#miss queuenion jack



“Asteroid,” poem assembled from quotations from Wikipedia articles

madeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coenmadeline-kahn:Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen


Music in Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen

Post link
eagly: FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Caveeagly: FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Caveeagly: FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Caveeagly: FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Caveeagly: FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Cave


FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Cave

Post link


trust me when I’m telling you that the intensity of aesthetic shock I, a humble pasta-maniac, experienced first time watching this can’t be described with words







The Roman Horus statue is pretty cursed without the paint reconstruction tbf

The reconstruction just enhances the weird:

Also this Roman bronze of Horus:

Finally, while looking for these images I found this Australian newspaper article that uses these images and has this headline:

Yeah, that sums up Roman Egypt

Painted Horus looks so done

I always wonder … why are painted reconstructions of classical statues of so, well, bad? Were the incredibly skilled sculptors of antiquity truly stuck working with these utterly hopeless painters? Were they really incapable of varying and layering colour to reflect the different textures of hair, skin, fabric, armour etc? Did they genuinely just slap on a base coat of paint, no highlights or shadows at all, and call it a day?

Nowonderpepole look at that and think “…OK, can we go back to the white marble? That was classier.”

Or is it that the people doing the reconstructions aren’t artists? Because it’s not as though painted statues can’tlook better. Because statue-painting exists as a current art form. It’s just that the statues are tiny:

Kirill Kanaev

Alfonso Giraldes

Michael Zajkov

And look at what Olga Kamenetskaya does with mass produced dolls!

I’d love to see what a really good miniature figure or doll painter could do with an ancient Greek, Egyptian or Roman statue. Although I’m sure Horus would still look appropriately unnerving.

It’s because they’re only working with the colour that was detected in that area on the statue and these statues represent the results of colour analysis. They’re not designed to be true reconstructions, just ones that give you an idea of the colours were used. We know the Greeks/Romans/Egyptians were good at paintwork since we have delicate frescos from Pompeii and the artwork in Egyptian tombs that show us they could. Since we can only detect a base colour in most instances, it would be a misrepresentation of the archaeological results of paint analysis to paint them “properly”. I’m sure these statues could be displayed with a full reconstruction of paint, done properly, but for now we just use these statues to show the results of paint analysis so they look pretty bad.

Many of the frescoes and mosaics mentioned by @thatlittleegyptologist show such a masterful grasp of shading and modelling that this kindergarten level of reconstructed statue painting seems (to me, anyway) another misrepresentation.

How about this:

Three half- or quarter-scale reproduction Famous Classical Statues (3D printed, maybe?) with the first all-white as people expect FCSs to look, the second coloured in flat, unshaded paint-by-numbers style and explanation that this is dictated by the restrictions of archeological colour analysis, the third painted - also tinned / gilded where required, such as on armour - with proper shading and explanation that this is based on period artistic ability shown in frescoes, mosaics etc. with pictorial examples to prove it.

I bet there’d be members of model figure / soldier societies who’d be happy to help turn this…


…into this or a period-correct facsimile of same.


In museums (at least, the few I’ve seen) a gaudily-painted facsimile of a marble sculpture will generally be accompanied by a plaque explaining what’s going on - it only becomes a misrepresentation when people don’t read the plaque (or worse, publish pictures with captions like “Roman statues looked like this!”, which is a lie) and just assume that this is supposed to be what it looked like, instead of just a visualization of what information we have.

Several museums have started putting collections online, including (in some cases) 3D scans of sculptures, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there are already digital painters making more realistically painted versions of some of these.



[ID: four screenshots of select parts of the linked article, Don’t Tell Me to Despair About the Climate: Hope Is a Right We Must Protect, by Morgan Florsheim. The screenshots read as follows, with some sections highlighted for emphasis:

One - Recently I read an essay that kept me up at night. The piece, Under the Weather by climate journalist Ash Sanders, left me with an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach that I found myself struggling to shake, even weeks later.The personal essay tells the story of Sanders and a mentor of hers, Chris Foster. Sanders recounts how both she and Foster have struggled for much of their adult lives with a gripping sense of impending doom, a depression deeply tied to their grief for a world lost. She writes about the newly coined terms for environmentally related mental health problems—eco-anxiety, climate grief, pre-traumatic stress disorder—and suggests that these conditions should not necessarily be viewed as disorders, but rather as the only reasonable response to a world experiencing catastrophe.

