#miya atsumu scenarios


SLEEP THE NIGHT — miya atsumu

Type:Standalone Movie (One-Shot Fiction)

Cast:Miya Atsumu

Storyline:Tonight, he want to be the best boyfriend that he could be.

Genre: Drama, Slice of Life

He never cooked.

Miya Atsumu never dared to stand in the kitchen because he knew too well what could possibly happen. His twin brother who was now the owner of the infamous onigiri chain always told him that whatever he touched somehow turned into fire.

But he didn’t care, at this moment he could only focus on the opened page of his tablet where your favourite food displayed. He tried to find the high rated recipe, even though it was not the simplest one, he just wanted to cook what was best for you.

After all, a perfect woman like you only deserves the nicest thing in life.

You were so patient, always supporting him through every step that he took. Never once you complained about his busy schedule, his almost non-existent presence inside the apartment you shared, or even the way he put you second after volleyball.

Volleyball always came first, that was a fact that you knew since you dated him long ago in high school. He loved the said sport more than anything in the world. His fiery passions, his energy, his time — he gave it all to a sport that he found together with his brother when they were just a silly kid.

And then came you, always silencing all those nosy new supporters when it was time for him to serve. Then came you, helping him answer a question that his teacher threw at him because he fell asleep in class after a harsh tournament.

You, a woman who helped him get through his days as your existence was like a guiding star for him.

He would fall into pieces if you were not there, walking by his side to remind him of time. He needed time to eat, time to rest, time to let loose and hang out with his beloved friends from high school. Atsumu was sure that he would be lost without you there for him.

So just this one time, he wanted to make it right for you.

“You don’t have to cook for me, Atsumu.” He just hummed to give you a sign that he heard you. “Atsumu, please.” But he ignored your plea and continued to read the recipe. He wanted to do something good, something that a perfect boyfriend should do.

You could only let out a sigh as you sat on the kitchen island’s stool, eyeing the national setter as he carefully added some ingredients on the pan. He hissed as the oil splashed out a little, hitting his skin that made him go into panic mode.

A chuckle slipped from your lips as you saw him frantically running to the sink, letting out a sigh of relief once he could feel cold water streaming down his hand, easing the pain in an instant. He really tried, today he really tried.

You didn’t have the heart to stop him since you knew that once he set his mind on something, he wouldn’t care about what anyone else’s said. So you just sat there, becoming a company that he wanted, just like you always became for years slipping into his life.

“Come on, Atsumu.” He insisted you to stay still as he cooked for you, and you didn’t want to hurt his pride by walking toward him without telling him first. “Let me help you.” So you asked, hoping that he would accept your proposition.

“Nope! Let me try this on my own.” He answered with the same excitement as before and went back to his task. “Just sit there, I am almost done. Promise.” Then he calmed down, composing himself so he could cook with a clear mind.

He needed to do it, he couldn’t let tonight turn into another day where you ended up being the one who took care of him.

Atsumu turned off the stove before preparing the pristine white plate that would be used to showcase your favourite dish. He smiled in triumph as he looked at the masterpiece. Tonight was the first time he cooked a meal like this, and he couldn’t help but be proud of himself for this one achievement.

Though, the glee that he felt right now was nothing compared to the twinkle that was seen in your eyes.

Your lips tugged into a smile as he set down the meal in front of you. He didn’t want to eat, no, he wanted to see you first as your hand grabbed the fork. And the second you popped the piece into your mouth, he never felt this happy to see someone he loved enjoying his hard work.

You squealed a little, humming in satisfaction as you tasted the food that the blonde made just for you. It was happiness, written all over your face as you continued to eat, and each bite only made you crave for more.

Maybe this was what Osamu felt, maybe this was the reason why his brother wanted to be in the culinary career. To make people smile, to see the joyful look from your loved one for something that you made.

Wouldn’t it be lucky to have the younger twin as a lover? Running a respected business, working together with a dear friend, all bills covered, making something that others could enjoy, things that his lover would cherish at the end of the day.

Truthfully — Atsumu was a little bit jealous of his twin right now.

