#chat noir x ladybug


okay so i had like a fever dream or something and now its an au i guess idk what im doing honestly

  • for reasons let’s say this happens early on in the first season
  • Marinette’s identity is compromised so she gives her miraculous to Master Fu
  • Chat gives up the cat miraculous and becomes Lordbug
  • everyone knows that it used be Chat Noir
  • but since the ladybug miraculous is the only one that can purify akumas
  • and since Ladybug can’t exactly be a hero anymore
  • he is stuck as Lordbug
  • he like has temporary partners 
  • like Rena Rouge
  • and Carapace
  • and he vents to Marinette, not knowing she was Ladybug, about being a hero and how tough it is
  • and she feels so bad leaving her partner like that 
  • but she had to, she was comprimised
  • Adrien becomes guardian after the Volpina akumatization
  • with Adrien being the hero you can imagine how that went 
  • Adrien, no longer Chat Noir and no longer partners with Ladybug, moves on to a new blue haired blue eyed girl ;)
  • and Adrinette becomes canon
  • Gabriel tries to split them up 
  • however, Adrien is more assertive now that he has all of the support and companionship of the kwamis 
  • and because he’s just soin love with Marinette
  • so he threatens to ruin the Agreste brand 
  • and Gabriel calls him out that he wouldn’t dare
  • but Adrien tells him off with the utmost grace in the most polite Adrien way
  • so Gabriel backs off 
  • After that he gives Adrien more freedom because he’s scared of tainting the Agreste image
  • one day Lordbug is visiting Marinette 
  • and tells her that Ladybug will forever be his biggest what if 
  • because he like never really got closure about all of it
  • so Marinette breaks and tells him 
  • Adrien wants to believe it so bad 
  • So he takes off his earrings in front of her and tells her to transform
  • it’s Marinette he trusts Marinette with his life
  • he can trust her with his secret
  • so she transforms and it feels so good to say Tikki, spots on
  • but she can’t dwell on that
  • Adrien pleads for her to come back
  • his lady, his princess, his Marinette
  • heneedsher
  • she tells him she can’t, that her identity was compromised 
  • he tells her that she can get a new name and a new suit
  • he just needs to have her with him
  • he’s the guardian now and he was never more himself than when he was fighting by her side
  • and she agrees to be his partner again
  • so now she has the ladybug miraculous and he goes back to the cat miraculous (Plagg has never been happier)
  • he grants her co-guardianship and she’s a hero of Paris again
  • and they’re so happy
  • Chat Noir and Coccinelle are the new heroes of Paris
  • Neither could be happier
  • CocciNoir is trending
  • thanks to Alya and her blog
  • Adrien and Marinette get even closer than before
  • much to Alya’s delight
  • people, of course, ask if its a new Ladybug
  • and it kind of is, Marinette isn’t really used to being a hero
  • she stopped for so long, and before she stopped she didn’t have her miraculous for long
  • so, while not even really lying, they say yes

idk what this is but like have i guess????

Is anyone in the Miraculous fandom also a fan of the How To Train Your Dragon franchise?

Cause I am going to see The Hidden World in like an hour and I am going to need people to fan girl with!!!

I just came up with a theory!

So if Plagg is the qwami of destruction and when he uses his powers without an owner he destroys things … Atlantis, the leaning Tower of Pisa, and dinosaurs. So Plagg destroyed and entire group of living things, an entire form of life. So since Tikki is the opposite of Plagg she is creation and Plagg can destroy life what if she creates life when she uses her powers without and owner.

If this is true then I have another theory:

Gabriel was going to stop being Hawk moth because Adrien was in to much danger. By doing that he put his son before his wife who is the reason for him becoming Hawk moth in the first place. So what if the Bug and Cat team figure out his identity and confront him and tell him that he is going to loose his son if he uses the wish to bring Emily Back to life and he decides that his son is more important and gives his miraculous to Marinette to return. Then Tikki says I can bring her back if I use my power without an owner. And then Mrs. Agreste is alive and there is a happy ending.

Those are the theories that I came up with based off of Style Queen and Queen Wasp.

‘Real Love’ Part 2/?A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction

Hi everyone! Just a disclaimer I am very new to writing fanfiction so if this is not that good or there are any mistakes in it I am sorry but I hope to keep writing and to get better at it. Anyway I hope you like this part 2!

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Marinette’s alarm shrieked. She yawned and sat up.

“Good morning Tikki!” Marinette greeted her qwami with a smile as she sat up.

