#lgbtq witch



I really would like to follow some LGBT witches on here.
If you identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, or bi, and you practice witchcraft reblog this and I will follow you!
I’m a gay eclectic wiccan looking to network with other queer witches.


✨The Signs as Witchy Practices✨

*check sun and moon!

~Aries~ Fertility magic, rejuvenation of the land, wax figures and hair in lockets, constant study and practice, containing passion in a potion, spells cast through speech, song and music. Summoning of storms and glimpses into the future.  

☕~Taurus~ Slow love potions, drawing in the earth, windchimes of bone and dried herbs, harvest and crop magic, sewing spells into clothing, symbols above doors and windows to ward off harm, herbal remedies, spells spoken softly to loved ones and the leaves, rain magic.   

✒️⛅~Gemini~ Gatherings of witches at dawn, trickery, shapeshifting, transfiguration, brewing luck and illusions, tarot and palm readings. Communal magic performed through movement, a mingling of voices, mind-reading and tides of music. Flight possible, exploring mountain peaks and far off lands. 

~Cancer~ Tide and moon based magic, nothing physical but instead visions, psychic intuition, premonitions and dream travelling. Healing of the soul possible, witches gather for dream time. Work with sea water perhaps, little speech: communication through the eyes instead.

️✨~Leo~ Celebration, festivities and potions: any feeling can be brewed and sold. Sky magic, painting in air, light and flame manipulation to create sights of beauty and illusion. Luck charms stored near the heart, candles lit in the dark, magic performed through poetry. All is shared.

️~Virgo~ Traditional magic, herbal remedies and balms, seclusion and documentation. Study of runes, numerology and forgotten, archaic practices. Use of stones and gems to map out the future, predictions for the next year made, tuning into energies and ghosts of the past.

~Libra~ Crystal, flower and light magic, collections stored in boxes, magic performed through paint and clay. Marital magic, the combining of souls and energies. Ancestral study and the crafting of charms to bring harmony and fortune. Storytelling through murals and mosaics.

️~Scorpio~ Sirens and selkies, manipulation of feeling and truth, shadow magic, hedonistic love spells, hypnosis. Magic performed through shell, bone and stone patterns. Soul mingling possible, binding of separate objects to create a whole.

️⏳~Sagittarius~ fortune telling, disappearance and flight. Spells baked into bread and shared on long journeys, magic performed through found objects, chanting and singing at dawn, burning incense and pilgrimage. Meditative magic, seclusion in ancient ruins.

️~Capricorn~ Resurrection magic, work with animal bones, burying luck charms in the soil. Tree-talking and stone whispering: mastery of the earth. Painting protection spells under loved ones beds, discovery of lone spaces and treasures, dowsing rods.

~Aquarius~ Casting spells while blindfolded. Fresh water magic, ritual and cleansing of the body, drawing patterns on the skin. Levitation practiced in stone circles, philosophy and the ethics of witchcraft discussed at dusk. Crystals placed on the palms and pages left to yellow in the sun.

~Pisces~ Flowers and candles floating in bowls of river water. The healing of wounds and sorrows, magic performed in silence or with soft song. Walking barefoot and heart magic: self-sacrifice and weaving protection bands for loved ones. Placing wishes into bottles and sending them off to sea.


Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements

These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime


wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)

pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day

listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself

get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you

light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day

enjoy the morning bird chirping

do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day

incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast


have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up

take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you

take a morning swim if you can

moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day

make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day

collect morning dew

pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you

sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)

incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast


take a walk or jog

do some yoga

pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you

ground yourself

take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)

do a prosperity spell for the day

spend time with your pets

use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)

incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast


light a candle to set your intent for the day

enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth

do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready

meditate with the Sun

take vitamins and/or medications

stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)

use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day

carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)

incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast

Full Moon in Virgo

We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus.

Attention towards details is on the increase, with a tendency to fault-finding, cleanliness and neatness. It is a good time to undertake routine, painstaking work, and to search for and correct errors. Your body may be more intolerant of low-grade food and harmful substances, and this is a good day to begin a diet.

The Moon in Virgo generally favors mental pursuits, work, routines and any activities that would benefit from tending to details.

This is a Full Moon Blessing I use on every full moon occurrence! Blessed be witches

Whether you celebrate Valentines Day or not, this is one of my artworks for Love!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all


Hello my fellow Christian witches, and my fellow pagan witches out there, I come to you with this post because I figured : “ hey! there are many witches out there and they all identify themselves with different forms like Sea Witch, Storm Witch, Swamp Witch, and the like. So why not introduce the types of magic that are really common and practiced among all of us witches out there!”

So here are the 5 Types of Magic, and I hope that no one feels offended, or feels like what is this asshole talking about? These types are so common, and are categorized according to the source of energy rather than the way!

Blessed be to all!

Types of Magic:
Magic has two components: intention and amplification. The following 5 classifications are based on that second component. I divided all the different types of magic according to the source of energy rather than on the way of doing it. On a side note, I did not include divination because it is NOT a form of magick. Divination is a way to gain insight: you can’t use it to manifest things (unless you use it as a magical tool). So, without further ado, here are the 5 basic types of magic.