Because with volleyball, he couldn’t do the same. Sure, you were there on almost every match that he had. Yes, there was always a smile on your face as you cheered for him. And of course, you looked so happy as you stood at the stands with pride swelling your chest.

But was that enough to give to a lover?

His winning only belonged to him, it was something that anyone else couldn’t enjoy, except maybe his teammate. Unlike food that could be tasted, unlike clothes that could be worn. Volleyball just, well, volleyball. It was a sport that he loved, one that he couldn’t share with a lover.

Yet you never changed, you never left him. Even though he couldn’t give much, even though he was not that perfect boyfriend who could pay all the bills and buy you expensive gifts — you stayed, for such a long time, patiently there even though he was barely around.


He jolted when his name slipped from your lips. Brown orbs immediately finding yours that filled with concern, face softened at whatever expression that was shown on his facade right now. “Why don’t you eat your meal? Do you dislike it now?”

“No, no.” He cleared his throat, avoiding your gaze for a moment. “I like it, I like anything that you love, (Y/n).” He wanted to bonk his head for saying such a cliche sentence, but he couldn’t help it since it was exactly what he felt.

You only gave him a smile before focusing back to the meal that he made for you. And for him, seeing you like this, so adorable as you shove your favourite food in your mouth — he wished that he did something like this sooner, adding some spices to his endless routine at the court.

Addingyou,to his daily routine.

“I am going to clean the dishes, okay?” You said softly as you got up from your seat. Your plate was already empty with how fast you ate the meal. “You already cooked, so let me do this one.”

He didn’t answer and just ate the rest of the food on his plate. With his speed, he choked a little but kept continuing anyway. He gulped down a glass of water right after his plate was clean without anything on top of it.

“No. Let me be a good boyfriend to-”


The setter immediately went silent from the intonation that you used. Stern, yet still filled with warm. He didn’t dare to say anything as you grabbed his plate away, afraid that he would ruin the perfect night.

Like what he always did, like all the nights before this.

“Just go upstairs, I will join you in bed once I am done.” He didn’t move though, eyes fleeting to where you were right now as you walked to the sink.

“You promise?”

You dropped the plate gently, letting out a sigh before turning your face toward him. There it was, a smile that always made him feel at ease. You looked so breathtaking even if you only cladded with old pajamas and hair sticking out like you haven’t combed for days.

“I promise, Atsumu.”

And with that, he stood up. Knowing for sure that you were a woman of your word.

Atsumu wanted to walk up toward you, wrapping his arms around your torso as he let his face rested on your nape, sniffling your scent as much as he could. But he was afraid, he never did that before, what if you didn’t get used to him for being so touchy like that?

He decided to turn his head and ascend to the second floor where the shared bedroom was located. When he thought about it, he was rarely there, sleeping on the same bed with you even though it would be years since he had you as his lover.

Most of the time he was always out, practising until late at night, bonding with his teammates, and decided to crash at his friend’s apartment instead since it was too far from his place to their gymnasium. Yet you always reached for him. Making time to give him some healthy lunchboxes and snacks in between your busy hours of work.

He realised that he was such a bad boyfriend.

“Hey, ‘Tsumu-”

“You are coming today, right?” He asked with excitement as he zipped his team jacket up. “We are going to play against Suna! Ha, I want to rile him up so much I wonder how he is in the court right now.” He looked like a child, gleeful as he looked at his reflection on the mirror. “You gonna be there?”

You could only stare at him, spinning your brain to think about what sentence that you should let out.

“W-Well, of course.” You cleared his throat, cursing at yourself for even stuttering. “You promised to take me to that restaurant you reserved after the match too, how could I waste a chance to spend time with my boyfriend?”

And as you saw his face contorted into a shocked one, you knew that you were back in the same cycle all over again. “You forget, didn’t you?”

“Fuck, I am sorry.” He immediately turned his face toward you, fear coated his eyes. “I forgot to make the reservation and I— shit! I even promised Suna to hang out after that.” He immediately took a few steps forward, wanting to cup your cheek as he knew you didn’t deserve to be treated like this — from time to time.

