#moon night



Okay but the people in the bus literally saw a drunk man in a white suit get hit by a car, talk to his own reflection and then immediately winx club transform into a cape wearing mummy dude with glowing eyes

Steve/Moon Night’s assertion that the NHS will fill him full of anti-supervillain pills is the prefect bookend to the idea that Toby M’s Peter Parker doesn’t go to the hsopital after passing out from the spider bite because he lives in the U.S. and has no insurance.

third time’s the charm — jake lockley

summary: jake fronts for longer than usual, you attempt to make nice with him despite your ever growing feelings

warnings: jake is his own warning, v short mention of m*rder

notes: jake, my husband, my beloved, light of my life, moon to my stars . also mentioned steven x reader and marc x reader. GN!you


it wasn’t as though you were scared of jake, quite the opposite actually. you liked him (maybe more than you should, or more than steven and marc think you should). he was quiet, yes. unassuming. he walked on the balls of his feet so his footsteps were feather-light, his reflexes were insanely fast and apparently, he had no qualms in murderi—sorry, “finishing jobs” for khonshu. it was easy to see why the god favoured him. altogether, he was a decent man. to you, anyway and that was enough for now.

you saw jake rarely and each time he left you with more questions than answers. you didn’t mind him keeping to himself but you couldn’t deny the feeling inside of you that wanted to know him inside and out. you wanted…you wante—

the door to steven’s apartment opened with a click, drawing you out of your thoughts. you moved the bed covers off your legs and sat up.

“are you alright?” you called, “baby?”

they’d been away for a few days now, leaving you with nothing but a short text. you worried, of course, but you trusted them to keep themselves safe.

baby was marc’s nickname, he was usually the one to return from ‘missions’, he wanted steven to be as far away from it as possible.

“not quite.”

you squinted at the figure as he walked further in.

“jake?” you asked, already standing up and walking towards him, “are you hurt?”

you stopped a metre or so in front of him, hand reaching out into mid-air uncertainly.

“‘m fine,” he answered, walking past you to get to the kitchen, “where’s the coffee?”

“uh, the cupboard to the right of you,”

he picked up the coffee and made his way to the kettle.

“hey, sit down,” you encouraged, “you must be tired, i’ll do it.”

he stopped and turned to look at you.

“i’m fine.” he said stoically, flicking the kettle on.

“jake, please.”

he sighed (far too heavily, in your opinion) and moved to sit on a barstool at the kitchen counter.

“oh! i made pasta earlier, i’ll heat us some up.”

you busied yourself, happy to be looking after your boys again, even if you and jake weren’t— stop. you closed the microwave firmly.


jake was staying unusually long tonight. after the two of you had dinner, he left to take a shower and change his clothes. you wondered how steven and marc were and decided to ask jake when he was rested. it only took ten minutes for him to walk back into the room, dressed in a white shirt and black sweatpants. he seemingly ignored you as he laid down on the bed with a deep sigh.

you paused, a glass of water halfway to your mouth. he was in bed, in your bed. you crept across the room as silently as you could and stopped at the end of the bed. if you didn’t know jake, you would’ve assumed he was sleeping.

“come to bed, corazón.”

you took in a breath sharply, startled.

“oh, it’s alright, i’ll take the couch, goodnight.”

he said your name, stopping you in your tracks.

“come to bed,” he repeated.

you half expected yourself to snap into a salute and a ‘yes sir!

“okay,” you said faintly, moving to lie down next to him. you pulled the cover over you and snuggled down, making sure to keep a respectful distance between you.

“night, jake,” you whispered into the dark apartment.

“goodnight,” he answered, turning away from you and tugging at his pillow until he was comfortable. you frowned and tried not to miss marc and steven too much. it’s been days without them, you regretted that you wouldn’t be able to cuddle them as you usually do— unless. no. no.

but your hand was already reaching out to lightly tap jake on his back. he tensed under your touch and you saw him fight his reflex to grab you.


this was a bad idea.

“nothing,” you murmured.

he sighed and rolled over to look at you expectantly.

“can we cuddle?” you asked shyly, unable to make eye contact as your cheeks heated up. jake paused for a moment, then gently tugged your arm until you lay on his chest. you sighed happily and felt him place his hands uncertainly on your back. you dozed lightly, finally feeling content after four long days.

“love you, jake.” you yawned. you were fast asleep not a second later. you didn’t feel the way his arms tightened around you, one hand coming up to smooth over your head. he pressed himself into you and breathed the scent of your shampoo.

you were going to be the death of him.

