppets would play before you and you would close off with a couple of other DJ’s that were famous. You didn’t start off as a DJ but always had a love for music. When you got to be a multimedia designer for the festival, you made a lot of connections and friends with some famous people. You were busy on social media as well with your work and to show your progress on work. Showing the good and the bad side, letting people know it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows but definitely worth it.

You had a big increase in the amount of following and was now known in your home country. This year was no different and you did the big stuff for the festival, carrying your laptop with you everywhere you went backstage and doing some last minute changes. The finishing act would be crazy and you were doing some last animation things for the background.

It would be absolute chaos and you knew it. They always got their friends and famous people on stage to help them make an absolute blast of the party. It was always their goal to be sure that their show would be the most talked about and it worked every time.

You sat backstage on a table in the sun, trying to work as fast as you could. You wanted to be finished so you could see The Last Shadow Puppets. You were a very big fan of the crispy King Miles Kane himself and you would take every opportunity to see the man. You were sipping on your gin and tonic while some music blasted through your headset.

You were completely indulged with your own bubble that you had no clue of what was going on around you until you got pulled out of that bubble by a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jumped a little and quickly looked at the person. That was when you were met with those familiar kind brown eyes. You put your headset off in disbelieve. “ ‘m sorry. Didn’t meant tha scare ya luv! Is it alright if we sit here?” Miles asked you kindly and you looked towards the place he was pointing at which was Alex and the band.

You were so gob smacked but managed to get yourself together somehow. “Yeah, of course! Take a seat!” you told them and made some room for them. Miles was taking a seat next to you. “Fank you so much luv!” he told you. You’ve met Miles before but was sure that he didn’t recognized you anymore until he start checking you out. You noticed even though you were on your laptop, your attention was shifted towards Miles.

You felt your cheeks heat up at the attention you were getting. “I know ya from somewhere. We’ve met before didn’t we?” he asked you, grabbing the attention from Alex as well. “Yeah we did! Wasn’t expecting you to remember me to be honest.” You told him shyly. “Yeah… You’re Y/N right?” he asked you, trying to remember. “Yeah!” you were shocked that he remembered your name. “Yeah! You were lovely! It’s nice to see ya again!” he told you excited. “Yeah! I can’t wait for you guys’ gig!” you told them excitedly.

“Aww babe! You’re coming then?” Miles asked you while he sat with his body completely towards you. “Yeah absolutely! I’ll be at the side of the stage, taking some pictures probably!” you told him with a smile. “Realleh? D’ya work here?” he asked you deeply interested. “Yeah! I’m the multimedia designer for the festival and some artist! I was just about to finish up some animations for the last act, which is going to be absolutely crazy in every good way possible!” you told him excited.

You made eye contact with Alex who just looked at you with a smile. You reached out your hand. “I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself! I’m Y/N.” Alex held your hand with a smile and shook it softly “Hi! I’m Alex” he told you. “Yeah, big fan of the both of you!” you told him. “So how do you know each other then?” Alex asked you and Miles.

“She was at my show.. 2 years ago?” he looked at you to see if he was correct and you nodded. “Yeah, so we met backstage and chatted a bit! Ya made me night that day! I was supposed to go to a partyh with ya but we we’re a little busy makin music backstage so we didn’t make it. Felt realleh bad about that.” He told you. You couldn’t contain the smile on your face. “Well, you could make it up to me if you have time after the show! Like I said: The last act is going to be chaos and a lot of fun, so if you want to join me and some friends… You are both more than welcome!” You offered with hope glossing your voice.

Miles looked at Alex and Alex shook his shoulders. “I don’t see a problem with tha! I’m up for a proper party!” Alex told Miles. “So ya gonna be there right?” Miles asked you. “Absolutely!” Miles smiled and placed his hand on your knee. “Than count us in babe!” you smiled. “Deal!” Alex stood up “Imma get anotha drink. Ya want somethin?” Alex asked you. “Yeah a gin tonic please.” Alex smiled and nodded. “Ya too Kane?” Alex asked and miles nodded.

