#law of attraction

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Just had an amazing dream. 

So. This is a bit different from my usual crying-about-YOI-posts but like, bare with me. 

I have these dreams- fighting dreams, I call them. They’ve been happening over the last several years. The setting and people are usually different, but the situation is always the same- I’m fighting someone/someones, and although I can beat them up and usually kill them as well, they always come back to life or more come and I have to keep fighting and killing them, to protect someone I love from them. 

I don’t know why they would want to hurt the people I love, but I just know that I can’t let them near my loved ones.

It’s a very… graphic dream. Very bloody, very disturbing. I’ve woken up crying from these sorts of dreams, the images haunting me for the rest of the waking day afterwards. 

The main thing, however, is how it just never stops. It’s a cycle of fighting that tires me out even in my dream, makes me frustrated, but I can’t. stop. because if I did- they would hurt or kill my family and/or friends. So I just spend the entire dream fighting. 

I’ve been working on my mindset and mental state for the last year or so and decided, after a particularly frustrating fighting dream that involved both fighting some Bad DudesTM and dealing with my friends that wouldn’t stay put in the safe place I made for them (so we could be safe in there, away from the Bad DudesTM, instead of me having to fight), to try and figure out what these dreams meant.

So, as I’m sure most of you could probably suss out, it’s about me being frustrated with not being able to control everything. I can, to some degree, as I am always strong enough to fight them, but the fighting never stops, even when I get tired. 

The realization felt good, and I decided to be more active in being mindful of my thoughts regarding trying to control everything, to let myself accept things as they were instead of getting frustrated.

I didn’t have that sort of dream for a while, until last night, or this morning. 

It was a hell of a dream. More vivid than usual, perhaps thanks to the melatonin I took before bed. 

This is already a long post so I’ll get down to it- there was A Lot of fighting this time. I was a proclaimed ‘the Chosen One’ that people from another world wanted to fight, as dying by my hands was considered an honor and killing me would make them something akin to a King or God, I’m not sure. I was a bit busy just trying to fight them all. 

It was brutal, to start with, all blood and gore, until half way through the first group I was just like, ‘you know what? I don’t want to fight. I’m done fighting.’ And they were all like ‘um. What?’ 

but. They stopped fighting. Just,stopped. They didn’t attack my family like I feared, they just were like ‘huh well okay’. 

But. Then more groups came, and I had to keep telling people I wouldn’t fight them- that they had to leave. I was getting increasingly frustrated. 

And then an entire train station appeared on our road, and a whole crowd of people came, spilling over my parents’ property, some of them talking about killing the horses for fun.(I live on a ranch fyi) 

There were too many of them, I was starting to panic. I could fight them, yes, but I couldn’t be everywhere at once, I couldn’t protect the horses andmy family. 

I started yelling at people, swearing at them, telling them to leave. They didn’t try to fight me, but they didn’t really leave either. I asked the Universe for help, because I didn’t know what else do to- I couldn’t go back to fighting, but I couldn’t let them hurt anyone, either.

Then, it came to me. Love.

I had to spread love to them. 

As soon as I calmed down, and stopped yelling and swearing, and instead began to tell people they were loved, and other things from a loving mindset, they changed. Everyone. All these hardened warriors that were talking about killing horses for fun seemed to get… lighter. Happier. Nicer.

They started to smile, to carry the energy I sent out to them so much faster than the yelling at them to leave ever did. They gladly went back to their own worlds, bringing back this energy and spreading it to the others on these fighting planets as well, stopping the fighting. 

I was the ‘Chosen one’, but not for fighting. For ending it. For bringing love. I am not meant for fighting, but forlove

This idea isn’t perfect- how can I love someone who is actually physically hurting me? Why would I? Do I always have to be in a loving mindset? I’m still just a human, and that seems pretty high on the ‘not going to happen’ list.

But this idea doesn’t need to be ‘perfect’- it is what I am calling a ‘divinely perfect’ truth (no, I’m not religious, I’m just hard core into the LOA and see reality as fluid so…feel free to ask more more lol). Perfection is not something that will ever truly be reached- as things are always changing, and what might be perfect in one moment won’t necessarily be so in the next.

