#mod blue

*zelda item sound dah-dah-dah-DAH*you found a stylus

*zelda item sound dah-dah-dah-DAH*

you found a stylus

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Yet another shitty edit from yours truly.______ hypercam-the-twelfth with another good meme y’all.-m

Yet another shitty edit from yours truly.


hypercam-the-twelfth with another good meme y’all.

-mod blue

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amogus…. i have never played this game-mod blue

amogus…. i have never played this game

-mod blue

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i am tired, have a meme-mod blue

i am tired, have a meme

-mod blue

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whoops, i guess i died again for a bit. happy valentine or w/e-mod blue

whoops, i guess i died again for a bit. happy valentine or w/e

-mod blue

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a redraw of one of my first posts on this blog-mod blue

a redraw of one of my first posts on this blog

-mod blue

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Hypercam: which team fortress 2 class do you main?

ta: ummm. well. you 2ee….


No clue if this is a dead format. Don’t care.____2ubmiited by the now-deleted hypercam. a 2alute to

No clue if this is a dead format. Don’t care.


2ubmiited by the now-deleted hypercam. a 2alute to a good 2ource of meme2. al2o ii’m back!

-mod blue

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wwoww, get lost, losers. this blog now belongs to me, eridan ampora.

wwoww, get lost, losers. this blog now belongs to me, eridan ampora.

Post link

Thank you aaaaaaaaa
replies under the cut!

I actually got the idea for the askers from an animation! This is what the original looked like: (from Black Plasma Studios’ Animation Life)

I thought it was a neat idea to have Steve followed around by an audience who he couldn’t necessarily “see”, and the askers looking at him through what looks like a camera of sorts. That way he could experience a whole new world by himself, but still have someone to talk to!

Ps: I definitely plan on sticking in some references to animations/other Minecraft games/youtubers/etc in my asks, so keep your eyes peeled!
