
“Girls like us pick up the hot handlesAnd burn our hands and we get over it”- The Julie

“Girls like us pick up the hot handles
And burn our hands and we get over it”
- The Julie Ruin, Girls Like Us

Hi, friends, for those asking/those that are curious: I am doing much better. I told you I was up & down! I wouldn’t say I’m at Walking-on-Sunshine-Katrina-&-the-Waves level 10, but my mood is most definitely I-Promise-Not-to be-an-Asshole-by-Arcwelder (that’s a real song by a real band, by the way–I played it at my wedding–do check it out).

MOOD BOOSTER #1) I got to video chat with girls from high school–you know, a good ol’ fashioned gab fest (it didn’t matter that my hair was 3 colors, that my nails were all broken, that I had gotten fatter–I needed this!)
MOOD BOOSTER #2) I talked to my mom–she always grounds me
MOOD BOOSTER #3) My husband is helping me–A LOT–from cooking to letting me pick out the movies we watch–which means dumb horror (gawd bless you, Sy Fy & can I say, gawd bless me?!?–I have been kinder & more patient, more understanding, etc)
MOOD BOOSTER #4) Fiona Apple’s FETCH THE BOLT CUTTERS couldn’t have come at a better time (seriously, this album has been playing nonstop)
& MOOD BOOSTER #5) I got a job–I’m reading again! Keeping busy!–focusing on more than just the news! My mind stopped turning to mush! Plus, I need the money–seriously!

I don’t mean to rub this in anyone’s face–so don’t take it that way–I’m just happy … (Don’t worry–Oregon has no date set to open up so I’m sure I’ll be back down soon enough!) Since I am feeling up, I’m reminded of that Lady Gaga & Florence Welch song & those lyrics, “Hey girl/If you lose your way/Just know that I got you” & I mean it–I have the energy now; I got you.

Thank you all for having my back, for responding & supporting. I <3 you all. I wish we could hug (but since we can’t, know I’m doing a princess/pageant wave &, possibly, blowing you a kiss).

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