Alex walked away and you quickly made some finishing touches. “so ya do the animation for the last show?” Miles asked. “Yeah, and I’m (along side others) the videographer, photographer and graphic designer.” Miles nodded and had his eyebrows raised. “Ya impress me!” he told you, making you smile and chuckle. “It’s my job.” He nodded “I won’t keep ya distracted then.” He told you but you were fast to say: “Oh don’t worry! You don’t! I can multitask and besides that I’m already almost finished. I worked harder so I could see your show.” Miles chuckled “Aww babe… Thank you, that means a lot to me!” you smiled “Well, I wouldn’t to miss it for the world!”

“Can I see what ya just made?” Miles asked you. You shoved your laptop towards Miles and showed him the trippy animations. Miles looked at you in surprise “Ya made this? Ya fookin talented babe!” You felt flustered and smiled shyly at him. “Thank you.”

“There are going to be more animations played on the stage that I made, but these were just the last finishing touches.” Miles smiled, still looking at your laptop. “Could I maybe get yar working card? So that I could give ya a call? I would love to have you do some designs for meh new album if ya like!” you were gob smacked. “Yeah, of course! That would be a honor! I would absolutely love that!” Miles smiled as you handed him your business card. “I’ll definitely give ya a call!” he told you and Alex came back with the drinks.

You put your laptop away. “Could I maybe get a picture?” you asked them shyly. “Of course luv!” Miles said immediately and Alex agreed. You all stood up and you were placed in the middle. Miles held you by your waist and kissed your cheek while Alex kept looking at you with a grin and also an arm around you.” Someone from the crew took the picture. “Thank you so much!” you told them and they waved it off. “No problem! Definitely not for such a gorgeous girl like ya!” Miles told you with a wink and you felt flustered again.

“We ave to go but you’ll be on the side of tha stage right?” Miles asked you. “Yeah definitely!” M “Good luck boys!” you told them . iles gave you a hug and a kiss on your cheek before walking off with a wink towards you. You put your laptop in a safe spot and grabbed your camera. And walked in front of the stage where the other photographers were placed.

The boys came up and started playing. You got some good pictures of them along side some good videos. Miles kept his eyes on you and that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by you. Every time he started a serenade for you, you looked away from your camera and towards Miles who got a smirk. Obviously Alex noticed it as well and chuckled throughout the set.

You got back to the side of the stage to enjoy the show. Someone from the crew hurried to the stage to give them beer but he accidently threw it over you as he tripped. You helped the man up and he hurried back. The accident didn’t go unnoticed by the boys because it was a hard smack that he made. Your whole shirt was soaking wet by now and you tried to make it dry but to no avail. The man came back and this time didn’t trip, giving them their beer. Miles asked him if he was okay as he stepped away from the microphone. The man nodded and walked off quickly, apologizing to you profoundly but you were just glad that he was okay.

They came to their last song and the whole crowed went wild. They said there goodbyes and walked towards you. Miles looked at you “You guys were amazing!” you told them and Miles grabbed your hands softly in his slender hands. “Are ya okay babe?” you were a little taken back that he was concerned about you even though it was just beer. “Yeah, don’t worry. I didn’t get hurt. My shirt is just soaked.” You told him. Someone handed him a beer. “Walk with me luv.” He told you and held your hand, leading you towards the backstage area and towards their trailer.

You looked around and couldn’t really comprehend what was happening. “Here ya can borrow me blouse if ya want! I bet it’s not great to walk around in a soaked shirt.” He told you. You were taken back by surprise “Are you sure?” Miles smiled “Yeah. Positive babe! Dun’t wurry about it.” he told you. He saw that you felt a little uncomfortable since you didn’t want to go through his stuff so he helped you.

He searched through his suitcase. “Ya would look good in everthin babe.” He chuckled. He finally found a blouse and held it in front of you. “This would look mega on ya! Try it on!” he told you. Miles turned around and you got your dirty shirt off and quickly got into the blouse that still had his cologne on. “Alright, what do you think?” you asked Miles, who turned around. “Fookin hell babe! Ya look bloody sexy innit! Ya should keep it for tha time bein. I’ll get it back later.” He told you with a wink that made you feel flustered again.

