

Malenia blade of Miquella

Some fan art for Elden Ring! I changed my drawing style a bit for this, trying to simulate the feel of a scratchboard.

Edit: Now as a print too! https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/oscarwestberg/malenia/

 I really dislike drawing characters with missing or incomplete canon designs but here’s a won

I really dislike drawing characters with missing or incomplete canon designs but here’s a wonky Miquella just to get him out of my mind.

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Omen babies!

Malenia and Morgott visit Miquella and Mohg’s progeny

Miquella realising something before Mohg does

Mohgwyn Dynasty sketchbook pages from yesterday. I was away from home without access to my laptop soMohgwyn Dynasty sketchbook pages from yesterday. I was away from home without access to my laptop soMohgwyn Dynasty sketchbook pages from yesterday. I was away from home without access to my laptop so

Mohgwyn Dynasty sketchbook pages from yesterday. I was away from home without access to my laptop so I just sketched a few things

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@bombcollar *fastballs Miquella at you*

catches and treasures him



I didn’t expect that a simple attempt to figure out why is there a portrait of Radahn in Volcano Manor and what were the relationships between two brothers would lead me to a massive brain rot about Miquella’s kidnapping. 

First thing I noticed is that Redmane (Radahn’s) and Gelmir (Rykard’s) knights are wearing armor sets very similar to Cuckoo Knights, who served Caria Royal Family, except their plumes are red.


The red plume is a symbol of Radahn’s pedigree as Lord Radagon’s son - the mane of the proud Red Lion

Helm worn by knights once loyal to Praetor Rykard. Its crest of red feathers symbolizes Rykard’s pedigree as Lord Radagon’s son

Radahn was amongst the children of Rennala and Radagon, who became demigod stepchildren after Radagon’s union with Queen Marika

Rykard and Radahn both were close enough during their youth. Still, I was suprised when I found that Rykard… probably assisted Radahn in a war against Malenia as well?

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raviollies:M&M’s style


M&M’s style

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