This is probably the most common form of magic. Any magic that deals with the forces of nature falls under that category. Natural magic incorporates all four natural elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire) but also Sea, Weather, Crystals, and much more. Natural magic is also called folk magic or low magic because it does not require a lot of preparation and tools to perform. You can practice it anywhere, intuitively, using what you have on hand. Casting a sacred circle isn’t even necessary! It’s been practiced since the dawn of time by shamans, healers, medicine women, druids, and other traditional witches around the world. Potions, talismans and amulets are typical examples of natural magic (but you are not limited to these of course!).

Planetary magic draws its energy from heavenly bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, and the planets of our solar system. This kind of magic is based from the age-old tradition of astrology. Lunar and solar magic also falls under this category. In their simplest form, Full Moon rituals are a mix of natural and planetary magic. To perform planetary magic, you need a good knowledge of astrology and astronomy. This kind of magic requires more planning than natural magic because you have to carefully select the perfect time and material corresponding to your goal and to the planet that you will work with.

In Chaos magic, you draw your energy from your own psyche. To charge their spells, chaos magic practicionners need to be in a gnosis, or altered state of consciousness. This state can be attained in various ways such as meditation, drumming, dance, intense physical effort and even sexual intercourse. It’s only when you’ve reached this specific mental state that you can charge your spell with your own energy. It’s as if you were programming the Universe AND your own subconscious at the same time. For this reason, chaos magic doesn’t require a lot of preparation or theorical knowledge. If you know how to attain gnosis, you can practice it anywhere, using what you’ve got on hand. You don’t need to cast a sacred circle either. Of course, the most popular form of chaos magic is sigil crafting. However, there are many other ways to practice chaos magic such as the cut-up technique, linking sigils, and servitors. Since there are no rules in chaos magic, be creative and feel free to experiment. Keep in mind that anything that uses symbols can be used as a support for chaos magic, even tarot cards. However, be very careful what you wish for! Chaos magic is very neutral and unfiltered, so you might be surprised by the results of your spells.

Ceremonial magic is also called High Magic by some. It is an ancient form of magic that uses complicated sets of rules, rituals, symbols and tools. Its probably the most “occult” form of magic. The magic from all initiatic orders falls under this category (such as the Institute of Hermetic Studies, the Society of the Inner Light, O.T.O., Rosicrucians, Templars, Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, etc). Besides, you need to be initiated by a member in order to practice it. Here, the energy source is the egregor of each specific tradition. Since a lot of these traditions are highly philosophical, their spells and rituals need a lot of prior knowledge and planning. Since I’m not a member of any initiatic order, I don’t know much about it. All I know is that a lot of ceremonial magic is based on the Kabballah and alchemy.

Summoning magic draws its energy from entities of other planes of consciousness such as gods and goddesses, faeries, spirit animals, angels, and even demons and “ancestors,” for Dark Magic practitioners. Therefore, this category incorporates all rituals and spells requiring the summoning of an entity. Here, the practitioner does not act on their own. Instead, spells and rituals are performed in the name of the entity that has been summoned. This form of magic is practiced in all devotional magical traditions such as Wicca and other neopagan religions. Summoning magic requires knowledge, planning and dedication in the long run. Working with a spiritual guide of any kind is the most powerful form of summoning magic.

For my Christian witches,  I do not recommend the Summoning magic, although it is frequently used, because it is too easy for an evil entity to impersonate an angel of light, your dead ancestor, etc. It is quite dangerous, however popular it is. I do recommend praying to God. As for my pagan witches who prefer dealing with such entities, please be careful and keep protected! If ever visited by any evil entity do perform a banishment spell under any circumstances!

Wanted to share this for others to see! Since we don’t encourage labeling witches much! Here is an old post on types of magic we witches practice ❤️ love and light to all of you!

cleansing spell

this one’s great to help realign yourself when you’re just feeling a bit off, or if you feel like you’ve picked up other people’s energy, etc

what you’ll need;

white candle (birthday, tea light, whatever!)





glass of drinking water

☁️ in front of a fire safe bowl/whatever place your glass of drinking water. now lay a hefty pile of sugar into your bowl, you need enough to hold your candle upright, make sure to place it in the center of your sugar. going clockwise, add your honey in three circles around your candle. then take your rosemary (if it’s whole crumble it in your palm, if it’s powdered dw) now sprinkle it clockwise on top of and slightly around the outside edge of your honey circle, making three more circles. take your lemon and cut it in half, put one half in front of your candle next to the glass and begin to charge it with your intentions as you complete the spell. gently squeeze the lemon juice around the candle clockwise again like everything else until it’s given up most of its juice, make sure you’re working your intentions into everything as you do this, now light your candle. with the second half of the lemon slowly and gently squeeze most or all of its juice into your cup of water that’s been charging in front of the candle. work your intentions in as you do and drink up while you let your candle go out <3