“Ya lead tha way babes” Miles told you as you held hands again so you can lead him to the party and through the people. On the way you found Alex and Miles dragged him along which he seemed fine with. You arrived backstage and you saw your friends already hyping themselves up on the side of the stage before going up. Stephan walked up to you . “Hey Y/N! Your animations are absolutely epic!” he told you while giving you a hug.

“Thank you.” you smiled “Your gonna party along right?” he asked you hopefully, making you nod. Miles came back with some gin tonic for you and some for himself and Alex. Stephan said his goodbyes to you and left, jumping on the stage as the music started. Your other friends got up from behind the DJ set where they were hiding and the whole crowed went wild.

You, Miles and Alex started dancing along side some other friends from you and the DJ’s. It didn’t took long before they pulled you on stage and gave you a microphone to hype the crowed up along them. Everyone cheered as you came up. Miles and Alex cheered and had a big grin on their faces. You started to jump with the other Mc’s as sparks of fire came from the side of the stage for more impact effect.

The whole crowed went wild as one of the Mc’s started stagediving and floating animals, for in the water, were let go in the crowed and confetti cannons went off. You walked towards Stephan as he hinted for you to come. You took the set over while he started hyping the crowed up. The animations you made were floating around you on the background and you started to make the coolest drops with the music while jumping. You look to see if Miles and Alex were still there and when you made eye contact with Miles you saw how hyped he was for you.

Alex was smiling brightly as well and talked to Miles while pointing out stuff in the crowed. Miles started filming, probably for his Instagram. Everyone went wild as more confetti was blasted in the public. Stephan stood next to you “Let’s hear it for Y/N!!!” he screamed through the microphone, making you smile and made another sick drop as the crowed started jumping and screaming. Stephan started making music with you and making sick beats.

The videographers and photographers were capturing everything, from you to the crowed and the Mc’s. They picked some people from the crowed to get on stage while you kept playing some very familiar songs. People started making selfies with you on the stage and filming. Everyone started jumping in sync while screaming things through the microphone in the language from your country. It was indeed chaotic in every way possible but that was really what made it so awesome. A lot of people were sitting on shoulders from their friends as they kept jumping. The security had to stand on the railing to keep an eye on the people because it got so crazy.

You filmed something from your own phone and saw you got tagged in a story from Miles. You looked to the side and smiled to Miles, seeing what he had posted. “One hell of an ending! Go have it babe! Show ‘m” the text in the story said. You smiled and filmed the DJ set, the crowed and after Miles and Alex. “The kings in real life.” You put underneath the video.

This went on for a good while and right around the end there was fireworks on the beat of the music, along side some more fire, making everyone lose their minds. The last song was coming up and everyone left the DJ set to go to the front and all jumped with the crowed. You all said your goodbyes to the crowed and gave some people high fives before leaving the stage.

Your adrenaline was very high from all the excitement and energy you received. Miles seemed to be copying your energy and Alex was just smiling a lot. “Hole shit babeh! Ya really know how tha party! That was mega!” he told you while pulling you into a hug. You all started dancing and jumping around to the music as they went for a little while longer.

You, Miles and Alex walked off of stage and towards the backstage area. “I bet you’re very busy but… if you’re up for it… ya can join us on tour to make some media stuff for us and of course we’ll pay ya.” Miles told you while Alex nodded. “Are you kidding me? That would be a dream come true! I would love to!” you told them excited and they got excited for you. You did agreed with them to go home first and meet them on their next location so you could take some stuff with you.

You and Miles started flirting more and more and you were very curious how all of this was going to play out over the couple of weeks on tour with them.

~time skip~

It was now 2 months later and the physical attraction between you and Miles were through the roof. It just got more and more with everyday until the both of you just couldn’t take it anymore and after one, very heated night, which you were glad was in a hotel room, you finally became boyfriend and girlfriend. You went with him to his shows and he went with you to your shows. You both got a lot of energy from being on stage and perform but nothing came close when the other would be there. That made it just 10 times better and it felt like heaven. You really did bring up the best in each other.

