#vyn x reader



Vulnerability is something completely foreign to Vyn Richter. Vyn is a man whose entire persona is built off of perfection, and vulnerability is a weakness. Vulnerability makes him think of a naïve child, whose foolish desires gave way to equal punishment. It makes him think of an empty house and an even more empty father. Then he doesn’t think about it anymore.

But when he hears you murmur his name amidst the ringing in his ears as you raise your hand to feel his forehead, it’s all he can think about. For two days Vyn has been sick with a cold, and was unwilling to admit how truly bad it had gotten until he had collapsed while you had been at his home to review a NXX case. The most you have managed to do so far has been getting Vyn into bed, but the next step is figuring out how to actually help.

And if your small gasp was anything to go by, he was guessing his forehead felt as hot as the rest of his body. “Vyn, how long were you planning on working in this condition?” His heart tugs at the concern in your voice, guilty for forcing you to worry, but a louder part of him is relieved to hear the emotion in your voice.

No pounding silence. No closing door raising bile in his throat. Just your hand against his cheek guiding his mind away from his train of thought, so soft and cool he cannot help but lean into the affection so easily given. “Please take a break, I’m going to get some medicine for you to take, but you’re not leaving this bed, understand?”

He nods, despite only focusing on the way your brow furrowed in concern, how you looked upon him not with indifference, but true care. He is no longer a suave psychologist, always in control. His daedalian surface has broken, and yet all you care about is whether he has cold medicine in one of his cabinets.

To care and be cared for is a feeling so alien to Vyn it almost sounds like a myth. Fascinating and beautiful, but fictitious all the same. To experience it himself is a miracle that carefully brushes red across his cheeks with a artist’s gentle hand.

And when he calls out your name to come back into the room, body exhausted, hair messily strewn across his face, dusted with the color of the roses he loves so much, and asks you to stay, he realizes that maybe that barrier wasn’t just holding you back, but trapping him inside as well. Maybe some things were meant to be broken.

Formal Confession

Vyn Richter X Reader

A/N: i haven’t written anything for Vyn yet and that is a crime. I have now remedied that.

Description: What was supposed to be the usual Saturday afternoon tea with Vyn, ended in a confession with a line of kisses so sweet both of you forgot about the snacks you were supposed to share.

Tags: fluff, fem!reader, first kiss type bEAT

Word Count: 1800


Tea with Vyn was an afternoon affair you always enjoyed. It made your Saturdays a little brighter, his company something you always looked forward to being in. He simply had this comforting aura about him that drew you in, and admittedly, drew you in far enough to entertain the thought of being in love with him. Well, this feeling you had didn’t have any other name for it. The way your heart pounded just by being with him made it adamantly clear that you were in love, so today’s goal would be to make it known to him. 

There was a high chance that Vyn was well aware of your attraction to him, but he always played off your previous advances. You did as well truthfully, never knowing if it was the right time to tell him such a thing. He always did his best to make encounters of that nature as normal as possible to save you from embarrassment, which made it difficult for you to tell if he even shared that same kind of interest in you as well. He was a master at masking himself. Vyn did however have one slip up last week that gave you enough of a reason to make today the day you confess to him.

Earlier in the week, you had caught him staring at you. Your  sunglasses that day were dark enough to hide exactly where you were looking, which allowed you to catch his eye over the top of a book in his office when you visited. That look in his eye was delicate; full of admiration and care, watching you and you alone. Only when you took off your sunglasses did that gaze hide away and return to professionalism, but you caught it, and it was enough. He wasn’t the only one who could read body language.

Now you made your way to Vyn’s residence, excited as ever to finally confess to him. You weren;t embarrassed at all, or fearful for the matter. Your confidence was at an all time high, and you wanted to make this moment right. Bringing nothing but yourself and a hopeful smile, you entered his home, ready to start the afternoon with him. 

“Vyn, I’m here!” You called out after knocking.

“In the kitchen!” He called back in response. 

You made your way through his home into the kitchen as he said, finding him standing there brewing some tea as always. He wore an open white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a grey vest being the only thing to tie his outfit together, the rest being otherwise very casual for his usual style. At the sound of your footsteps he turned to face you, pleasantly surprised by your casual but very flattering outfit. You wore it on purpose, combining your laid back nature with bits from your formal attire usually worn for work at the firm. His eyes betrayed him once again as he looked you up and down, wearing a smile you’d kill to see every day. 

“You look quite nice today ______. What’s the occasion?” He asked teasingly. 

“Is the occasion of visiting you not enough of an excuse to dress up a little?”  You replied with your own teasing lilt to your tone. “You look quite handsome today if I do say so myself. Any occasion you’re dressing for then?”

He huffed, caught in your words. “I suppose you and I share the same reasoning then. An afternoon with you is reason enough.”


“Please, have a seat. The tea is almost ready. There are also macarons on the table for you to try if you’d like.” He then offered, gesturing to the sitting room just next to the kitchen. 

