#moon in 5th




Aries: I start to feel like im losing control so

Taurus: I start to feel uncomfortable with my surroundings so

Gemini: I start to have trouble verbalizing my feelings and thoughts so

Cancer: I start to feel unsafe so

Leo: My self-image starts deteriorating so

Virgo: I feel unorganized so

Libra: I feel out of balance so

Scorpio: I start being self-destructive so

Sagittarius: I feel trapped in my own mind so

Capricorn: I feel like a failure so

Aquarius: I feel too generic so

Pisces: I’m drowning in responsibilities so


1st house: I let everyone know through my self-expression to deal with it

2nd house: I pamper myself or but myself new stuff to deal with it

3rd house: I keep it to myself and overthink to deal with it

4th house: I cry and let it all out to deal with it

5th house: Do what makes me happy to deal with it

6th house: I organize or clean my environment and mind to deal with it

7th house: I distract myself with relationships and the people around me to deal with it

8th house: I start falling back into my usual bad habits to deal with it

9th house: I move somewhere else and leave people behind to deal with it

10th house: I start to be harder on myself and think of how I can be better to deal with it

11th house: I isolate myself to deal with it

12th house: I escape back to my own reality to deal with it.


how to recharge yourself emotionally (especially in quarantine times) according to your birth chart

painting by: Frederic Edwin Church (Clouds over Olana)

all people will have at least two ways to recharge themselves emotionally, and we can visualize them on the birth chart through the sign and the house that are present on the MOON.

moon in aries / moon in 1st house - act, do something about it. a piece of advice, by the way: don’t keep anything to yourself because knowing aries, we know how impulsiveness and the desire to put things out can blow everything up at once. so, are you stressed? do something about your problem, either talk, propose a solution, or just take action. aries has a lot of energy that need to be putted in something.

moon in taurus / moon in 2nd house - aromatherapy (perfumes and smells that soothe), massages, see landscapes and images of nature that provide calm and bring a sense of peace and fullness, and of belonging to the land; do gardening, touching the earth, moving with plants, buy something (beware of exaggerations and consumerism). you’ll feel better.

moon in gemini / moon in 3rd house - you have need to talk, so talk about what you are feeling, or even write (even if it’s to keep for yourself), people with this placement feel much better after expressing what they are feeling .

moon in cancer / moon in 4th house - you are sensitive and like to ‘digest’ the emotions around you. therefore, dont run away from it, seek to feel what arises in the way it arises and express it in some way, either creatively or in the way that seems most comfortable to you - provided it is done in a healthy way.

moon in leo / moon in 5th house - use your creative power to express yourself in some way. you can sometimes lack attention from other, and end up acting a little bit dramatically. use that for other things, like art and other forms of expression.

moon in virgo / moon in 6th house - organize things, feel useful, clean something. you tend to want to rationalize about your feelings, but I suggest you dont do it, because rationalizing the inner side can be bad. instead, rationalize something around you, organize things as i indicated, so the internal need to keep everything in order (even emotions) can improve.

moon in libra / moon in 7th house -being close to the people you like, going out in a group, or with your partner, dancing, artistic expressions, especially the bodily ones. watch something.

moon in scorpio / moon in 8th house - turn to yourself and try to reflect inside yourself about what happened. you need time to absorb everything. and what about have contact with spiritual things? regain faith in something. rituals, mystical things, incense, and the like.

moon in sagittarius / moon in 9th house - have some fun. do something that makes you laugh. watch funny shows, or comedies. imagine yourself traveling.

moon in capricorn / moon in 10th house - do something that make you feel that you taking care of your goals or your future. taking a course, or simply planning things might help you. try to remember of everything that you already made.

moon in aquarius / moon in 11th house - being with friends in some way. keep in touch with people. therefore, don’t isolate yourself from others (like friends), as this can lead you to emotional emptiness.

moon in pisces / moon in 12th house - isolate yourself, be alone for a while to recharge, enjoy the solitude, express feelings (whatever they are) through creativity - painting, writing, meditation to focus on yourself, baths (like a herbal one) to do an energetic cleaning.