“Morning Marinette … didn’t you set your alarm a little early?” she asked while taking a seat on her chosenes shoulder.

“No because there is something I need to do.” Marinette climbed down from her bed. “Give me a hand will you” she pulled down one of her Adrien posters but carefully so that it did not rip it. The red ladybug qwami giggled and began removing the pictures. After that Marinette changed her background from her Adrien calloge to one of Jagged Stone holding the album that she designed the cover of.

“Marinette you don’t want to be late for school!” her mother called from down stairs.

“Coming Mom!” she responded.

She ate her breakfast and ran down stairs to school. “Bye papa!” she shouted in a rush as she hurried out of the bakery. She opened the door and turn towards the school but somthing was blocking her way and caused her to stumble back a step. She looked up and saw Adrien with a smug Cat Noir smile on his face.

“Morning Milady” he greeted. She smiled a little and stepped around him and continued walking. She was trying to avoid acting like a stuttering idiot in front of him. He spun on his heel and walked next to her, smoothly wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“Good morning Adrien” she said as she removed his arm from around her. The two of them walked up the stairs of the school together. Marinette spotted Alya and turned to Adrien

“See you in class Kitty.” she waved and headed over to her friend

“Did you really just walk into school with Adrien!?” she practically shouted with enthusiasm “and you weren’t even blushing or stuttering!”

“I don’t know what your talking about.” Marinette calmly stated but before her best friend could bombard her with more questions the bell rang and they hurried off to class.

Adrien and Nino were walking ahead of them and Adrien held open the door as Marinette walked in he bowed slightly “Marinette” he spoke and she rolled her eyes at his gesture leaving Alya starring wide eyed at her friend who by now would normally be as red a fire truck.


After their morning classes instead of going home for lunch Marinette and Alya went to the library to study while they eat.

“Ok girl what is up with you?” the young reporter asked practically screaming.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” Marinette calmly answered while she scribbled in her note book.

“Don’t play that game with me missy! You know exactly what I mean.” Alya grunted.

Marinette let out a sigh. As she started to attempt an explanation that wouldn’t expose her secret a certain blonde approached them.

“Hey Marinette” he spoke his voice dripping with swagger as he sat in the chair next to her. Marinette rolled her eyes.

“I gotta go somewhere now bye.” the red head said and removed her self from the table.

“You have to stop acting like that here.” she scolded him

“Your right I’m sorry.” he sighed “we have a have an hour before our next class do you want to go for a walk?”

“I’d like that” she smiled and put her notebook in her school bag then slung it over her shoulder.

The pair exited the library and decended the stairs that lead outside of the school.

“You know what would be more fun then walking?” Marinette slyly asked

“What?” he responded with a wide smiled. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him into that ally behind the school.

“TIKKI SPOTS ON!” she shouted as a wave of pink light surrounded her.

“PLAGG CLAWS OUT!” He cried as he too transformed. The two hero’s headed to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I hope you liked that chapter and the third will be posted much sooner we than this one was. Have a fantastic weekend!


This is so unreal I feel like I just got 300 of you lovely people I am so extremely happy. You all have given me the confidence to start writing fan fiction and the next chapter of my story “Real Love” is done I just have to do some editing. I cannot thank you enough. ❤❤❤❤❤


I am so so so so so so so so so happy and thankful for all of you amazing people you are awesome. I want to give a big thank you to all of you and I never thought I would reach this goal!

Thank you again and I love all of you!

‘Real Love’ Part 1/?

A Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction

Hi! So this is my second fan fic ever so it probably won’t be that good but hope you like it any way! It wrote it self and I had a ton of fun! There will probally be 2 or 3 more chapters in it.

Marinette sat behind the counter of her parents bakery humming the tune of the latest Jagged Stone song. 

“Marinette do you think that your dad would get mad if one little cookie disappeared?” Tikki shyly asked.

“You have to get a hold of that sweet tooth of yours.” Marinette told her qwami as she opened the glass display display case and handed her a cookie.

“I know but they smell so good!” Tikki giggled as she munched on the treat.

The front door swung open letting a cool breeze into the warm room.  As Tikki flew down behind the counter Marinette looked up from the sketch book that sat in front of her.

“Hello Ladybug.” she was cheerfully greeted by Master Fu. 

“Master” she bowed her head “what are you doing here?” she asked.

“Yes, I suppose that your baked goods are not the only reason I have come."  she looked confused "What do you mean?”

“I have discovered something in the Miraculous book, but need the book it self to to unlock it.” he said as he aproched the counter.