Sweet dreams, TN

Miles Kane x reader ( Alex Turner platonic)

Summary: When you, Miles, Alex and his girlfriend have two days off from tour, you make the best of it by a beach day with your friends.
Warnings: alcohol, cigarettes, being buzzed
Words: 2,7K

Sweet dreams, TN

Being on tour with your boyfriend, Miles Kane and his best friend Alex Turner was amazingly chaotic and you loved every minute of it. You were now in your home country for a couple of days where they would play some shows and you offered your childhood home to sleep in since it was in the middle from where they all had to go and play gigs. Miles, Alex and his girlfriend took you up on it but the other bandmates wanted some time for themselves which you could completely understand.

Miles was done with playing his last gig before he had two, much needed, days off. It was around summer time and you couldn’t wait for Miles to finally meet your friends. Your mom was staying over by her boyfriend so you had the home to yourselves.

You both had slept amazing in your old home. You loved the bunkbeds from the tour bus but nothing could beat a nice big comfortable bed. Today you would go to the beach with your friends and you noticed that Miles needed some relaxing time before getting back on the stage to rock it again.  Your friend would pick you up and drive you all to the beach. You took some water bottles with you, multiple cans of gin tonic, sunscreen, sunglasses, towels, and a lot of snacks.

You, Miles, Alex and Louise waited outside and even though Miles had a good night sleep, he was still very tired. He wore some soft white shorts and his blouse over it which was only closed with one button, giving a slight look of his abs. His sunglasses on his face while he looked up at the sun with his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun. His golden necklace glistered in the sun just like his golden bracelet as he held your hand loosely in his. You looked at Miles lovingly and smiling at the sight of how relaxed he already was.

You softly kissed his cheek, making him open his eyes. Your knuckles softly brushed alongside his cheek. He got a big smile on his face and placed his arm around you. “Fank ya babe. I realleh needed this!” he told you energetic even though you knew better. “You’re more than welcome! I could use a relaxing beach day as well.” you told him, making him grin. He cupped your cheek with his slender hand and pulled you in for a kiss. You both sight into the kiss, finally having some time for each other until a loud honk pulled you out of the moment.

You both looked at the car and you saw your friends waving at you. You looked at Miles with a bright smile and held his hand while walking to the car. You could see that there was only three seats left. “Get on me lap luv.” Miles told you, getting the bag from you. Everyone greeted the both of you and it was already a lot of fun. Miles sat down and helped you to sit on his lap while Alex and Louise got in as well. He placed the seatbelt around the two of you while you sat sideways on his lap. Miles’s arms were tightly closed around your waist.

Your friends knew that this was a big moment since you’ve never came home with a guy as your boyfriend to meet everyone so they knew that this was a big deal and so did Miles, who wanted to leave a good impression.

They rode to the beach while putting the music on high volume. Miles kept placing kisses on your shoulder and drew patterns on your waist with his slender finger while chatting and already joking with your friends until you arrived at the beach which didn’t took too long.

You all got out and Miles got more himself again as the sun did him very good, besides Miles loved beach days just as much as you so that alone already made him excited. Miles already had a hold of your hand and you played with his golden rings.

You walked towards ‘your spot’ where there was enough sun, shadow and not too many people. You laid down the towels and sat down, getting the sunscreen from your bag and the water bottles. Of course you and Miles wanted to lay down in the sun just like Alex and Louise. You put some sunscreen on your body while Miles did your back. While he was putting some sunscreen on your shoulders, he softly started massaging you. “Ya too tense babe, try to relax for meh.” He told you softly while he tried to work away the knots. “The sun will do me some good as well.” you remarked.

