#mormon ex-mormon discussions


Sure, you may have the same issues putting a republican and democrat in the same room. And in my experience (also backed by research), it’s a human tendency to only attend to the information that already agrees with your world view.

But what if we could just ask each other simple questions without preaching to each other? What if instead of telling each other how the other thinks and feels, we ask those questions and get the real answers to avoid miscommunication, to help families understand each other, and to keep the peace?

This may go nowhere, but I think it’s important for people of differing views to be able to communicate so we can peacefully live side by side.

My question for true believing mormons/members (TBM’s): When someone you know has left the church, do you ask them why? Why or why not? Do you continue having those conversations or do you feel like you have to avoid the subject to maintain relationships?
