

y’all i’m alive but oh my god, my friend just showed me an interesting concept:

mommy!valkyrie x little!reader

jesus christ am i gay anyways i’m gonna ramble about my thoughts on writing this after this cut so if you want to read, feel free…

ok so i feel like if i were to write this, i’d need to decide whether this relationship is ageplay or age regression (two very different things)

if i chose ageplay, i still wouldn’t write smut for it (i’m not comfortable with that), but i would probably just like hint at it

if i chose age regression, i would need to do more research (obviously) and be careful with how i present it as not to portray that kind of relationship wrong.

i’m honestly kinda leaning towards ageplay, but i’m not sure…let me know your thoughts!

now to return to my cold, dead grave to post something in a few months (sorry lmao)
