#money goals


Someone found this in a hoodie that they hadn’t worn in a while. So if you’d like to attract this same fate and rediscover some forgotten money, go ahead to reblog this to share with those around you so that they can receive the same.

When you are blessed, bless someone.

Just as you found this post, may you find money flowing effortlessly into your life from henceforward.

Blessed are you who read this. Manifest the receiving an abundance of money now. As the universe has been good to you, be good to another. Bless a friend and bless a stranger.

Reblog to cast and pass the blessing!

Blanca Bitchcraft

Yes! I am thankful to have paid off a lingering outstanding balance! i’ve been consistently making payments for over a year and I have finally accomplished my goal. I am financially stronger than I was last year. I am attracting more wealth to me. I am happy and it feels so good.

The more I focus my mind upon the good, the more good comes to my life.
