

Ho-wdy, Ho-rror Ho-mies!

The Price is F-right with this week’s groovy movie! Ever had your palm RED? Then let Vincent Price read your future in this sickly scream-story! It’s pure POE-try as Prince Vince tries to corrupt a young woman in a plague-ridden kingdom. Prepare for the scarlet scares of… “The Masque of the Red Death!”

Check it out, Ho-rror Ho-mies!

On February 4, 1948, zombie master George A. Romero was born! While zombies were a concept prior to “Night of the Living Dead,” Romero’s film birthed the zombie as we know it: every modern movie about the undead owes something to Romero. The daring director also used the ho-rror genre to eXXXplore sociopolitical issues, proving that monster stories can be more than just splatter-shows. A true pioneer in the putrid, George A. Romero will never truly die.

Working on a few new looks, this is one. What do you think?