To spread love and focus on love for others instead of fighting and thinking isn’t the only way- it’s simply divinelyperfect. For most situations, especially ones I routinely deal with, it is ‘perfect’. 

Fighting just hurts both me and the other person/thing/situation, and is an endless cycle of frustration. 

Love, on the other hand, releases me from that cycle, and can inspire the emotion in the receiving party, and then perhaps to even more people. It is so much more powerful in so many ways compared to fighting and hate. It can inspire, it’s warm and comforting, and you can create it so easily, just by yourself, with just a thought. 

Thoughts are very powerful things. They control the reality around us, and choosing to think loving thoughts… To accept things as they are, instead of giving into the cycle of frustration and hate… 

As my dream showed me, love can do so much more good for myself and the world around me compared to my desperate, trying to survive, cycle of fighting. 

Maybe this won’t speak to some as it did to me, and it’s long as heck so it’s totally fine if you don’t get through this all, but I felt inspired to share so. You’re welcome <3 

In any case, TL;DR- my dreams of fighting and frustration over the years were finally brought to an end when I decided to change my thoughts and send love to the enemies instead, prompting me to work on my own thoughts in the waking world when I was dealing with frustrations.

….I just woke up okay xD I’m going to be holding this in my heart for a long time. 


I have a very important announcement to make regarding the future of this blog. Lately, life has been amazing. I’m enjoying being around my soul family, studying for a career I love & working passionately on projects that have insane potential. It honestly cannot get any better. And now, there are also huge changes in my life that need my full attention. New beginnings that make me glad to be alive.

However, this means that I won’t have the time to be online anymore. I won’t delete my blog but I’ll disable the ask function. Most of my asks are repetitive and can be easily solved by assuming your result & persisting. I just don’t have the spare time or the energy tbh to answer them anymore.

I will however log in once a week to:

-drop a post on the law/spirituality that is going to be super helpful to y’all.

-post your success stories that you can send in as submissions.

Thank you for being a part of my journey to become a master manifestor. Eventhough I’m not leaving, I will dearly miss interacting with you all.

If you want to keep in touch & become friends, feel free to add me on discord: yenshu#3749 But please respect my wishes and don’t ask me manifestation questions there. I will not be answering them anymore.

Until then, stay safe & healthy! Manifesting infinite happiness for you all ‍♀️

The 7 Pinnacles of Self are the key to living a fulfilling, aligned, and purposeful life. Explore this exclusively curated concept with me over the next seven weeks where we discuss and break down each pinnacle week by week! We are going to explore the purpose of each pinnacle as well as how to heal and sustain each pinnacle until we master limitlessness and receive all of our desires! - I C I S I M

Fun fact: Food doesn’t have to be scary! During your weight loss journey always understand that it is super beneficial to eat healthy foods like fresh produce, but please be advised that those aren’t the only foods that you have to limit yourself to! So pop out the ice cream and treat yourself every now and then. You’re a Master Manifester remember? So tell that ice cream that it’s going to make your stomach flatter and enjoy. Try out these fun affirmations the next time you’re throwing down in the kitchen to enhance your meals and the benefits of them. Happy Manifesting! - Godiva ✨

“The mouth of God is the mind of Man” - (Neville Goddard on the subconscious being the doorway to creation)

“What you decide to see and hear without, you must see and hear within” - (Neville Goddard on the power of internal conversations)

get a clear vision in your mind of what life you want. buckle down. do it. hold that vision ever time you think, breathe, laugh, cry. hold it always.


Check out my last three uploaded subliminal audios on YouTube to give your manifesting a lovely boost!! - Godiva ☁️✨

“It´s like a willingness to think no thoughts.
A willingness, to carve out time to do nothing.
A worthiness to not need to be productive.
A worthiness to just BE.

A worthiness to just allow source to wrap around you, and a worthiness to just BE.
A willingness to not need to be active.
A willingness to not need to do anything.
A willingness to just sit in the ethers.
A willingness to let source wrap around you and through you.“ – Abraham Hicks  


How would you like to be able to receive manifestations rather than struggle to try and create them ?