Miles stopped, not wanting to hurt you. “I’ll give ya a massage when ya fully relaxed doll.” He told you, giving the sunscreen to you. “Thank you Mi.” you told him and sat behind him so you could do his back. His muscles were fully relaxed underneath your touch and you were happy with that. Once you were both done Miles offered a cigarette to you, which you gladly took before he got one for himself. You handed him the bottle of water and turned on your stomach so you could chat with your friends. Alex and Louise seemed to like your friends as well, chatting and laughing away with them

They put the speakers on and put some music on while chatting away. It was really nice catching up with them again and they seemed to like Miles very much which made you even more happier. Some friends started chatting with Miles while you talked to the other ones about the tour and what you’ve experienced so far.

After a while you all decided to go for a swim. Miles hinted for you to jump on his back which you did. You could hear him cackle while you couldn’t stop giggling once he started running towards the water. Your friends were laughing while you held on tight to Miles. You felt the water hit your feet and it wasn’t as cold as expected but more refreshing. Miles stopped running and was now walking slowly deeper in the water. He carefully let go off you so you could slip off of him and get used to the water.

“Imma still dunk you later.” You chuckled at his remark and took a dip which took him by surprise but followed you soon. You got up and looked around for Miles until you felt someone touch your leg, making you squeak by surprise. Miles came up and started cackling “surry babe. Didn’t mean tha scare ya.” He chuckled which you did as well. You started to cling to Miles in the water. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his shoulders and neck while his arms were wrapped around you.

He placed his hand on the back of your head and placed multiple kisses on the side of your head. “Ya like a kaola right now.” he cackled and you smiled. You felt your body fill up with love and affectionate “I love you so much Mi.” He got one of the biggest smile you saw today “I luv ya too babe, so much ya have no bloody idea.” You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face and kissed him. You tasted the cigarette smoke on his lips and it felt just like home. You felt so complete and at peace right now that it felt like your heart was going to burst with love.

“Ya two lovebirds are so cute together.” Alex chuckled while Louise was on his back. You and Miles looked at each other with love and adoration. You remembered what Al had told you a while back and that was that he never saw Miles so happy and in love with anyone except for you and that he liked you right away.

Miles swam towards your friends who were wrestling in the water. They sat on each other’s neck, trying to push the other one off and taking turns with it. “Get on me neck babe and show um!” he told you, making you grin as Louise got onto Al’s shoulders. You let go of Miles and got onto his shoulders with his help and he held you tightly by your legs.. You pushed Louise off and after that your friends tried to, but failing one after the other, making Miles cheer loudly for you. “Go on then babes! Ya mega at this luv! Let’s have m”

You chuckled but got distracted by Miles and got pushed off, making your friends cheer. You and Miles went down under and got up from the water laughing loudly. After a while a friend got out of the water to get a ball and got back in. It was some sort of volleyball but in the water and without a net, just standing in a circle. You stood next to Miles and Alex and you looked at your boyfriend and got distracted by his abs.

Miles caught you, making you feel a little embarrassed and you heard him cackle. He walked towards you and held you by your waist. “If ya fink I look good, ya aven’t seen yaself luv. Ya a bloody painting babes.” You felt flustered as he whispered in your ear and placing a loving kiss on your cheek before walking back and winking at you.

You all played with the ball and tried to not let it hit the water as it was one of the rules and it turned chaotic very fast as everyone tried to jump for it and if you did let it hit the water, you were out of the game. Now it was just between you and two other friends. Miles and Alex were cheering you on, on the side line. “Come on babe! Show m! Ya got this!” Miles kept motivating you and cheering you on. “Let’s go Y/N! Ya got this!” Al shouted as well and you had beaten one of your friends, making them cheer even louder and you couldn’t wipe away the proud smile you had plastered on your face.

It didn’t took long before your other friend lost as well and Alex and Miles came jumping towards you. Miles picked you up and spun you around in the water “That’s meh girl! Ya showed them luv!” he told you, peppering your faces with kisses, making you chuckle.

You all got out of the water after being in there for at least a good two hours. Miles got his pack of cigarettes out of your linen bag. He placed a cigarette between his lips, which was now a bit soaked because his hands were still wet. You handed Miles, Al and Louise a can of gin tonic and laid down on the towel. You put some more sunscreen on your body and smeared it on  Miles as well before handing it over to Louise so she could do Alex.

