#doctor who confessions

It is a shame Jackie Lane didn’t feel able to take her agent’s advice and audition for Susan Foreman

It is a shame Jackie Lane didn’t feel able to take her agent’s advice and audition for Susan Foreman. I feel she would have been splendid as Susan.

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It would rock if there was a Pete’s World version of Gwen Cooper who joins Rose’s team. I see her fi

It would rock if there was a Pete’s World version of Gwen Cooper who joins Rose’s team. I see her fitting well with her courage, compassion, humour, intelligence, martial arts, and marksmanship. Rose would enjoy her.

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The present day Earth companion is getting boring, and I’m dying to see the revival’s take on an ali

The present day Earth companion is getting boring, and I’m dying to see the revival’s take on an alien or historical companion.

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Big Finish did a great job keeping Doctor Who alive during the wilderness years. But now, it seems t

Big Finish did a great job keeping Doctor Who alive during the wilderness years. But now, it seems to have transformed into “licensed official fanfiction”

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During the Moffat era, I thought the episode plots were over convoluted and there was too much invol

During the Moffat era, I thought the episode plots were over convoluted and there was too much involvement of “timey-wimey”. But, having been through two series (seasons) of Chibnall, I am suddenly beginning to miss Moffat’s over convoluted plots!

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Bloodtide was a grand one. Features the Doctor meeting Charles Darwin and some Silurians. Such drama

Bloodtidewas a grand one. Features the Doctor meeting Charles Darwin and some Silurians. Such drama. Such action, comedy and warmth.

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My fave of the 11th Doctor’s bowties is the purple one from Day of the Doctor.

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My fave of the 3rd Doctor’s bowties is the bottle green one from Planet of the Spiders

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My personal fave from Jo Grant’s outfits was the bronze dress with yellow stripes and short skirt from The Time Monster. Such a sassy outfit fitting a sassy lady

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I really, really, really, really don’t like Rose, and the fact that every emotional relationship Ten had was ultimately always about her completely ruined David Tennant’s time on the show for me.

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Despite Adric being my favourite companion, I think Varsh should’ve been a companion instead of him.

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I honestly skipped around the Classics when I first watched them, just for episode with The Master S

I honestly skipped around the Classics when I first watched them, just for episode with The Master

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Even now, I think the Shalka TARDIS team still has a lot of potential Submit your own confessions

Even now, I think the Shalka TARDIS team still has a lot of potential

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What about an enemy crossover? I like the idea of the Master turning up in Star Wars. And maybe prim

What about an enemy crossover? I like the idea of the Master turning up in Star Wars. And maybe primitive Cybermen in Gotham City?

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A crossover between Small Wonder and Doctor Who. Vicki the Robot (Tiffany Brissette) meets K9. Submi

A crossover between Small Wonder andDoctor Who. Vicki the Robot (Tiffany Brissette) meets K9.

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Sarah Sutton was such a beautiful young lady who was made to look very ugly by her Traken “fairy ski

Sarah Sutton was such a beautiful young lady who was made to look very ugly by her Traken “fairy skirt”

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My dream crossover, even just for fanfics, is with the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Because I feel like

My dream crossover, even just for fanfics, is with the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Because I feel like half the stuff that happened, the dumber stuff, wouldn’t have happened with the Doctor around. (Maybe some other dumb stuff, though)

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I’d love to see a story teaming up Scaroth from City of Death with Chronotis/Salyavin from the 1979

I’d love to see a story teaming up Scaroth from City of Death with Chronotis/Salyavin from the 1979 version of Shada

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Sarah Sutton is a beautiful young woman on Doctor Who and remains beautiful today. Submit your own c

Sarah Sutton is a beautiful young woman on Doctor Who and remains beautiful today.

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There are several stories of Classic Who I’d like to try redesigning. Like into concept art from a v

There are several stories of Classic Who I’d like to try redesigning. Like into concept art from a video game or something equally impressive.

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The War Doctor was wholly unnecessary and felt a bit like it was just Moffat showing off the fact he

The War Doctor was wholly unnecessary and felt a bit like it was just Moffat showing off the fact he could get John Hurt on board. 8 should’ve been the one fighting in the Time War; it would give McGann more screen time to establish to casual fans that the 8 we see in 2013 is a very, very different and very damaged man compared to the 8 we were introduced to in 1996.

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I can’t accept that we had an episode at Coal Hill (series 8, The Caretaker) and a WHOLE spin off se

I can’t accept that we had an episode at Coal Hill (series 8, The Caretaker) and a WHOLE spin off set in Coal Hill, but not even ONCE Ian Chesterton shows up… even he being the principal…

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The more I think about the Timeless Child, the more I hate it. The fact the Doctor is shown that no

The more I think about the Timeless Child, the more I hate it. The fact the Doctor is shown that no matter the stakes, or the risk, they can just regenerate a million times and keep living forever is so bad. It takes something fundamental away from the character. It even contradicts the idea that “failed” regeneration is possible (which happen in Turn Left, where the 10th Doctor dies in Donna’s world, even presuming that the Doctor didn’t even try to regenerate).

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While I am not the biggest fan of the Moffat era, I do prefer 11′s run. Matt’s Doctor revived my lov

While I am not the biggest fan of the Moffat era, I do prefer 11′s run. Matt’s Doctor revived my love for bowties as a fashion object.

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I was under the impression that the 21st century Doctors commenting on their body parts soon after r

I was under the impression that the 21st century Doctors commenting on their body parts soon after regeneration, as well as hating goodbyes are purely a NuWho characteristic. But, I saw a clip of Robot, which is Tom Baker’s first full story as the Doctor. And, in that episode, Four looks in the mirror and says, “the nose is a definite improvement”, and even asks Harry Sullivan what he thought of the ears. And Four even says, “I hate goodbyes”. So, Tom Baker’s Doctor is one reference for the characterization of NuWho Doctors. It is no surprise at all that Four is the most respected and love Doctor in the history of the show.

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I’m completely on board with shipping Clara and the Second Doctor after reading one (extremely good)

I’m completely on board with shipping Clara and the Second Doctor after reading one (extremely good) fanfic. I think they have very compatible personalities.

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I would love to read a comic book miniseries about the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe, and Mel Bush tra

I would love to read a comic book miniseries about the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe, and Mel Bush travelling and having adventures together.

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If I was to become a writer for the show, and write a multi-Doctor story, I would have the First Doc

If I was to become a writer for the show, and write a multi-Doctor story, I would have the First Doctor appear again (regardless of whether its Bradley or a new actor playing the role), and have him be written more rounded and accurate, to make up for the disgraceful writing in Twice Upon A Time. The way the character was written by a certain S. Moffat was a huge insult to William Hartnell and the show. I know it was one episode, but it was still an affecting one for me. 

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