Manifesting with ease and flow rather than effort and strain ?

Well as deliberate creators that is actually the way it is supposed to be.



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one of the fastest ways to speed up your desire is through SLEEP. believe it or not! with these methods, you can manifest your desire literally the NEXT DAY. i remember when i tried this method and got a 55inch tv the NEXT day. give it a try tonight, and tell me how it goes!

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“But I do believe in that sleeping during the action in some strange way seems to hasten the interval between the doing and the realization of it. Of course you don’t have to sleep, but I have found from experience that if I can fall asleep while I’m performing the action, the action which implies the fulfillment of my dream, that I quickly collapse the time. In little Barbados, it took me less than one day to have passage on the ship.” - Neville Goddard.

the lullaby method


1. first, get into a drowsy, sleepy state. not too awake, not too sleepy. like, when you can open your eyes but you don’t want to. (if you fall asleep way too quickly, start affirming early. it’s better to be safe than sorry).

2. then, affirm for your desires when you are drifting asleep until you fall asleep.

for example, let’s say i was affirming for my desired face. i would KNOW i would get my desired face when i woke up. and in a sleepy, drowsy state, i’d affirm:

  • “i have my desired face”
  • “i look exactly how i want to”
  • “i have head turning beauty”
  • “i woke up with my desired face”
  • “i am extremely beautiful”

or if i was manifesting a large sum of money, i’d affirm:

  • “money comes to me quickly and easily”
  • “i always have more than enough money”
  • “i am rich”
  • “i have multiple streams of income”
  • “i am a money magnet”

if i was shifting to my dr i’d affirm something like:

  • “i will wake up in my dr”
  • “i am in my dr”
  • “i shifted”
  • “i woke up in my dr”
  • “shifting is so easy for me”

“A most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and then, in a relaxed and sleepy state, repeat over and over again like a lullaby, any short phrase which implies fulfillment of your desire, such as, Thank you, thank you, thank you, until the single sensation of thankfulness dominates the mind.” – Neville Goddard

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This wonderful experience of rising and floating is the signal that you are absent from the body or problem and are now present with the Lord; in this expanded state you are not conscious of being anything but I AM – I AM; you are only conscious of being.

the I AM state


the “I AM state” or also sometimes called “the void state” is a state in pure consciousness, where you are a formless, shapeless being. it is pitch black with pure nothingness. in this “void”, you will feel a floating feeling, so don’t be alarmed about that.

people enter this state because when you manifest in this state, you manifest INSTANTLY. you can shift in this state, or get whatever you desire also.this state is extremely easy to get into. it’s a bit similar to the lullaby method.

in this state, you will manifest every single one of your desires extremely easily, because you are no longer immersed in sensory/outside world. no intrusive thoughts, no doubts, nothing. your consciousness is a purely “clean slate” and “empty”.

this may seem like a lot, but it’s REALLY easy to get into. i got in the void state on my FIRST TRY. if i can do it, you can do it. give it a try tonight and tell me how it goes!

how to do it


1. first, get into a comfortable position. you can move around for a bit until you find a position that is comfortable. then, stay still.

2. after that, breathe in and out for a while, focus on you breathing. then, begin to affim “I AM” “i am nothing” “i am faceless and formless” “i am in the void state” etc.

KEEP DOING THIS. you’re going to get start getting a floaty feeling. if you get this feeling, you are doing it right. keep doing this, and make sure you’re affirming from a peaceful place, and you are fully relaxed.

you may get tempted to move, itch, etc. this is just your body checking to see if you’re awake or not. IGNORE IT. this is also a sign you’re doing it right.

