#miraculous fan art


Is anyone in the Miraculous fandom also a fan of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise?

Cause I am going to see The Hidden World in like an hour and I am going to need people to fan girl with!!!

Hey guys watch out I was going threw YouTube and I found this then I scrolled down a little more and I saw the one of the screen shots completely on accident because it was in a thumbnail so be careful if you don’t want to see it and get spoiled.

‘Real Love’ Part 2/?A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction

Hi everyone! Just a disclaimer I am very new to writing fanfiction so if this is not that good or there are any mistakes in it I am sorry but I hope to keep writing and to get better at it. Anyway I hope you like this part 2!

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Marinette’s alarm shrieked. She yawned and sat up.

“Good morning Tikki!” Marinette greeted her qwami with a smile as she sat up.

“Morning Marinette … didn’t you set your alarm a little early?” she asked while taking a seat on her chosenes shoulder.

“No because there is something I need to do.” Marinette climbed down from her bed. “Give me a hand will you” she pulled down one of her Adrien posters but carefully so that it did not rip it. The red ladybug qwami giggled and began removing the pictures. After that Marinette changed her background from her Adrien calloge to one of Jagged Stone holding the album that she designed the cover of.

“Marinette you don’t want to be late for school!” her mother called from down stairs.

“Coming Mom!” she responded.

She ate her breakfast and ran down stairs to school. “Bye papa!” she shouted in a rush as she hurried out of the bakery. She opened the door and turn towards the school but somthing was blocking her way and caused her to stumble back a step. She looked up and saw Adrien with a smug Cat Noir smile on his face.

“Morning Milady” he greeted. She smiled a little and stepped around him and continued walking. She was trying to avoid acting like a stuttering idiot in front of him. He spun on his heel and walked next to her, smoothly wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“Good morning Adrien” she said as she removed his arm from around her. The two of them walked up the stairs of the school together. Marinette spotted Alya and turned to Adrien

“See you in class Kitty.” she waved and headed over to her friend

“Did you really just walk into school with Adrien!?” she practically shouted with enthusiasm “and you weren’t even blushing or stuttering!”

“I don’t know what your talking about.” Marinette calmly stated but before her best friend could bombard her with more questions the bell rang and they hurried off to class.

Adrien and Nino were walking ahead of them and Adrien held open the door as Marinette walked in he bowed slightly “Marinette” he spoke and she rolled her eyes at his gesture leaving Alya starring wide eyed at her friend who by now would normally be as red a fire truck.


After their morning classes instead of going home for lunch Marinette and Alya went to the library to study while they eat.

“Ok girl what is up with you?” the young reporter asked practically screaming.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” Marinette calmly answered while she scribbled in her note book.

“Don’t play that game with me missy! You know exactly what I mean.” Alya grunted.

Marinette let out a sigh. As she started to attempt an explanation that wouldn’t expose her secret a certain blonde approached them.

“Hey Marinette” he spoke his voice dripping with swagger as he sat in the chair next to her. Marinette rolled her eyes.

“I gotta go somewhere now bye.” the red head said and removed her self from the table.

“You have to stop acting like that here.” she scolded him

“Your right I’m sorry.” he sighed “we have a have an hour before our next class do you want to go for a walk?”

“I’d like that” she smiled and put her notebook in her school bag then slung it over her shoulder.

The pair exited the library and decended the stairs that lead outside of the school.

“You know what would be more fun then walking?” Marinette slyly asked

“What?” he responded with a wide smiled. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him into that ally behind the school.

“TIKKI SPOTS ON!” she shouted as a wave of pink light surrounded her.

“PLAGG CLAWS OUT!” He cried as he too transformed. The two hero’s headed to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I hope you liked that chapter and the third will be posted much sooner we than this one was. Have a fantastic weekend!


This is so unreal I feel like I just got 300 of you lovely people I am so extremely happy. You all have given me the confidence to start writing fan fiction and the next chapter of my story “Real Love” is done I just have to do some editing. I cannot thank you enough. ❤❤❤❤❤


I am so so so so so so so so so happy and thankful for all of you amazing people you are awesome. I want to give a big thank you to all of you and I never thought I would reach this goal!

Thank you again and I love all of you!
