#mo yi x reader



Vulnerability is something completely foreign to Vyn Richter. Vyn is a man whose entire persona is built off of perfection, and vulnerability is a weakness. Vulnerability makes him think of a naïve child, whose foolish desires gave way to equal punishment. It makes him think of an empty house and an even more empty father. Then he doesn’t think about it anymore.

But when he hears you murmur his name amidst the ringing in his ears as you raise your hand to feel his forehead, it’s all he can think about. For two days Vyn has been sick with a cold, and was unwilling to admit how truly bad it had gotten until he had collapsed while you had been at his home to review a NXX case. The most you have managed to do so far has been getting Vyn into bed, but the next step is figuring out how to actually help.

And if your small gasp was anything to go by, he was guessing his forehead felt as hot as the rest of his body. “Vyn, how long were you planning on working in this condition?” His heart tugs at the concern in your voice, guilty for forcing you to worry, but a louder part of him is relieved to hear the emotion in your voice.

No pounding silence. No closing door raising bile in his throat. Just your hand against his cheek guiding his mind away from his train of thought, so soft and cool he cannot help but lean into the affection so easily given. “Please take a break, I’m going to get some medicine for you to take, but you’re not leaving this bed, understand?”

He nods, despite only focusing on the way your brow furrowed in concern, how you looked upon him not with indifference, but true care. He is no longer a suave psychologist, always in control. His daedalian surface has broken, and yet all you care about is whether he has cold medicine in one of his cabinets.

To care and be cared for is a feeling so alien to Vyn it almost sounds like a myth. Fascinating and beautiful, but fictitious all the same. To experience it himself is a miracle that carefully brushes red across his cheeks with a artist’s gentle hand.

And when he calls out your name to come back into the room, body exhausted, hair messily strewn across his face, dusted with the color of the roses he loves so much, and asks you to stay, he realizes that maybe that barrier wasn’t just holding you back, but trapping him inside as well. Maybe some things were meant to be broken.

ˊ˗ ꒰꒱ Fluffy Mornings 

in which you are easily flustered, and vyn thinks that’s adorable. (requested)


Good morning, did you have a good rest?”

Rubbing your eyes, it took a while for your fuzzy brain to register what was going on in front of you.

Good mornin- wait, what?” You didn’t know why, but somehow you failed to realize that your boyfriend of five months slept over for the first time last night, and he was standing in front of your stove in a loosely-tied robe and frazzled hair, flipping the fluffiest pancakes you’ve ever seen as you try to keep your gaze on anything but the silver of his chest peeking out from the top of the robe. It was a far cry from his typical polished look, but man, what a sight to behold.

While you were in your own little world, Vyn deduced what was going on from your red cheeks and wandering eyes. With a barely noticeable smirk, he decides to have a littlebit of fun this early in the morning.

When you eventually come to your senses, he asks you to set the table as he finishes up the last of the batter. Vyn sits in front of you, subtly adjusting his hair, very much aware of your eyes following his every move. He continues on with conversation with you as usual, distracting you just enough for him to set up his plan.

You reach for a napkin to dab at your mouth when he follows along with his own hand, picking up one before you. 

Allow me, dearest.” He gently brings it to your mouth, leaning over and dabbing away at the crumbs surrounding your mouth as your brain goes into overdrive.

He’s so close- oh gosh how does someone smell so good? He looks even more ethereal up close how could I not have noticed this earlier??

Vyn just chuckles at how you look right now as he leans back into his seat- your flushed face, mouth opening and closing repeatedly, trying to form a coherent sentence. He absolutely loves it when you get flustered so easily. 

We’ve been together for this long, and yet, you still get flustered over the tiniest things, darling.” He himself turns a lovely shade of pink, moving over to ensnare you in his arms, giving you the sweetest peck on the cheek and relishing in the reaction that followed, coaxing you to remove your hands from your face. After all, he wanted to see his pretty baby’s bashful face once again. If this is what it would be like waking up early, he’d give up his afternoon sleep-ins without a second thought.

© natsuhikous, 2021