Miles started to get tired and after he finished his cigarette he rested his head on your stomach. You went with your nails over his head, relaxing him completely. You looked at his body which was glistening in the sun, still a couple of drops of water on his body. He had his sunglasses on but you could see that he had his eyes closed and you let him rest while you talked with your friends and Alex but kept, softly, scraping his head, knowing he loved that. Miles had one arm wrapped around your leg for physical contact.

It was over an hour now and you were sure that Miles had dozed off as Alex hinted with his head. You looked down at Miles. He started to get a little sunburn on his face, so Alex handed you the sunscreen and you placed some on your hands and carefully put it on his face, softly rubbing it out and definitely on his nose, which started to become a little red. You could see that Miles slowly woke up through his sunglasses. He looked at you and gave you a loving smile “Must’ve dozed off.” he told you softly and you gave him a loving smile.

“That’s okay Mi. You deserve some rest. You’re just getting a sunburn.” You told him while still smearing it out on his face. He got your hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. “Fank ya for takin care of meh.” Tiredness covering his voice. “Always, Mi.” You told him and softly kissed his nose as he smiled lovingly and cutely in response.

He sat up and got his pack of cigarettes again and lit one before standing up and started playing with the ball with Alex, kicking it over. Miles did some tricks with the ball before passing to Al again. You watched Miles with a smile on your face until your eyelids became to heavy to keep them open and you drifted off.

You woke up from some water dripping on your face and a turtle who kept peppering your faces with kisses. You smiled, knowing it was Miles. “Ya dozed off luv.” He told you. You let out a sigh and stretched a little, feeling drowsy from the sun. “Yeah, apparently.” You chuckled and sat straight. Miles sat down behind you, his legs on either side of your body. He pushed you carefully backwards so you could lean against his chest. He kept kissing your head while you grabbed his hand and played with his fingers in an affectionate way.

After a whole day at the beach you decided to go home and have a barbeque with everyone. They dropped you, Miles, Alex and Louise off at home. You and Miles showered together to safe water and time. You wore one of Miles blouses and high waist pants. Miles wore a blouse and shorts. After you got ready Alex and Louise claimed the bathroom. You and Miles decided to go to the store to get more booze and food for the barbeque.

The food was rearranged pretty quick but with the booze you stood there a little longer. Miles got a couple of bottles since he couldn’t decide. Luckily he knew Alex better than anyone and also knew his to go drink. Once you were packed you walked home hand in hand, each carrying a bag. When you got home, Alex and Louise were already done and ready to go.

When you arrived they just started the barbeque. It was a lot of fun and everyone was quickly buzzed from the alcohol. After the barbeque you decided to go into town and to the club where you always went before Miles. You walked in and saw a lot of familiar faces who lit up once they saw you. You hugged everyone and made a quick small talk while Miles handed you a gin tonic and a kiss on your cheek before going back to Alex, but always keeping an eye on you.

After you chatted with everyone you started dancing with your friends, Miles, Alex and Louise. The drinks were flowing and everyone was proper drunk at this point and when the club closed you decided that it a good time to call it a day. Miles saw that you were very tired and buzzed. “Jump on me back luv.” He told you and he didn’t have to tell you twice as you jumped on his back. Your legs around him, arms around his shoulders and you let your head rest besides his. Louise was on Alex’s back as well, just as tired as you were.

When you finally made it home you undressed, brushed your teeth at the same time as Miles and let yourself fall in the freshly made bed. Your eyes already closed when you felt the bed dip besides you. You opened your eyes and looked into the warm, loving brown ones of Miles. “I had a lot of fun babe.” You smiled tiredly at him “Me too. Thank you.” Miles kissed your nose “Na, fank ya luv. Ya took me with ya.” He told you in his thick scouse accent, hinting that he was absolutely exhausted as well.

“Let’s get some sleep.” You told him while you crawled towards Miles, who already had his arms around you. “Goodnight luv.” He placed a quick peck on your lips. “Goodnight turtle.” You murmured as sleep already took over and the last thing you heard was a soft chuckle from Miles “I luv ya babes.”