“It’s okay, 'Tsumu.” And this was always the outcome. “Volleyball world comes first, I know. It’s alright.” For you to be so understanding, for you to realise your place. “Just make it up for me by enjoying your game. Win this game for me, maybe?”

He was relieved that you didn’t get angry, most women would kick his ass if he acted like this all the time. But never you, never his (Y/n).

“You know I always win.” He chuckled softly, followed by yours as he leaned in to press his lips on your forehead. “And today is nothing different. Why would I need to win for you just today though? The other match wins were all for you too.”

“So it’s like a routine, then?” Your eyes fleeting to pierce into his brown orbs. “Hey, 'Tsumu, do you have any plan for me today?”

Why did he feel like that question was a trap? With how your eyes filled with hope, he wanted to say that he indeed had a plan for you. But he didn’t, and he couldn’t lie. Because in the end, you always see right through him. That was proven by how the hope was gone even before he could part his lips.

“I see.” There was a little remorse in your tone, and he wanted to cheer you up in an instant. “That’s okay, then!” Yet you were the one who cheered him up, didn’t want him to worry about anything. “Come on, let’s go. I don’t want your teammates to be wary if you are late!”

He frowned when he remembered that day. How he dropped you to stay with his twin brother the whole match, the way your eyes glimmered as Osamu gave you a lunch box filled with your favourite filling onigiri. The hug that was shared, that lingered longer as his twin congratulated you a ’happy birthday’.

Atsumu wanted to punch himself when he realised that it was your birthday after all. The reason why you wanted to spend time with him, why you seemed more clingy that day, of course. And yet, he was not the first person who gave you the greetings, even though he was the one who you saw first thing in the morning.

He always wondered about why you decided to stay with him in his free time that was almost non-existence.

How you always let everything slide, how you suck it up and just focus on his well being, how you answer everyone teasing about him being a bad boyfriend — yet you always answered with pride that whatever happened, he was a good one, and you were happy to have him as your boyfriend.

But at one point, anyone must have hit their limit. Right?

“What is clouding in that big head of yours, Atsumu?” You flicked his forehead, and it was like a reminder to him that he had you in his arms right now, laying under the warm blanket in the bedroom that you two shared. “Your upcoming—”

“You.” He answered truthfully before averting his gaze from the ceiling to your face. “I was thinking about you, honestly.”

There was a flicker of sadness in your eyes, and he wanted to curse at himself for saying something like that out of the blue. “I am sorry, I know that tonight was supposed to be just us enjoying the moment together and not being sappy.”

He held your body even closer than before, afraid that you would be gone too soon if he let it loose. His body shifted a little so he could plant a kiss at the crown of your head, eyes fluttering close as he bathed on the scent that reminded him that he would never be alone.

No words were being said after that, just you and him in each other’s embrace. Your fingers stayed in his unruly hair, caressing the blonde strands that slowly lulled him to sleep.

But he didn’t want to sleep yet. He didn’t want to close his eyes. He wanted to savour the moment with you, one that he rarely felt with how he always prioritised volleyball above everything else. Above you, even.

Atsumu rubbed his eyes from time to time, insisting to stay awake and gripped your hips a little tighter than before. Just one more minute, he wanted to feel your warm body cuddling against his skin for a little longer.

“Hey, (Y/n).” He called out, earning a little hum of acknowledgement slipping from your lips. “Can you call me like you used to?”

He could feel how your body went rigid for a second. Your breath hitched, halted as if the request was something that could hurt you. “I understand if you can’t though. I am okay if you didn’t, I just want to hear it again.”

One second, two seconds, everything felt so heavy as he waited for your answer. He wanted to hear his nickname from your lips, it sounds so lovely, not irritating like how his brother called him with the same name.


He felt so relieved as he heard his name rolled down your tongue. Happiness, love, comfort, he found it all with the way you called his name. You always use that nickname ever since you dated him, and it felt like a lifetime ago since the last time he heard it from you.

It was just Atsumu now. No more 'Tsumu, just his full first name that still sounded so odd since he still couldn’t believe his mind. No, he could believe it. With how much he neglected you, with how much he was never there in your life — he acknowledged it. He just didn’t want to.

“You should sleep, 'Tsumu.” Your fingers trailed down his cheek as you looked up. “You have practice tomorrow, right?”

You knew all about his schedules, all the things that he allowed to eat and things that he had to do. You printed his routine in the back of your mind, somehow up until now, you couldn’t help but care for him.

“Yeah, I have practice tomorrow.” He gulped down before booping your nose playfully. “But I want to stay awake a little more. If that’s too much to ask?”

He mustered his puppy eyes, pouting a little and tightening his embrace around you. This was your weakness, to see him all clingy like this. And when you let out a sigh and giggle, he knew that he got you.

“God, I love you so much to resist you, you know that?” You whispered out under your breath. But then as if you knew in an instant what you had said, you cleared your throat. “Okay, I give in. Stop giving me that puppy eyes, Atsumu.”

“Sorry, sorry.” He smiled sheepishly before resting his head comfortably on the pillow once again, securing you in his embrace as you laid back on his chest. “One more question, (Y/n). And then I promised I would zip my mouth after that until we fell asleep.”

“Alright, shoot.”

He frowned a little, eyes scanning the unfamiliar ceiling. He was not supposed to feel like a guest in his own place. Yet as he saw the beige coloured ceiling with some starlight sticker, he didn’t feel right. Yeah, it was the price that he had to pay for rarely here in this apartment with you.

“From scale zero to ten, how perfect of a man I am today?”

He heard a sigh, another one slipped from you. Atsumu could count how many times you had sigh because of him, and he really wished that he could make you laugh instead of giving you headaches like this. “Don’t sugarcoat though, I just needed the truth.”

“Ten.” You answered without doubt, yet as he looked down, wanting to see your eyes, you didn’t look up. “Not just today, you always had a perfect score as a man. Passionate, have a big dream, would do anything to achieve it. If not I am not going to be your girlfriend for so long.”

Ah, he just realised that he used the wrong term in his question.

“Let me rephrase it, (Y/n).” He closed his eyes, thinking if he was ready to hear the truth or not. “From scale zero to ten, how perfect of a boyfriend I am today?”

You clutched the tight shirt that he wore at his question, burying your face on his chest to hide yourself. He raised one of his eyebrows in confusion, didn’t know why you couldn’t answer it. Maybe it was that bad, maybe he could never be a good boyfriend after all.

“Perfect.” He almost couldn’t hear your answer with how it muffled on his shirt. “You are so perfect today, 'Tsumu.”

Though he could hear it so clearly, the answer. He wanted to hear the other statement, of how he was alwaysa perfect boyfriend, just like how you told him he was a perfect man. But of course it was not possible, he never became a lover that you could be proud of.

All these time, you complimented him, you showed to the world his capability. His skill in volleyball, his soft side toward his brother, how loyal he was to his friends — but you never said anything about how good of a boyfriend he was.

It was just all about him, not how he treatedyou.

“Hold me,” He pleaded, biting his lips since he didn’t want his voice to waver. “Hold me tighter than usual.” His voice sounded like a whisper as he held you close, and he wanted you to do the same. “Please?”

Miya Atsumu was not someone who liked to beg, he knew you always gave what he wanted anyway. “Just tonight.” But he wouldn’t gamble anything right now. “I just need it tonight.”

He swallowed down the tears that entreating to escape from his eyes. With how your arm moved to hold him close, caging him in a circle filled with comfort, maybe this was enough to be remembered.

Maybe this was enough to be remembered forever.

“I love you, 'Tsumu.”

You sat in the living room with your head hanging low, hands covering your face as you didn’t have the courage to look up at where your boyfriend sat. “But I am… Tired.”

This was the first time he saw you cry. No, the first one was when he won national all those years ago in high school as he screamed at you that he won for you too. But never like this, the tears you shed right now was different from back then. “I tried, I really want to stay with you, to kiss you every morning, to cuddle with you under the blanket.”

He couldn’t say anything, heart thundering as he knew what would happen next. He was not stupid, of course everyone had their limit, and after years went by with a stagnant pace in the relationship — of course you were going to hit it, sooner or later.

“But you are never there, 'Tsumu.”

You finally looked at him, and you could feel your heart shattered even more when you saw his expression. He was dumbstruck, tongue-tied. It was as if he knew that this day would happen, but he still didn’t want to believe it.

He didn’t want to believe that one day you would get tired of being second in his life.

“Does that mean…” He couldn’t ask, knowing the answer to his next question. But he needed to make sure. “Does that mean you want to end this?”

The sunlight that slipped in between curtains was the one who woke him up. He hissed as it reached his eyes, forcing him to wake up. But he closed his eyes once again, stirring his body a little to wrap his arms around you, wanting to feel the warm that your body radiated.

Yet he was only met with cold.

And that was the thing that woke him up in an instant.

His breath laboured as he sat on the bed, brown orbs scanning the room that he shared with you. No, you didn’t just leave, right? But he scanned the room, again and again, searching for any kind of sign that you were still there.

Then again, who was he anyway, to know the signs. He was never here, he could count how many nights that he slept here with you. Atsumu didn’t even remember there were any photographs of you and him together hanging on the wall, he didn’t even know the time you decided to put some starlight sticker on the ceiling, he didn’t know what was the difference between this morning and the others.

Though one thing that he knew for sure, you would always be there when he woke up here.

“Then, please. Give me just one day! I just need one day of your life.”

Atsumu knew that this morning would come, when emptiness met him and reality sinked in as he remembered all the flaws that he had. His feet dragged him out from the bedroom that now felt suffocating for him. He needed you, he had to see you.

“But, Atsu—”

“I will prove it to you! I promise that I’ll make things right for you.”

It was so quiet, there was no music playing on the soundbar. You used to play some upbeat songs to fill the silence as you waited for him to show up after shower. Yet as he walked down the stairs, he could only hear his own footsteps.

“And then you can leave. You can sneak out when I am asleep. You know how much of a heavy sleeper I am, right?”

But then, he was right from the start.

“Alright, Atsumu. I will give you one more night.”

You were indeed — a woman of your words.


“and it cracks” taglist@roseestuosity@mistypoison@samanthaa-leanne@tycrackculture@aomineavenue@tris-does-stuff@tremblinghearts@p0taytoes@too-many-lanes@ntimacy@sunflwrsandprettyskies@chibichab@tsukkiboii@oikawoahh@hoefor2ds@edvigelacivetta@playboygeniusphilanthropist@wompwomphq@himichii@shoyomeow@miyayane @graykageyama@bakugou-akaashi

cupid’s chokehold ft. miya atsumu, fluff, 0.4k


“ba ba da da…“

even as you stand in front of the mirror and fix your hair with the most concentrated expression, your focus can’t help but break when miya atsumu’s honeyed voice starts singing in the back.

“ba ba da da… ba ba da da ba ba da da ba ba da da ba ba da da…“

you steal a glance at your boyfriend’s reflection. he lies flat on his stomach across your bed (dwarfing it in size) with his phone in his hands (also dwarfing it in size), pointed in your direction. when he catches your gaze, the small smile on his face grows into a grin. somewhere in your stomach, you feel something flip. in a good way, of course. the best way.

there he is. japan’s number one setter, putty in your hands. and it’s funny because he wasn’t always like this. before you, he’d laugh when interviewers asked him about love. he didn’t care about romance – he just wanted to play volleyball.

“take a look at my girlfriend, she’s the only one i got,” atsumu sings, still grinning, and it’s off-key and it sounds awful (well, awful might be an overstatement) but it’s absolutely adorable.

“shut up,” you laugh as you look back at your reflection for a final assessment. “you’re such a dork.”

he hums and says nothing, but you hear your phone buzz from your desk a few seconds later. “did you post that to your story?”

atsumu nods and slides off the bed, walking over and snaking his arms around your waist. “showin’ my baby off, that’s all,” he flirts, resting his chin at the top of your head. thanks to all the nights he’s been spending over lately, you can catch a whiff of your shampoo and bodywash underneath his cologne. it’s hard to fight the smile that breaks over your face at that. a relationship is the state of belonging to each other – not because you own each other, but because you give pieces of yourself to another. what a privilege that is. “ready to go now?”

you nod, spinning around so that you’re now facing each other. “when’s our reservation again?”