3. great! you’re now in the void state. now, you can affirm/visualise or just decide what you want to happen. after that, you will manifest what you want EXTREMELY quickly, almost instantly!

you can shift realities, travel back in time or manifest something. good luck and try this tonight! you can do this at night or in the middle of the day. good luck!



sleep paralysis is a quick and easy way to enter the void extremely quickly. sleep paralysis is when you cannot move AT ALL, and the purpose of it is to prevent your body from acting out your dreams.

don’t worry, you won’t see anything scary. people say they scary stuff, but it’s just hallucinations. nothing can you harm you. remember you are in FULL control. you chose to give yourself yourself sleep paralysis, and you can come out of it if you want to! to get out of sleep paralysis, simply wiggle your toes for like 30 seconds and you’ll get out of ity with the ease.

there are various ways to get sleep paralysis.

  • wait it out. simply get into a comfortable position, and wait for your body to fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake. do this by staying completely still and thinking of things/daydreaming to keep your mind awake. eventually, you will convince your body it is asleep.
  • usethis guided meditation to enter sleep paralysis. follow this man’s voice.
  • usethissubliminal.
  • affirm “i have sleep paralysis” while sleepy, and you’ll wake it up with it. (basically, the lullaby method.)
  • just set an intention that you’ll get it.
  • just sleep on your back.

after getting sleep paralysis, you won’t be able to move AT ALL. if you think you can move and get up effortlessly, you are NOT in sleep paralysis.

when you have successfully achieved sleep paralysis, start for the void. “i am pure consciousness” and “i am in the void” would suffice. you’ll reach there in a matter of minutes.

you can also:

  • command your subconscious entering the void
  • visualise your desires after getting out of the void
  • write a fake diary entry post void


how do i know i’m in the void?

you’ll know when you’re in the void when:

  • you are not in your room anymore
  • it is PITCH BLACK
  • you can’t feel your body
  • you can’t hear anything
  • you are in a LITERAL void

you’ll definitely know when you’re in the void. you can’t miss it. if you “think” you were in the void, you weren’t there.

can i move when entering the void?

no. you must stay completely still.

how long does it take to get into the void?

entirely depends on what method you use.

why do i get the urge to move?

your body is checking to see if you’re awake or not.

how do i overcome the urges?

patience & determination. also, distract yourself by daydreaming and thinking about things.

can i get stuck in the void?

no. you are in full and total control.

can i accidentally manifest something i don’t want in the void

no, there are no intrusive thoughts or anything outside that influence you in the void. it is just you.

is it possible to get out of the void without your desires

no. anyone who said they went to the void and said they didn’t manifest anything, didn’t go to the void.

is there are a limit to what i can manifest in the void

no, there is no limit. anything is possible. doesn’t matter if you want to manifest a billion dollars, shift realities or become famous overnight.

do i enter the void awake or asleep

depends on you. both methods work. however, getting there via sleep is faster.

i get distracted easily. how can i get into the void

use the lullaby method to enter the void/sleep paralysis, it is probably the quickest way to get there.

do i need to prepare to go into the void

no, it’s not necessary. however, some people like to use meditative music/breath work/subliminals in order for them to get relaxed before getting to the void. here is a playlist of videos someone used to get into the void. the key to the void is relaxation.

how do i know i’m doing it right

you start to feel tingles, twitches and urges to roll over and move. ignore these urges. you also start to feel really light/a floating sensation.

i don’t want to enter the void via sleep paralysis. what can i do

you can do it the traditional way, just staying still and affirming. or you can do the lullaby method and wake up in the void.


  • don’t form an unhealthy obsession with the void. if it’s not for you, MOVE ON. a lot of you guys get so obsessed with this method to the point where it affects your mental health. it shouldn’t. no method is worth that. plus, you can manifest INSTANTLY without the void. there are people on my page who have manifested a 20 inch waist in an HOUR without the void. it’s not the only way to instantly manifest. it’s just another method.
  • the best way to ensure your success is to think of entering the void as the easiest thing in the world. and guess what, it is! a lot of people just overcomplicated it. it is very simple and easy to get into.
  • you can try this method at any time of the day. it doesn’t even have to be at night. you can do it in any position - even sitting on a chair! just be COMFORTABLE and RELAXED.
  • if you keep failing, revaluate what you did wrong and try again.
  • BE PATIENT. a lot of people give up WAYYYY too early.
  • if you’re really determined to enter the void, take some breaks. work on your self concept. don’t put it on a pedestal.
  • the void isn’t a meditative state. people think the void is when you’re relaxed and you feel floaty. NO. THAT IS NOT THE VOID. THE VOID IS A *LITERAL*VOID.
  • stop treating the void as the solution to all your problems. you can get your desired life without it. if it’s NOT working for you and it put you in a bad mental space, give it up and WORK ON YOUR SELF CONCEPT.
  • the lullaby method is a great alternative to the void. it’s just as instant. in fact, ALL METHODS ARE. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER METHOD.

