#miscarriage tw


Watch “After Which Failed Pregnancy Should I Have Been Imprisoned? Rep. Lucy McBath on Reproductive Rights” on YouTube





Hey #OFMD fans? Just a little reminder of what your blorbo Stede Bonnet got up to when he wasn’t pirating. That’s right, being a FUCKING SLAVE OWNER and a militia member who hunted escaped slaves. He was likely a rapist, or encouraged the rape of barely pubescent Black girls. They would be beaten, whipped, and otherwise tortured into compliance. They would spend the rest of their lives pregnant while undergoing extreme violence EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.

When he left to become a pirate he made sure the plantation stayed in the hands of his wife and sons in case he wanted to go back.

The show creator knew what he was and didn’t give a shit. I hope the show gets cancelled and all digital media of it pulled from the Internet for all fucking time. I hope it gives you nightmares.

If someone could transcribe these excerpts from bell hook’s Ain’t I A Woman I’d appreciate it, I’m too tired and physically exhausted to do it myself.

Reminder that Stede Bonnet was a whole ass plantation owner with an estimated 94 slaves who participated in hunting down (and no doubt torturing or killing) escaped slaves. And that was BEFORE the piracy. The writer knew this and instead of creating a fictional character, he just ignored it and turned him into a romantic love interest.

And once again white queers are happily dismissing this fact because the show gives them “representation” as if it isn’t just a bunch of straights playing gay for fun and Profit.

[ID Pictures are pages from the book ‘Ain’t I a Woman’: 

ID: Picture 1

“…Proper decorum prevented them from speaking directly and honestly about the hidden evils of slavery. Angelina Grimke wrote:

“  We forbear to lift the veil of private life any higher. Let these few hints suffice to give you some idea of what is daily passing behind the curtain which has been so carefully drawn before the scenes of domestic life in slave holding America.”

Had Angelina and Sarah Grimke lifted the veil of private life any higher they would have exposed not only slaveowners siring children by black women, but sadistic misogynist acts of cruelty and brutality that went far beyond seduction-to rape, to torture, and even to orgiastic murder and necrophilia.
Modern historians tend to make light of the sexual exploitation of Black women during slavery…”

End Picture 1

ID: Picture 2

“…Nanny had had three children; two of them are dead. She came to implore that the rule of sending them into the field three weeks after their confinement might be altered.
    Leah, Caesar’s wife, had had six children; three are dead.
    Sophy, Lewis’s wife, came to beg for some old line. She is suffering fearfully; has had ten children; five of them all dead. The principal favor she asked was a piece of meat, which I gave her.
    Sally, Scipio’s wife, has had two miscarriages and three children born, one of whom is dead. She came complaining of incessant pain and weakness in her back. This woman was a mulatto daughter of a slave called Sophy, by a white man of the name Walker who visited the plantation.
    Charlotte, Renty’s wife, has had two miscarriages, and was with child again. She was almost crippled with rheumatism, and showed me a pair of poor swollen knees that made my heart ache. I have promised her a pair of flannel trousers, which I must forthwith set about making.
    Sarah, Stephen’s wife; this woman’s case and history alike are deplorable. She has had four miscarriages, had brought seven children into the world, five of whom were dead, and was again with child. She complained of dreadful pains in the back, and an internal tumor which swells with exertion of working in the fields; probably I think, it is ruptured… I suppose her constant childbearing and hard labor in the fields at the same time may have produced… temporary insanity…
    I ask these questions about their children because I think the number they bear as compared with the number they rear a fair gauge of the effect of the system on their own health and that of their offspring. There was hardly one of these, as you will see by the details I have noted of their ailments, who might not have been a candidate for a bed in a hospital, and they had come to me after working all day in the fields.”

End Picture 2

ID: Picture 3 and 4

“…The female slave lived in constant awareness of her sexual vulnerability and in perpetual fear that any male, white or Black, might single her out to assault and victimize. Linda Brent in the narrative of her slave experience expressed her awareness of the Black female’s plight:

“Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Super-added to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and suffering, and mortifications peculiarly their own.”

Those sufferings peculiar to Black women were directly related to their sexuality and involved rape and other forms of sexual assault. Black female slaves were usually sexually assaulted when they were between the ages of thirteen and sixteen. One female slave autobiographer declared:

“The slave girl is reared in an atmosphere of licentiousness and fear. The lash and the foul talk of her masters and his sons are her teachers. When she is fourteen or fifteen, her owner or his sons, or the overseer, or perhaps all of them, begin to bribe her with presents. If these failed to accomplish their purpose, she is whipped or starved into submission to their will.”

End Picture 3 and 4

End of ID]

Thank you so much.
