#miya atsumu headcanons


dad!miya atsumu hc dump

thank u @mooshys​ for the bants & ideas

+ oh my god he definitely wanted to name your kid after a superhero or something like tony stark miya louis thirteen miya

+ used to be a total mess–– never knew how to do laundry, went clubbing all the time, spent hours playing video games–– and then when your lil bub came along he cleaned up his act!! started wearing a watch, learned what every ingredient in baby formula does, attended every parenting class possible. now he’s always holding onto lil baby miya

+ at first he’s so scared of doing things wrong. this man will literally watch youtube tutorials and practice changing diapers on dolls to get it right. holds your baby like it’s made of glass. won’t even let others touch the lil munchkin until it’s at least six months old, and even then his eyes never once leave them.

  • but once your baby hits the 8 month mark he puts ‘em in the hood of his yellow ferrari and takes a picture, captions it “ferraris can be family cars if you try hard enough” PLEASE

+ atsumu will beg you for a big family. he’ll get you anything you want because one kid is not enough he wants an army!!

  • omf and he’s trying to be so slick about it too LMFAO HE’S LIKE “c’mon the process is pretty fun isn’t it ”
  • but he’s so protective and caring during your pregnancy (he is when you’re not pregnant either but it just intensifies) and he’ll get you anything you want ugh
  • he always has to talk to your belly before going to bed and he always has a hand around your waist, both bc he wants to keep you safe but also because he wants the lil bean in ur tummy to know it’s loved

+ he’s such a physical dad LMAO he’s always horsing around and roughhousing with the kids

  • when they’re toddlers he loves dangling them upside down (very briefly and only if they ask for it!!), throwing them up and catching them, spinning them around
  • imagine your lil baby miya giggling and laughing until they get too tired and just… snuggle into atsumu’s arms and chest
  • and when they’re bigger kids he play-wrestles with them, has tickle fights, chases them around the house, lets them win arm-wrestling competitions

+ your house will never be quiet ever again. some common noises: 

  • laughter and happy shrieks
  • your kids arguing and your husband yelling “BE QUIET” to your kids and failing LMFAOOO
  • things blowing up on the television
  • disney songs
  • bad singing in the shower
  • atsumu and the kids making a mess in the kitchen

+ usually you drive the kids to school but one morning you’re busy with family stuff or an early meeting for work and now it’s atsumu who has to drive and his car is not built for that LMAOO like imagine a yellow lambo pulling up at a mf elementaryschool

  • and bc you’re not home and atsumu’s the free-range parent, your kiddos are like… “dad i don’t wanna go to school” and atsumu is freaking out bc holy shit he’s gonna be late and he has a press conference and a game later and you’re gonna kill him if your kids are late to school
  • he seriously considers just taking them to the press conference instead LMFAOO maybe when they’re older!! he has to ask u first (and then them) and he already has a plan for the pitch at dinner
  • just imagine atsumu dropping your kids off at school in his yellow ferrari while wearing an armani suit
  • and he kisses their foreheads and has to see them walk through the school doors before driving off

+ atsumu is that annoying dad at every sports competition who screams and yells and gets wayyyy too into it LMFAO imagine your kid getting injured because some snot-faced brat runs into them omg atsumu is livid!!!!

+ he coordinates all the playdates between your kids and osamu’s kids. any kids from the inarizaki vbc or the msby team members have also been over to your place ugh he just loves it when it’s full of noise and fun times