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i think you should try either method going to sleep tonight, it’ll benefit you A LOT! you can literally wake up with your desire. crazy, right? alright, that’s it, my loves! i hope you enjoy this post.

 ℕTHE FORMULA: Activate numerous brain regions (energy/frequency being emitted) + form more neural c

THE FORMULA: Activate numerous brain regions (energy/frequency being emitted) + form more neural connections (new reality forming) + rewire previous neural connections (old reality) =  MANIFEST! ✨

I’m so happy that many of you are interested in how to use Neuroscience to manifest! I am eager to share with you how to take your manifestations to the next level  Few people know this information, which is a huge problem because as an individual, you possess so much power and no one knows how to effectively use it. 
I have written this step by step guide to manifesting a life of luxury. If you are doubtful, I encourage you all to try this for 30 days, and see the difference in your life. I am 100% confident this will work for you.

Give it a try. After all,what do you have to lose?  

The first thing I want to ensure you all understand is that depending on what you are manifesting, the approach will be different.  The nervous system is extremely complex. With that being said, I made this guide to focus more on living a luxurious life because manifesting luxury is one of the easiest things to manifest. So is money, but that’s a topic for another day.

1. Define Luxury. [motor neurons, dorsal parietal cortex, frontal + temporal lobe, feedback loop]

Begin by writing out what luxury means to you! Is it lots of wealth? Shopping trips each weekend? Being spoiled? Self care? Lots of fun and new adventures? Write. It. Out.  Be sure to write this in present tense. Example: “I love my luxurious life! I shop every single weekend, and eat at the most exquisite restaurants everyday!”.

Script EVERY single day during these 30 days. Do not skip! Your mind has thousands of thoughts a day, some that still contain limiting beliefs (that you may not be aware of!). If you are not actively rewiring your brain each day for luxury, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you do this now, in the future, your brain will automatically project luxury because it has been wired to. 

Neuroscience behind it: Scripting is more effective than just speaking affirmations because you are not only writing them, you are simultaneously reading.
Writing = giving. Reading = receiving. By scripting you have unknowingly created a neural feedback loop! This is the beginning of the formation of your new reality. 
Avoid writing the same phrases every single day, otherwise habituation may occur (very common with verbal affirmations). Habituation will lead to less neural firing. This is why reciting the same 10 affirmations each day, everyday eventually stops working. Switch it up! 

2. Emotional Visualization. [visual association cortex/VAC, limbic system, hippocampus]

Now, associate emotions with luxury. What emotions do you feel when you thinkof luxury? What emotions do you feel when you experienceluxury?Comfort? Bliss? Relaxation? Security? Pride? Choose at least 3 emotions if possible.

Next, visualize a scene with these emotions. This scene should be short, less than 10 seconds. It can be something as simple as you purchasing a designer bag! Just be sure to be feelingthe emotions fully. There is no point in absentmindedly visualizing with no emotion. The goal is to trick your brain into believe it is really occurring. 

Neuroscience behind it: If you manage to evoke a strong enough emotion, it has the potential to become a memory in the hippocampus. Create a memory of luxury in your brain, so it can be retrieved and projected by your subconscious at any time. 

Visualize every night as you are falling asleep. This is the best time to visualize! Most coaches will tell you to enter Theta state to manifest– which is true. However, I want you to aim to enter DELTA. This will take some practice, but will really help your manifestations.   

