#morning witch



Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements

These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime


wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)

pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day

listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself

get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you

light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day

enjoy the morning bird chirping

do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day

incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast


have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up

take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you

take a morning swim if you can

moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day

make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day

collect morning dew

pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you

sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)

incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast


take a walk or jog

do some yoga

pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you

ground yourself

take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)

do a prosperity spell for the day

spend time with your pets

use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)

incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast


light a candle to set your intent for the day

enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth

do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready

meditate with the Sun

take vitamins and/or medications

stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)

use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day

carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)

incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast
