#mm fandom


Mission Egg Hunt: Success!

Wow! How did everyone find those eggs so fast?! Am I losing my touch?? ToT Or…does everyone have superpowers?! Maybe you MCs were bitten by radioactive eggs and you gainedeggie-senses?! Guhhhh does that mean I’m the Red Egglin??

Lolol but kidding aside~ Thank you, MCs, for joining my game! *w* I hope everyone had as much fun playing as I did hiding my handsome face in our circus promos! Yikes, I sounded like Zen just then ;;;;

Congratulations to the three winners, @ netherbees, @angelik0wand@megami606sama, whose eyes must be sharper than Vanderwood’s, because he could only find 3 LOLOLOL!

To reward you for your lighting-fast reflexes and eggxtra sharp eyes, you three will receive discounts for the zine! WEEEEEEE!!! You can use the extra money you save to pay for the circus parking~ Beep beep!!!

Hahahaha thank you everyone and look forward to the opening of the MYSTIC MESSENGER CIRCUS(ES)! Do we have more surprises in store? Maybe~ So stay tuned ;)


Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and feast your eyes on a marvelous treat that’ll surely delight your every sense! The Mysme Circus Zine team proudly presents:


Bring your squad, your crew, your friends. Team up to enjoy all the circus has to offer! Explore together the magnificent acts they perform during the day and the night!