If you struggle with experiencing emotions while visualizing, a trick I like to do is think of something that makes me happy, then when I feel that happiness, I switch to the scene I am visualizing and carry the emotion over  

3. Self Care [afferent neurons, limbic system, frontal lobe]

Aim to always live in a wish fulfilled state. The easiest way to do this when manifesting luxury is devoting yourself to self care. Some examples include:

- Waking up 15 minutes early to meditate/do yoga in the morning
- Enjoying hot tea and journaling 
- Getting a facial
- Taking a bubble bath
- Getting a massage
- Protecting your energy/setting up boundaries (less negative interactions = more positive emotions)

Neuroscience behind it
: By activating your afferent neurons (“sensory” neurons), the signal will automatically travel throughout your nervous system, and activate the limbic system (emotional network). The positive sensations you are experiencing will lead to positive emotions in the limbic system. This system is also related to the manifestation of behavior. This is why when those are experiencing altered realities (through use of psychedelic drugs, schizophrenia) the limbic system is heavily involved. Therefore, if you give yourself these luxurious experiences, your brain will have no choice but to spit out luxurious EMOTIONS, luxurious BEHAVIOR, luxurious REALITIES. Is it all starting to come together now?

If this is a confusing concept, let me share a real-life, medical example with you all: I encountered a patient last month who had Pica due to anemia. She was craving soil/clay and had started eating it. So what happened here?
Her body was anemic —> her brain picked up the imbalance/signals of the anemia —> her brain created the desire (emotions) for her to consume dirt —> the behavior manifested into reality because her brain kept getting the signals that she was anemic. The constant thoughts/desire REWIRED her brain until it manifested into her reality.

4. Relax. Don’t. React. Don’t. Doubt. [All reactions = firing of neurons. Neurons that FIRE together, WIRE together!]

The biggest mistake people make while manifesting is when they have a less preferable emotion or thought, they REACT. You might quickly rush to change the thought to a positive one, thinking if you quickly change the thought, the “universe” won’t hear the doubt you experienced.

This is amusing to me, because all you are doing is making your neurons react more. Because that second of panic you felt as you quickly tried to change the thought was millions of neurons firing to correct that one moment of doubt. You created a cascade over one little thing.

Relax  If you ever doubt yourself, or think something that does not match the frequency of what you are manifesting, simply observe the thought. Allow those neurons involved with the thought to finishtheir cascade.
Your neurons are like children: they repeat whatever they hear. And if they’ve been hearing one thought for so long (a less preferable one), they will naturally fire that thought even if you haven’t been thinking about it for a while. Why? Because that was what they were wiredto do.
Silly neurons. 
Whenever you have a less preferable thought or doubt creeps your mind: allow it. Welcome it. Do not scramble to change the thought. Scrambling will only cause chaos and resistance. 
Instead, mentally tell yourself, “Thank you for showing me what I have ascended from.” And begin experiencing one of your short visualizations regarding luxury. Be gentle with your brain. You are one. You are the operant power.

5. Essential Catalysts [rewiring neurons, neuroplasticity, synaptic pruning apoptosis]

The easiest way to make your manifestations occur faster is to introduce essential catalysts to disrupt your old frequencies and neural circuitry. If you have been stuck in a certain mindset for a long time (depression, poverty, low self esteem) you cannot expect these neural connections to just “disappear” because you avoid thinking about them. You must do one of two things: 

- Rewire the neurons (because your brain is “plastic” and can change always!)
- Synaptic pruning (elimination of synapses/connections that we no longer use). 
Eventually neurons will naturally die (apoptosis). Avoid doing anything that will cause cell death prematurely because you probably will end harming neurons you needin the process. 

At least 3 times during the week, do something you would not normally do. Although this can be anything, I recommend the following:

- Eat at a restaurant you have never tried before
- Make a new friend each week
- Sign up for a class (such as dance, painting, or yoga)
- Explore the upscale areas near where you live
- Take a bubble bath

I wish you all luck on your journey to luxury. Please update me on how your progress is going. I hope I explained it thoroughly and simplistically. If there are any further questions, you are all welcomed to submit them   Lots of love.