You nodded in thanks and paced into the room, sitting down in one of the chairs there. You did briefly look at the macarons and think about taking one, but your vision left the table after only a few seconds to settle on Vyn once again. A snack could wait. Watching Vyn was far more attractive than the treats offered to you. 

You shamelessly watched as he poured from an elegant teapot into two teacups, going slow and treating the action as if it were a ritual that needed to be done perfectly. After he poured his first cup of tea though, he felt your gaze trained on him. He took a moment to glance over at you and caught your eyes with his, a little smirk playing on his lips when you didn’t break eye contact with him. 

“If you keep staring at me like that, I may mistake your intentions for something a little more flirtatious~” He hummed, intending to simply tease you. 

“Oh, Vyn, it wouldn’t be a mistake though.” You replied nonchalantly. 

He paused, not expecting that to be your answer. Vyn stared at you with wide eyes, truly surprised while he absently poured tea into your cup to the point of overflowing. The hot water rose over the lip of the cup and onto his fingers, burning them instantly. Though the water was not boiling, it was still hot enough to hurt, and he hissed in a flustered fury when the pain set in. This made you leap from your seat and rush back over to him, your attention refocused from flirting to first aid. 

As bad as you wanted to indulge in the rarity that was a flustered Vyn, his reddened fingers were more of a concern to you now. He had already put the teapot down, so you started a stream of cold water in the sink and took his hand, bringing it under the cold water to stop any further damage. He was still quite confused by your words, so he truthfully wouldn’t have thought to run his hand under cold water if it weren’t for your switch up. 

The silence continued, only the sound of you muttering something about him being more careful when pouring hot water leaving your lips while his hand cooled under the water. Vyn watched you care for him, softened by how gentle you were with him until you were sure it would be no more than a slight burn. His gaze was soft and loving once more, admiring your side profile until the water was shut off, bringing him back to reality. 

“That should be fine. Be more careful when pouring tea, hey?” You sighed, letting go of his hand. 

“______… Do you…” He paused, his mind still very much lost in thought about you and what you said. 

“Ah, I am the cause of this, now that I think about it.” You sighed with a smile. “If you are asking me about what I said, then yes. I must admit that I do look at you with such eyes quite often, Vyn. Today, I simply couldn’t help myself. It seems it caused you some pain though…”

“I was caught off guard, I will say.” He mused. 

“I simply think that it’s about time you know that my gaze is full of love for you. Now that your hands aren’t full of hot water, I can say that without causing another burn.” You chuckled. 

“How… How formal.”

“Is that not your style?” You jested. “I figured a formal confession may be the appropriate way to let you know of my feelings…”

“Mmm… Honestly I… I would prefer it if it was more your style: direct, intentional, and full of that carefree love you say you have for me.” He explained. “A little more… Like this…”

He leaned in close, touching shoulders with you before he leaned down and captured your lips with his. It was such a delicate gesture, so soft and caring that you nearly didn’t register it as a kiss. Only when his still warm hand from the hot water came up and held your cheek did you realize this was his confession in return, completely melting into him. You turned to face him head on, placing your hands on his shoulders to get a better angle as you indulged in the kiss, ever grateful for the gentle caresses you felt against your skin while he pulled you in close. It was a dream come true, and you were genuinely saddened when he broke away from you with a huff. 

 “My apologies I-”

“Don’t.” You interrupted. “God, don’t ever apologize for that. In fact, do it more. Kiss me again, please.” 

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to hear words of that sort from you?” Vyn mumbled. 

“If it’s as long as I’ve wished to say those words, then yeah. I think I know where you’re coming from.” You chuckled. 

“May I be selfish?” He asked. 

“Be as selfish as you need. If you want it, take it from me.”

And he did. His hands took a more authoritative hold on you, gripping your waist and pushing you back into the inward corner of the counter. He kissed you again when your back hit the edge, pressing his whole body against you with a feverish need for more. His kisses did not linger at your lips, instead trailing down your jaw and neck in an attack of pent up desire. The feeling was nice, happily tilting your head to give him more room. Each kiss was gentle; filled with care of the highest degree as he worshiped every inch of skin he could. Your lips were still his main focus though, and he came right back to them after a few moments of appreciation so he could indulge in the feeling of you returning the gesture. 

Eventually, all he wanted was to hold you, his kisses coming to a stop as he drew you into a warm hug. He had gotten his fill, and simply wished to exist with you now. Having you in his arms would be enough, a soft sigh escaping him while he took in your scent. 

“Vyn?” You spoke up softly.


“I love you, you know that, right?”

He pulled back just enough to look down at your face. Your expression was soft with a smile, looking up at him with those eyes of yours that had captured him once before. A tiny huff left his lips as he too smiled, still holding you close. 

“I love you too, ______. I could only love someone as thought provoking as you. It feels wonderful to be able to say this to you.”

“Likewise.” You nodded. 

Both of you chuckled softly, still locked in an embrace in his kitchen. Nothing would ever be as sweet as this, not even the tea and snacks. This was the best possible outcome of this usual afternoon meeting, and neither of you would’ve rather had it any other way. 
