#mod percy


Five: I just came up with a great idea. Glasses that don’t show you the real world, but instead, they show you games. I’ll call them… virtual reality machines.

Vanya: Who’s going to tell him?

Allison: Not me.

Diego: Well, I’m not doing it.

Allison: Spill the tea sister!

Klaus: It’s piping hot.

Five, making a salt circle: What the fuck does any of that MEAN

Diego: Stop it!

Klaus: I’m just asking

Diego: Klaus, Mom’s favorite dance is not the robot.

Ben: Nothing is harder as a ghost than having to watch Klaus repeatedly push a “pull” door.

Vanya: I have a gay agenda. It’s rainbow with cats on it. I highlighted the entire month of June.

Klaus: Sweet jeans are made of cheese, who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven beans.

Ben: First of all,

Vanya: Okay, I have powers. Any other huge family secrets I need to know about?

Klaus: I’m gay

Vanya: I know, Klaus

Klaus: Pan, more specifically

Vanya: This isn’t new information

Klaus: My heart belongs to one Dave Katz