“seven.” the reply is instant. and as if reminded of how close the two of you are to being late, atsumu picks his car keys off your desk and starts heading towards the bedroom door. “we gotta go now, babe.” noticing the weird smile on your face, he asks, “what?”

he wasn’t always like this.

“nothing,” you giggle, walking to the door. “i love you.”

the softest smile graces atsumu’s lips. “i love ya more.”


dad!miya atsumu hc dump

thank u @mooshys​ for the bants & ideas

+ oh my god he definitely wanted to name your kid after a superhero or something like tony stark miya louis thirteen miya

+ used to be a total mess–– never knew how to do laundry, went clubbing all the time, spent hours playing video games–– and then when your lil bub came along he cleaned up his act!! started wearing a watch, learned what every ingredient in baby formula does, attended every parenting class possible. now he’s always holding onto lil baby miya

+ at first he’s so scared of doing things wrong. this man will literally watch youtube tutorials and practice changing diapers on dolls to get it right. holds your baby like it’s made of glass. won’t even let others touch the lil munchkin until it’s at least six months old, and even then his eyes never once leave them.

  • but once your baby hits the 8 month mark he puts ‘em in the hood of his yellow ferrari and takes a picture, captions it “ferraris can be family cars if you try hard enough” PLEASE

+ atsumu will beg you for a big family. he’ll get you anything you want because one kid is not enough he wants an army!!

  • omf and he’s trying to be so slick about it too LMFAO HE’S LIKE “c’mon the process is pretty fun isn’t it ”
  • but he’s so protective and caring during your pregnancy (he is when you’re not pregnant either but it just intensifies) and he’ll get you anything you want ugh
  • he always has to talk to your belly before going to bed and he always has a hand around your waist, both bc he wants to keep you safe but also because he wants the lil bean in ur tummy to know it’s loved

+ he’s such a physical dad LMAO he’s always horsing around and roughhousing with the kids

  • when they’re toddlers he loves dangling them upside down (very briefly and only if they ask for it!!), throwing them up and catching them, spinning them around
  • imagine your lil baby miya giggling and laughing until they get too tired and just… snuggle into atsumu’s arms and chest
  • and when they’re bigger kids he play-wrestles with them, has tickle fights, chases them around the house, lets them win arm-wrestling competitions

+ your house will never be quiet ever again. some common noises: 

  • laughter and happy shrieks
  • your kids arguing and your husband yelling “BE QUIET” to your kids and failing LMFAOOO
  • things blowing up on the television
  • disney songs
  • bad singing in the shower
  • atsumu and the kids making a mess in the kitchen

+ usually you drive the kids to school but one morning you’re busy with family stuff or an early meeting for work and now it’s atsumu who has to drive and his car is not built for that LMAOO like imagine a yellow lambo pulling up at a mf elementaryschool

  • and bc you’re not home and atsumu’s the free-range parent, your kiddos are like… “dad i don’t wanna go to school” and atsumu is freaking out bc holy shit he’s gonna be late and he has a press conference and a game later and you’re gonna kill him if your kids are late to school
  • he seriously considers just taking them to the press conference instead LMFAOO maybe when they’re older!! he has to ask u first (and then them) and he already has a plan for the pitch at dinner
  • just imagine atsumu dropping your kids off at school in his yellow ferrari while wearing an armani suit
  • and he kisses their foreheads and has to see them walk through the school doors before driving off

+ atsumu is that annoying dad at every sports competition who screams and yells and gets wayyyy too into it LMFAO imagine your kid getting injured because some snot-faced brat runs into them omg atsumu is livid!!!!

+ he coordinates all the playdates between your kids and osamu’s kids. any kids from the inarizaki vbc or the msby team members have also been over to your place ugh he just loves it when it’s full of noise and fun times