~ holy hedonist // 1.9.21

Post link
 .I’m so happy manifestation has become a widespread concept because it has changed so many people’s


I’m so happy manifestation has become a widespread concept because it has changed so many people’s lives for the better. One of my goals for 2021 is to share my knowledge with others. Many of you lovely Goddesses who follow me desire a blissful life full of ethereal energy and luxury  This is very simple to achieve! However, I do know some still struggle with their manifestations. I wish to share a few of my manifestation secrets today so you may manifest a life of luxury forever and always. ✨

1.Manifestation/Law of Assumption/Law of Attraction is all rootedinNeuroscience. To obtain a basic grasps of Neuroscience would take ~6-9 months (if you have a scientific background). I have a pretty solid background in Neuroscience, and even I must say it’s not a subject that can be skimmed or taken lightly.

Most people do not have this background, which is why Manifestation Coaches fail to convey the proper way to manifest, and how manifestation actually works. Without this element, you may find that sometimes your manifestations occur very quickly, while other times it may seem like it does not occur at all (it does!). When you know and master this concept, you will laugh at how easy manifestation can be! :) Would you Goddesses be interested in me explaining this more? Please let me know 

2. What exactly is luxury? It is easy to describe it as an object or entity, but perhaps a little more difficult to express as an emotion. Take a moment to describe luxury emotionally
The next time you visualize, root your visualization with those emotions.

I describe luxury as a state of absolute bliss and comfort. Are you able to feel these two emotions right now? Or are they difficult to convey? 

3. Be gentle to the flower = your vessel. Your being. Attracting luxury cannot blossom fully if you are not gentle to your body. Are you nourishing yourself? Or do you push yourself to the brink of exhaustion? I think we have all been guilty of this at one point!
My uncle told me last week that I am so fragile, I must be handled as if I am an “egg”. I found that very funny! But he was 100% right. I have treated my vessel delicately for so long, others have taken notice, and do the same. After all, you would not treat a luxury item roughly, correct? Why do you not treat yourself with a soft approach as well?

4. Scripting and visualization > verbal affirmations. This concept stems from Neuroscience (Hebbian Learning). To keep it basic: cells that fire together, wire together. Wire those neurons for luxury by doing something that will cause them to fire! Scripting and visualizing creates a more dramatic cascade than just verbalizing affirmations in your head. Activate more brain regions —> wire more neurons —–> rewire your brain (i.e. your reality) —–> manifest luxury! Isn’t it so simple? 

5. Disrupt your current timeline. If you live a mundane life, one that has become fairly routine– change it. Do things that you would not normally do, whether it’s something big like starting your own business, or something small like trying a new restaurant. These minor disruptions are essential catalysts.Some may disagree and say that you “don’t need to do anything” in order to manifest.
This is false. Especially if you have been stuck in the same timeline for awhile! Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt. If the road you have always taken is blocked, you will be forced to take another. 

I am wishing you all a wonderful New Year. Please let me know if you would like more of these posts! I do love sharing about Neuroscience and manifestation 

~ 1.5.21 // holy hedonist 

Post link


If you’re not so into writing or scripting, make a Pinterest account and set it to private. Let’s say you want to move into your own place. Create a board and title it something like “Home Goals” or “My House” or something along the lines. 

Then, start picking photos for each part of your house. Get those marble floors, that fancy round tub, that cozy queen-sized bed, whatever your heart desire. Feel your excitement build up and let your vibrations heighten. The universe is listening. 

My philosophy is: if you can visualize it, you can manifest it. The more specific, the better. It’s yours, bb. Claim it. 

If you haven’t started working on your 2022 vision board, keep this in mind! You can download your pinterest board photos and design your board through Canva by sizing it as “desktop wallpaper!”


Today’s my birthday ✨ and just in case, my cash app is $selibabes ✨

the universe always works in my favor. ♡

money easily flows into my life.

i am a money magnet.

i vibrate with the frequency of money.

i vibrate with the frequency of wealth.

i am so grateful to be wealthy.

i am so grateful to be rich.