“Well then we have to get the book back … oh wait I can’t, the Agreste’s security system is so high tech I would never be able to get it.” Marinette informed him.

“So what you need is someone who knows the house.” Master Fu concluded with a small chuckle “I need you to bring Cat Noir to my shop now.”

“I have to stay here at the bakery my parents are out but we close in an hour Cat and I will be there then.” she told him.

“Great and remember it is very urgent that you two get there as soon as possible.”

Marinette nodded “we will I’ll make sure.”

He turned around and headed for the door “see you then Ladybug.”


“Hey Kitty Kitty.” Ladybug greeted as she landed on the roof next to her partner. 

“Milady bug, tis a pleasure” he grasped her hand placing a soft kiss on her knuckles “Do want to start patrol on the north side of the city today?” he inquired as he released her hand.

“No we aren’t patrolling tonight.” she informed him.  He looked confused for a seconded before a sly smile crept onto his face.

“What are we gonna do instead?” he smoothly asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“There’s someone you have to meet” she said ignoring his advances. She removed his hand and walked to the edge of the roof “Follow me!” she shouted.

She swung around a corner and stoped in front of Master Fu’s shop.  Cat landed next to her “what are we doing here?” he questioned.

“I told you there’s someone you need to meet.”

She opened the door and walked into the small room followed by Cat. Master’s back was towards them.

“Master Fu” she spoke alerting him of their presence.

“Ladybug, Cat Noir I’m glad you have come so quickly.” he turned around and his Qwami flew out of the old record player.  A look of shock and confusion washed over Cat’s face

“You … you have a … a” he barely stuttered out

“This is Master Fu the last guardian of the Miraculous and his Qwami Wayzz.” Ladybug clarified.

“Hello Ladybug has told us much about you” the little turtle smiled.

“Really?” he shot the red hero a look “Hey, your the man from the first day of school” Cat reliezed

“Yes and I am the one who gave you and Ladybug your Miraculous. You stopped to help an old man when you had somthing much more important to do.  That’s when I new you were going to be the PURRfect Cat Noir.”

“Was that a pun? I like you already."Cat chuckled as he shook Master Fu’s hand.

"Now I must get to the reason I needed both of you.   Your qwamis told you that you must not reveal your identities but I believe that doing so will be the only way to retrieve the Miraculous book.” Master said with great reluctance.

“Are you sure I mean how can that be a factor.” Ladybug questioned

“Cat, I think you know why.” Master Fu commented.  Cat Noir’s eyes widened.

“Cat” Ladybug asked gently “you okay.” she placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, Milady I’m fine.” his face changed and he smiled “I’m more then fine … I’m great!” he shouted as he lifted her off the ground and spun her around in a circle. 

As he placed her back on the ground. He shouted “I finally get to know who you are.”

“Yes, yes lets get on with it, now close your eyes.” Master Fu instructed. The two hero’s glanced at each other.

“Its ok we can trust him.” Ladybug whispered reassuringly which seemed to calm him down.

They simultaneously shut there eyes.

“Detransform.” Fu commanded.

“Spots off” “Claws in”

Cat reached forward and grabbed her ungloved hands, with zero difficulty although he could not see, and intwind their fingers. 

“Open your eyes.”

Marinette flickered open hers and Adrien opened his slowly and steadily. 



“Is it really you” they said in unison.

It was like the pieces of a puzzle that were never there before suddenly appeared and came into place.  That’s why Adrien was always late when she was and why he ran out of class at the same time she did during akuma attacks but one thing that didn’t make sense was that Adrien was always so sweet and kind and Cat Noir is so cocky and flirty they seemed to be total oppisites.

For Adrien it was like everything clicked into place.  Marinette was confident and amazingly talented although a bit clumsy at times.  He was right he loves the girl behind the mask and was incredibly lucky that the two girls he cared the most about were the same.  Although he might not know Marinette that well but they are friends he just hoped she felt the same way.

“Why don’t you two go for a walk and come back tomorrow.”

“Thank you Master Fu.” Marinette said. Adrien said somthing in Chinese which made Fu smile.


They walked for about 3 blocks in silence until Adrien broke the ice

“It makes a lot of sense.  Its why your always late and running out of school all the time.”

“I could say the same to you.  Its just that well … you act so differently when you are Cat"  she adimited.

"Your right Miladynette.” he giggled at his new nickname for her “My father puts a lot of pressure on me to be perfect all the time being Cat is the only time I don’t have to be and I can just be myself.” he confessed.  Marinette stopped and wrapped her arms around him “that’s so horrible Adrien I’m so sorry.” she pulled away and they kept walking.