Two - But equally, I know what it is to watch someone you love feel crushed by the weight of the world, and to feel helpless in lifting that burden. I’m 22, barely out of college, and already I have seen more friends than I could have ever imagined fall into deep depression, magnified by their care for the world and the way they felt helpless to stop the suffering within it. I know the way depression closes a person off to the good and spotlights the bad, how it sows seeds of shame and self-doubt and sits back to watch them grow. I wish that I didn’t. Highlighted for emphasis: Depression tells us that we are at once powerless and culpable, and therefore the only logical response is to disengage, turn inward, eschew connection—a response which only serves to reinforce the oppressive systems like racial injustice and capitalism that are truly responsible for our suffering.

Three - In one of my final college classes over Zoom in spring 2020, my professor, environmental anthropologist Myles Lennon, led us through a discussion of Braiding Sweetgrass, the awe-inspiring book by Indigenous scholar Robin Wall Kimmerer. Kimmerer writes of the endurance of Indigenous people (highlighted for emphasis): “despite exile, despite a siege four hundred years long, there is something, some heart of living stone, that will not surrender.” The climate crisis is not the first time a people has faced the end of the world. As we navigate this latest existential threat, we would do well to listen to Kimmerer and other Indigenous leaders. As my professor put it that day, (highlighted for emphasis) existence can cohabitate with collapse. It is not one or the other.

Four - I have a lot of decisions ahead of me. As I consider how I want to live my life, where to dedicate my energy, I refuse to accept the idea that I must sacrifice all joy to attend to the world’s problems. I know myself to be more helpful when I have addressed my own needs: needs for good food and good company, for hope, for long afternoons in the sunshine. I am grateful for the teachers that I have had in this movement, such as professor Lennon, and the people who have reminded me of all the reasons to imagine a brighter future. I know that hope is not a happy accident. (Highlighted for emphasis) Hope is a right we must protect. Hope is a discipline, according to Mariame Kaba, an organizer and educator building the movement for transformative justice.

(Entire paragraph highlighted for emphasis) The climate crisis is ongoing. And, also, a bird is building a nest in the eaves outside my window. Come spring, there will be new birth. In shaky hands, I hold these two truths together.

End ID.]







it drives me crazy when clothing brands use plus size models that have Little To Nothing up top so it’s 100% impossible to tell if a top or a dress will actually be accommodating to a ton of titty

This vexes and haunts me SO much that I took a minute to illustrate this phenomenon. I really wish that clothing companies would stop pranking me hjsdhgdjh

The reason for this is that the predominant amount of plus sized models are thin models in fat suits. a model on tiktok recently talked about it…


I found an article about that tiktoker here,very UhhhHHH interesting

Just want to remind everyone about Torrid!

As a plus-sized woman I exclusively buy my clothes from them now. Check out these models

Go forth and buy the best looking jeans you’ve ever owned.


in el tango de roxanne when the narcoleptic argentinian goes “ROOOOOOXANNE” and ewan mcgregor is like “WHYYYYY DOES MY HEART CRY” and the violins are just freaking out in the background that’s the most intense moment in film history




you ever have “cry and scream yourself awake” level nightmares that are immediately the stupidest premises imaginable the moment you actually wake up

The last time I wailed “help, please, help me, heeelp” loud enough to have the whole house come running, it was because I was having a nightmare that I was in my laundry room, and out of the corner of my eye I witnessed a Snoopy stuffed animal slowly rise up on two legs, as if being manipulated by a ghost or perhaps made animate by a possessing spirit, and slowly start to dance the Macarena.

I can’t stop thinking about this


He asked me when I fell in love with him and I knew it sounded dramatic to say the moment I saw him, so I told him this story of my grandma who had Alzheimer’s- she forgot her name and the words for fruit and food, she forgot her address and how to use the washroom, all her life lost to the disease. The only thing she remembered was her son’s name and when that began to fade, the one thing she always remembered was that she loved him, even in illness, even in insanity. She saw this 6 foot 2 man with a scrubby beard and she didn’t know him but she said she trusted him, she asked him to hold her hand when she died. When does memory end and love begin? All I know is- she loved him before she remembered him.

