#mod message


Just imagine:

  • live jears
  • live smoke monster
  • live “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaalt! my son, my boy!"s
  • live flashbacks/flash-sideways/flash-forwards/time-flashes
  • live man-on-man flirtation
  • live slutty blue shirts
  • live Sayid Jarrah killing people with his ankles
  • live Nestor Carbonell not wearing eyeliner
  • live hot pocket tossing
  • live Jacob touching people
  • live dead Pakistanis on couches

I will leave you to ponder such glorious things.

 flashingsmiles replied to your photo:Hurley: Dudes, wait! I heard. I heard what you’re…

what episode is this from :O

Greatest Hits. It’s right before the season 3 finale. :’)

Official Announcement One - The queue appears to have thrown about ten or so confessions into the time vortex, so I’ve had to slow things down until I can make enough to get it back up to speed.

Official Announcement Two - the Ask Box is reopened for all kinds of confessions, but we’ve got another theme coming up - Doctor Who Ships.

We want to hear about all your favourite ships, favourite moments, favourite fics…crack pairing? Want to know. Headcanon? Want to know.

Let’s try and keep it PG though.

Coming up are some shipping fanvids to give you ideas!

The queue has once again thrown a tantrum and we’ve lost all the confessions we had prepped. More coming soon, so sorry about this!