“So Miladynette can I ask you why you act so strange around me as Adrien?” he seemed to have moved on from the sad topic from before.

“Um … I … a … well it’s just that I sorta, don’t let it go to your head, but I kinda have a crush on you, Adrien.” she felt her face heat up and she could tell she was redder then her Ladybug costume. 

“Really … that’s very interesting."he smoothly spoke and wrapped his arm around her waist

"Now I know for sure … your definitely Cat Noir.” she laughed and picked up her pace so she slipped out of his grasp. 

“Hey” he whined and chased after her.

“So if you like me and I think its obvious I like you do you want to go on a date?" his voice was so unmistakable Cat Noir.

Marinette’s heart fluttered her dream had finally come true for the longest time she had wanted to hear Adrien ask her exactly that.  But knowing that he is Cat Noir its like her feelings doubled although it might not be very apparent but she loves Cat as much as she loves Adrien but she never really gave Cat much of a chance because of her love for Adrien and he never saw her as any thing but a friend because of his feelings for Ladybug and although they are the same people it would not be fair to either of them to start a relation ship until they took the other off a pedestal and really got to know each other.  They are super hero’s and there feelings can’t get in the way of that. If they broke up they might not ever be able to work together again.

"Oh Cat.” she teased  “Were super hero’s … TIKKI SPOTS ON” she transformed and grabbed her yoyo “see you at school tomorrow Kitty … bug out” she swung off in the direction of her house. Something in her voice made Adrien feel that they might just have a chance.

“Bye Milady.” he whispered love struck.

Plagg serfaced from his coat pocket for the first time “So do you feel the same as you did before you found our?” he spoke with real sincerity which surprised Adrien.

“Yes I’m so lucky that My Lady is as wonderful as Marinette but I never really saw her as more then a friend before but the more I think about her the more I love her.”

“Eeeeeewwwwww  l regret asking.” he groaned but Adrien could tell that Plagg was happy.

“PLAGG CLAWS OUT!” he shouted and vaulted home with his heart filled with hope and love.


I really hope you liked it and the next chapter is coming soon!

A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction

This is a Fanfic I wrote please bare with me this is my first ever one and it probally is not that good and there might be some mistakes in it so sorry in advance but I really hope you like it and I will probally make a part 2 cause it was really fun to write. By the way it takes place after Dark Owl.

“Come on Plagg!” Adrien pleaded

“No! I will not!” the small qwami yelled.

“Please tell me who Ladybug really is … I’ll give you this huge wheel of cheese!” The blonde offered while waving the camembert in the air.

Plagg began to drewl with his eyes popping out of his head.

“No I can’t tell you!” he responded sternly remembering what Tikki would do to him if he gave in to the pressure.

“Your right Plagg” Adrien sighed “I can’t betray her trust like that. I love Ladybug who ever she may be and if she wants to keep our identitys a secret I have to…”

“Gross!” Plagg interrupted “keep your feelings to your self and give me that cheese!” the magic cat lunged for the smelly substance.

“No no no” he pulled it from out of the qwami’s reach “as much as I’d love to get rid of this anti-air freshener we had a deal.” Plagg, cat like instincts taking over, hissed and scratched at his chosen with zero remorse.


“You saw him didn’t you Tikki?” Marinette inquired as she scribbled vigoruously in her sketch book.

“Yes I did … don’t tell me that you want to know who he is though” the sweet red qwami asked intently.

“No… no it’s just … well … if you saw him and his qwami saw me do …do you think he would tell Cat Noir who I am?” her voice was filled with worry and face even more so.

“Oh Marinette, Cat trusts you and you trust him. He knows that you two can’t reveal your identities and he knows that even if you could you don’t want to. Besides if he did know he would never do anything to hurt you or anyone else for that matter.”

Marinette exhaled as relief over whelmed her “Your right Tikki I’m just being silly.”

The little ladybug rubbed her head against her choosens cheek “Your not being silly you have the right to be worried you want to keep every one safe and if anyone knew your secret it could jeopardise that especially if Hawkmoth found out who you are he would use it against you and Cat, you will to anything to keep that from happening you have such determination and dedication to the things you believe in which is what makes you such an amazing Ladybug.”

“Thanks Tikki you always make me feel better I don’t know how you do it”

The spotted qwami smiled “I’ve had over 100 million years worth of Ladybugs to practice”


*next day*

Marinette strolled briskly down the stairs towards the bakery cause for once she wasn’t late.

