#mod gigos

Mod gigos dump! The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consenMod gigos dump! The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consenMod gigos dump! The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consenMod gigos dump! The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consenMod gigos dump! The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consen

Mod gigos dump! 

The meme du jour. The one about sexting. Beanie Legoland. The audacity of two consenting adults engaging in flirty musical chairs. Pinup Gimli. :)

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I’m not at all musical, but if I was I would love to learn to play the kalimba. :)

Here’s a little springtime mod Legolas in the hopes that we can manifest some good green vibes

fake social media posts with Legolas for Me Reasons yas hunty slay tea boots the house down yes gawd

fake social media posts with Legolas for Me Reasons yas hunty slay tea boots the house down yes gawd okurr

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deep city lights

A few months after his move to Minas Tirith, Legolas reconnects with some old acquaintances.

A purely self-indulgent exploration of some favorite OCs and Legolas’s early days in modern Minas Tirith! (Be warned for a brief moment of misgendering, which I hope is not handled too poorly.)


Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)

Some doodles from before I wrote Balcony Etiquette 8)

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A short modverse comic featuring Legolas and Gimli and a car called the AR-D, ft. Boromir’s soul as it departs this middle-earthly plane.

(Check out my twit for the forbidden explicit third page )


When the babysitter cancels last minute and your three year old wants to show his cool light-up shoes to all the high-ranking diplomats

yelling at the top of your lungs enhances the experience, dad

When the babysitter cancels last minute and your three year old wants to show his cool light-up shoes to all the high-ranking diplomats

Modverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) ThrModverse sketchdump! Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) Thr

Modverse sketchdump! 

Some Tiktoks, some group chats, a fashion icon… a mimosa brunch :’o) Thranduil and Bilbo are friends, ok

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Last pic of 2021 … all I want for these two is a hot bath on a cold day - and I hope the same

Last pic of 2021 … all I want for these two is a hot bath on a cold day - and I hope the same for you all! 

Onwards to 2022!

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I got tagged by @roselightfairy - and as she tagged me in this last year to no avail, this year I will put on some pants and explore my little writings. RLF, thank you for having so much worldbuilding fun with me this year!

2021 Year-End Fic Review

How many stories did you complete?

15 - somehow!!! I absolutely have never been one to write much before LOTR, and I do blame that entirely on RLF, who is so encouraging and thoughtful.

What is your total word count for the year?

A whopping 127,923 - that’s 1.3 Hobbitses! But the majority of it is collab words, so maybe a third of that is my actual total.

What fandoms did you write in this year?

LOTR, duh :) Mostly in like, comment, subscribe (our Modverse where Legolas is an internet man), which is my baby.

Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?

If you keep your expectations low the outcome wi always be a pleasant surprise. Just kidding - but I never expect to write, tbh. Sometimes I become possessed by a ghost who expects to write, but it’s never been a thing I’ve sought to cultivate in myself, really, and have never considered myself a writer.

But I do love to tell a story - and sometimes that is better done through words than through images. And when that’s the case, I write. ‍

What’s your own favorite story of the year?

One Thing Leads To Another - the one where a newly Sober™️ Legolas goes on a camping trip with Gimli and his PhD buddies, and then tragedy strikes. (It turns out ok though)

More specifically, my favorite part is the second chapter, which employs my absolute favorite trope of all time: “man wakes up after surgery and doesn’t remember his wife”. I love that trope sooo much, and when I realized I had the opportunity to use it in Modverse I basically fell all over myself to get the words out haha. I love that kind of creative energy and am always trying to recapture it.

What is your most underappreciated story of the year?

Hmm perhaps Meat’s Back On The Menu - even though I did not write a word of it, I just drew the picture haha!

Still, I love that one, and it features a headcanon of @roselightfairy ‘s about supposed elf vegetarianism (spoilers: they’re not, but with a caveat) that I thought was a fantastic morsel of worldbuilding from the moment I encountered it, and if I could wave a magic wand I’d politely ask everyone to read it because I think it’s an interesting and uncommon subject for a fanfic!!

And also I drew the picture haha. It’s of Legolas puking and he’s wearing a really cute blouse in it! ‍♀️ I don’t completely remember but I probably stole the blouse from Zara.

Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021

I did not read nearly enough this year - between my schedule and my brain, I have not had any time to catch up on the fics that I can see coming into the tag. Maybe soon!!

Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?

Haha probably that I wrote so many! It’s maybe a point of self-consciousness if I squint - they’re basically all Modverse, and I sometimes overthink re: at what point an AU just becomes original fiction … but I’m having fun there, and as long as I’m having fun I’m going to keep doing it. :) Sorry if I clog up the tag haha!

Something you’re looking forward to working on in 2022?

Brain always go BRRR when a new piece of Modverse slots neatly into the timeline. I love those moments - and I hope there will be many more of them in 2022! We’ve got some pre-relationship stuff proofing, and I want to give a little more context to a few major events in the universe. Whatever happens - I hope yins will come have fun with us!‍♂️

I think I have observed basically everyone I know doing this roundup… so I will tag You.

Mod gigos fake sm posts: Hobbit addition

PM Oropherion’s controversial stance on Ereborian dragon politics because of a necklace grudge or something idk

Haven’t done a Gimli in his pride undies pic yet this season :)

i found a post that is the foundation upon which modern Gigolas is built.

i found a post that is the foundation upon which modern Gigolas is built.

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