-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The world is a sphere of ice and our hands are made of fire











tricky words I always see misspelled in fics: a guide

  • Viscous/viciousViscousis generally used to describe the consistency of blood or other thick liquids. Viciousis used to describe something or someone who is violent. 
  • Piqued/Peaked/Peeked– To piquesomeone’s interest is to catch or tease their attention. When something peaks,it reaches its total height or intensity. To peek(at) something is to look briefly, or glance. 
  • Discrete/Discreet– this is a tough one. Discretemeans to be separate, or distinct, i.e., two discretetheories. Conversely, when someone is discreet,they are being secretive or cautious to avoid attention. 
  • Segue/Segway – one is a transition between things, the other is a thing you can ride at the park and definitely fall off of.
  • Conscious/Conscience/Conscientious – to be consciousis to be awake, i.e., not unconscious, or to be aware of something. Your conscienceis the little voice in your head telling you not to eat the entire pint of ice cream. Finally, to be conscientiousis to be good, to do things thoroughly, to be ruled by an inner moral code. 

Hope this helped! Please add more if you think of them!

Counsel/Council-counsel is advice, the advice giver, or the verb form of giving said advice. Council is the group of people who come together to discuss and/or make decisions.

Desert/Desert/Dessert-desert is a barren landscape where little precipitation occurs. desert - abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous. dessert - a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) usually served at the end of a meal.


Taunt/Taut-Taunt is a jeer or provocation, taut means to be pulled tight, or not slack

Weary/Wary-wearymeans tired and warymeans cautious

Rogue/Rouge-rogue is a person who has unaffiliated themselves from what they were before (is the general understanding); a person or thing that behaves in an aberrant, faulty, or unpredictable way - rouge is red

Wonton/Wanton - a wontonis a dumpling, wantonis (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked and/or sexually unrestrained

Haphazard/Halfhazard-haphazardmeans to  have a lack of plan, order, or direction - the other isn’t a word

Corporal/Corporeal-corporalis a lack of plan, order, or direction and corporealis to have a physical existence: to be tangible: of a person’s body

Peck/Pec - the first is a kiss (peck) and the second is the shortened version of pectoral (pec)

Virile/Viral - to be virileis to have strength, energy, and a strong sex drive (typically said about men) and then this last year (2020) has personally taught us, is how virala plague can really be, so of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses

Vulnerable/Venerable-vulnerablemeans being susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm, and if a person is venerablethey’re accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character (or if you’re religious, holy)

Dyedis something that is colored, and diedis deceased

Chalk (it up to something) ; chock (-full of something); choked (to cutoff air).

toaffect is the action,theeffect is the end result

If something doesn’t bother you then you weren’t fazed by it. If you are between two states of being that is a phase.

Please. For the love of all things holy. I beg you.

Loose: the opposite of tight

Lose: to misplace something or the opposite of win.


breath is the noun, breathe is the verb

I wrote a whole list of these years ago, but the same misspellings persist, unfortunately.

  • Advice/Advise- in American English advice is a noun, you can give it to people, and advise is a verb, the act of giving advice
  • Ball/Bawl - people ball their fists when they are angry and ready to fight; people bawl when they cry loudly like a baby
  • Bear/Bare - to bear is to carry something physical or figurative like “to bear arms” or “to bear good news;” bare is when something is hairless, naked, or exposed as in the expression “baring your soul”
  • Hanger/Hangar - clothes go on a hanger in a closet or on a rack; airplanes go in a hangar to keep them safe
  • Definite/Defiant - when something is a sure thing it is definite; when someone acts out against authority they are defiant
  • Pour/Pore - you pour drinks or pour out your feelings, but your pores are the tiny holes in your skin that keep it healthy
  • Palate/Palette/Pallet-palate is the surface of your tongue that allows you to taste (e.g. palatable means “is enjoyable to eat”); a palette is a set of color options for paint or makeup; a pallet is a wooden platform heavy shipments are placed on so forklifts can move them around, or a pallet is a mattress stuffed with straw

One more example that I don’t see misspelled, but do see misused:

  • Soiled - primarily used to describe clothing or fabric that has been made very dirty with something gross and wet (feces, mud, vomit, food, etc.). It is not just a synonym for “wet,” it is very specific. If your female character has “soiled panties,” she is not sexy she just pooped her pants.
  • Sodden - a close synonym to “soaked,” except it normally has a negative meaning whereas soaked is neutral. You use sodden for objects that have been made soggy or ruined by too much liquid. It is not often used for buildings, cars, or other normally solid objects. Unless the building is made of straw or the car has a fabric interior and was flooded, neither will be described as sodden.

This is partly why I stress that people READ more books if they want to be taken seriously as published authors. You make a lot more mistakes if you don’t know what your language should look like in print!



this lab safety training module is sending me

I feel like whoever wrote these questions was speaking from experience