She kissed her mom and dad good bye and headed to school, she was hoping to get to talk to Alya before classes started.

She crossed the street and headed over to where her best friend was chattering away with Nino.

As she got closer she reliezed just how deep in conversation they actually were and decided that she shouldn’t inturupt them. Instead she sat down on a near by bench.

She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through the ladyblog. Almost every post has a million hits, it always amazed her how many people actually care to read hundreds of articles written about her.


Adrien’s body gaurd had just dropped him off and he wanted to talk to Nino but he was so deep in his conversation with Alya that he didnt want to disturb them.

“Look Marinette is over there why don’t you go talk to her.” Plagg whispered from in Adrien’s jacket.

“Ya” he responded and headed over to her.

“Hey” he casually greeted her and took a seat on the bench.

She jumped straight up in the air “H … h … hey … hi … how’s… I…it going.” she stammered.

“Looks like you didn’t want to inturupt them either.” he coolly spoke referring to there two friends not really paying much atenttion to Marinette’s flustered state.

“Y … ya” her heart rate had all most returned to normal for a person who happens to be running a 10,000 mile marathon.

“That article was particularly interesting.” he noted.

“Ya” she dreamily replied “wait what?”

“On your phone… the Ladyblog article ‘What Are They Like In Real Life’ it is my favorite one.”

“I haven’t read that one yet.” she clicked on it and started reading.

'Ladybug is brave and confident. Cat Noir is cocky and loyal. I can vouch for that on a personal level. But that’s the way the public sees them. I have interacted with them in the past and I have noticed that there is definitely a spark between them.

One thing consistent in all of her articles was her obsession with Ladynoir.

Even watching them from a distance is it painfully obvious that they they are very close. So they must know each others identities and if they act the way they do in costume they must act that way outside of costume because there together all the time and what do they have to hide from one another. There personalities are so strong and they make such an impact because of them. In her everyday life Ladbug must be a confident and sassy person and Cat Noir a wild, pun loveing kitty cat.’

There were a few more paragraphs that had more proof and different scenarios but Marinette did not bother to read them it was kinda hard for her to see just how incorrectly the people may view them sure as Ladybug she is those things but as Marinette she is the complete opposite she clumsy and awkward. Not that she knows for sure but Cat is probally very different too. She had never really seen him as more then just a flirty cat who makes bad puns who also to happens to be just about the kindest and most loyal person she knows but there had to be more to him.

“So what did you think?” Adrien asked breaking her train of thought. She had almost forgotten he was there which was rather surprising to her.

“Ya it was intreging.” she responded barely above a whisper with zero enthusyasm in her voice.

“It really makes you wonder like what if Alya was completely wrong and they act completely different from how they act with the mask … crazy idea right?.” he nervously fiddled with his fingers.

“Not at all, maybe the mask gives them the freedom to bring out a side that they normally keep closed off.” she relpyed her voice still in a whisper while staring in front of her at nothing in particular.

“Its like society and the people around them in ever day life say they should act a certain way and make them act that way so the only time they are able to set free the part that’s hidden away is behind the mask because those people can’t pressure them so they are … free.” Adrien added.

“Or maybe they just aren’t able to let out that side of them selves because they are too scared to and the only time they can put those fears aside is when the have too so they can save the world.” Marinette interjected.

“That’s probally true but one thing that’s for sure is that being able to be Ladybug and Cat Noir has set even just a glimmer of that hidden part of them free in their normal ever day lives and made them more of.” he paused for a moment to try and find the right words “who they really are on the inside …”

“Because without the alter ego they were never really them selves and I’m 100% certain that Ladybug has gained more confidence in her normal life.” Marinette noted.

“And Cat Noir has gained more respect and freedom where he had absolutely none before he gained the part of himself that craved it.” he commented.

The bell rang and they reluctantly stood and met up with there friends. Sad to have to end the conversation with the one person who truly seemed to undersatand.

They left with many qusetions and the beginnings of the realization that there friend from school might just be someone else when the sun goes down, the someone who they save the world with everyday.


I know that was probably not that good but I really hope you liked.

Look what I just noticed!

I was just rewatching the episode Dark Owl when I noticed this. Behind Alya on the shelf are Ladybug and Cat Noir action figures but that’s not all THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS!!! That is so cute Alya totally ships them!

Look what I just noticed!

I was just rewatching the episode Dark Owl when I noticed this. Behind Alya on the shelf are Ladybug and Cat Noir action figures but that’s not all THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS!!! That is so cute Alya totally ships them!
